my pet is boss

Chapter 30 High-end customized power leveling service

Chapter 30 High-end customized power leveling service
This time "worshiping the sword" Shen Fei can be said to have gained both fame and fortune, of course Shen Fei knew in his heart that this was all due to his good luck.

If it continues today, it will definitely reveal its truth.

It's better to hang everyone's appetite, wait until the news spreads tomorrow, make a big profit and leave.

Many people saw today's scene. Many players hated themselves for not paying money to worship the sword at the first time. Waiting for another day's news to ferment, there must be more players who know about it. Money needs to be earned, and faith values ​​​​are also required In the end, even if Shen Fei is exposed in the end, he can directly find the coachman and sneak to the nearest Tuk County.

If you have the ability, you can upgrade to level 10 and come to Touk County to hunt me down!

Shen Fei applauded