my pet is boss

Chapter 286 The Power of Love

Chapter 286 The Power of Love
As we all know, holy light is a kind of light magic. Only those with pure hearts can get the feedback of holy light and obtain the power of holy light.

Undead creatures are a kind of existence that violates nature and are not tolerated by the world.

How could Holy Light respond to this "evil creature"?
Only Archbishop Mailer, seeing the giant beam of light in the army of undead, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said to himself: "I knew it."

The Great Demon God looked at the rain of chaos he had summoned, unable to break through the defense of the Holy Light, and stretched out his arm for the last time.

The meteorites in the sky seemed to be inspired, and they all fell in the direction of the Great Demon God.
Such dense meteorites are all falling towards the same point. I am afraid that the Holy Light will not recover in time, and will be pierced by meteorites.

Both Archbishop Mailer and Undead Emperor Aiken realized at the same time that such an equal share consumes too much, and the recovery speed of the hit place is slowed down.

Only when the two forces gather together to increase the defense and resilience of the Holy Light Sky, can it be possible to catch all the remaining meteorite rain.

The Undead Emperor began to move towards the barrier, and Archbishop Mailer also gathered towards Shen Fei.

Stop the rain of chaos, and mankind will win the Second World War.
If it cannot be stopped, the extinction of the entire human civilization will start from Owendale.

Archmage Jordan, who had suffered internal injuries, got up from the ground and tremblingly came to the console of the mage tower.

Looking at the chaotic rain that Qiqi hit a little bit, his eyes were full of worry.

The spell of the holy light sky uses holy light to form a protective shield, which is a very powerful defensive move.

But every impact will make the Holy Light weaker, and if you want to maintain it, you can only increase the supply of Holy Light.

But people believe in the Holy Light, the power of the Holy Light is not infinite, and will eventually be exhausted.

Although there are now two equally well-matched holy lights on the battlefield, hundreds of thousands of meteorites are falling towards one point, and the loss of holy light is not a small amount.

If any meteorite fell down, the city walls of Owendale would not be protected, let alone such a meteorite was received with holy light.

Jordan reached out and drew a defensive circle in the air. This defensive circle was unprecedentedly complex.

It is not simply a superposition of magic circles, but the complementation of magic circles, doubling the effect.

The core is the strongest defensive circle of the Mage Academy. The magic circle also connects the defense with the elements, and the various elements in the air can bear the pressure together.

Jordan was injured, and now he had to spend his mind and heart drawing an extremely complicated defensive circle, exhausted his mind, and couldn't help but vomited a mouthful of blood.

The two beams of light on the battlefield are gradually approaching.
Exhausted, Zorak collapsed on the ground watching the human's useless resistance.

Everything in front of them will be wiped out, the sky of holy light can't stop the rain of chaos from the Great Demon God, everything is in vain.

The enchantment has been increased to three-quarters, and the rain of chaos is pounding on the sky of holy light.

Every time the meteorite falls, the holy light will fall off, mottled and fall from the sky, and the last bit of light will be released stubbornly during the fall, disappearing invisible.

The healing speed of the holy light cannot keep up with the speed of the rain of chaos.

The piece of holy light above everyone's heads looked so thin that they couldn't even see the original light of the holy light clearly.

One hand of the Great Demon God was raised high in the air, and it was too late to take it back.

It's like a beacon in the sea, directing all the meteorites to fall down.

After the meteorite shattered, the green evil energy that exploded inside was the biggest killer of the holy light besides black magic. It could corrode the light mask, and virtually increased the pressure on Mailer and Aiken.

Mailer could already see Aiken.

After all, the Undead Emperor, a Lich is very conspicuous on the battlefield, and above his head there is a pillar of holy light as thick as two people hugging each other.

Aiken saw his mentor again after 40 years, with a strange smile on his face, and said: "Archbishop, didn't you expect that? I have finally proved you wrong now! Holy light is not a symbol of light at all, and it does not require qualifications." .It's just energy, pure energy!"

The two walked towards each other, and after the holy light above their heads approached, the recovery speed was greatly improved, and finally there was a little color of the holy light above everyone's heads.

The Great Demon God panicked.
Seeing that the successive meteorites could not pierce the defense, the Great Demon God clenched his raised hand into a fist and clenched it tightly.

The meteorite in the sky felt something, and several pieces were all spliced ​​together to form a super meteorite several times larger than before.

Even meteorites in higher places in the sky gradually condensed into an asteroid.

It is more than a hundred times larger than the previous small meteorite.

Can the two of them survive such a smash?
Not to mention the rest of the coalition forces, even Mailer and Aiken also changed color.

If such a drop falls, if it cannot be stopped, the entire Owendale will probably be razed to the ground.

Mailer and Aiken walked together.

One is the Undead Lich, and the other is the Archbishop of the Holy Light Cathedral.

Completely different identities, the gap between life and death, but they all use the same kind of holy light in their hands.

"Everyone can grasp the Holy Light. This kind of power does not distinguish between good and evil, good and evil. As long as you believe in it sincerely, it exists!"

Aiken's eye sockets were hollow, but the power of the holy light in his hand was stronger, as if to prove something.

There was no grief or anger on Mailer's face, only gentle eyes.

The gratified eyes are like seeing your own children being praised in school, or memorizing a poem.

"As expected of my favorite disciple, I can already see this step."

As Mailer said, the skin on his hands began to loosen, and then the flesh and blood were blurred, exposing the white bones.

The skin on his face also began to fester, revealing half of his skull-like face.

Undead Emperor Aiken was so surprised that he couldn't speak a word, not a single word.

In his dreams, he imagined that in front of his former mentor Mailer, he would use the body of the undead to activate the holy light, making his jaw drop in shock, and proving that his theory was correct.

He did it today, too.

He saw the surprise on everyone else's face, but he didn't see this expression on Mailer's face, only a smile and relief.

Then his mentor Mailer surprised him.

Mailer's flesh and blood gradually healed and returned to normal form, and he did not speak again.

But Aiken has recovered and realized that his mentor, Mailer, the strongest believer in the Holy Light, the archbishop, is also an undead! ?

Aiken was in a trance, and his heart was turning a thousand times, trying to recall the scene of living with his teacher before.

There's not a single iota of evidence that Mailer is a lich.

Aiken searched his memory, and he can be sure that Mailer was definitely in human form before World War I.

Because when he was on the battlefield, he was injured and bled.

Even if the undead can disguise again, there is no blood in the body.

Is it because he felt that he was old and afraid of death, so he "fallen" into a lich, trying to live forever?

Although Aiken is a lich and has no eyes, Mailer still sees through his thoughts.

Mailer didn't answer, just held out his other hand in the air.

At the same time, Aiken felt that his soul and body were attracted at the same time, and there was an indescribable force in his body, wanting to get out of the body and return to the original source.

Aiken himself is a necromancer, and he immediately understood why.

As if struck by a bolt of lightning, he froze in place.

He got it, everything got it.

The beam of holy light in the hands of the two continued to maintain, and the meteorite in the sky was getting closer and closer, falling and rubbing against the surrounding air extremely hot.

Archmage Jordan's defensive circle was finally drawn, and his face was already pale.

Forcibly mobilize the mage tower, and use magic eyes to project the defensive circle on the dome of holy light.

Countless people looked up and saw that suddenly there was an extremely complicated magic circle in the sky of holy light above their heads.

All mage players present raised their heads, and the system reminded them to see the top magic circle at close range, and they were rewarded with 3 free attribute points.

The meteorite crashed down, hitting the defensive circle first.

The defensive circle turned red visible to the naked eye, as if countless tiny cracks had appeared in the transparent glass.

The meteorite was squeezed, and many cracks appeared on the surface, and there were even signs of collapse.

But in the next second, the entire defensive circle collapsed, and all the overflowing mana exploded.

Boom boom boom!
The meteorite fell, and the frictional air sent out a violent explosion.

The dome of holy light wears away at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into dust and scattering.

Mailer's expression was distorted, as if the holy light in his hand was extremely heavy.

Undead Emperor Aiken was still in shock.

He couldn't be more aware of the feeling of his mentor reaching out just now.

This is the induction between the lich and the phylactery.

He reaches out to the memoir, and the soul in the memoir responds in the same way.

Aiken understood it all.

After he died that day, his mentor couldn't hide his grief, so he went to the Immortal Forest to look for it in person.

Instead of finding his wandering soul, he saw his "incomplete" skeleton.

In order to bring Aiken back to life, Mailer used three days to "degenerate" himself into a necromancer.

Every lich has a phylactery, which is the key to the lich's resurrection.

Mailer's phylactery is Aiken's bones.

The bones gained energy, and Mailer used the Holy Light to guide Aiken's soul.
After doing all this, Mailer exited sadly.

In order to bring his lover back to life, he gave up being a human being, but chose to bear death and become a dead man.

Aiken's corpse became Mailer's phylactery, gaining vitality.

The soul and bones were reunited, and Aiken was resurrected as a necromancer.

Before, he thought that he was the only one who could understand the essence of the Holy Light, and also the first undead who could grasp the Holy Light.

She even wanted to see Mailer again, to show off in front of him, to see him stunned.

Unexpectedly, my mentor had already seen through the essence of the Holy Light as early as 40 years ago.

In order to save himself, he willingly degenerated into a necromancer.

Undead have no flesh and blood, but tears flowed from Aiken's eyes.

Aiken suddenly raised his other hand, and suddenly another burst of powerful holy light energy reached the sky and was sent to the dome of holy light.

The true meaning of Holy Light is not light or darkness, nor good or evil.

Faith can summon the holy light, but only those that can truly exert the power of the holy light.

is love.

PS: Chapter 3 has been delivered, everyone recommends a monthly ticket to give a reward and go!

(End of this chapter)

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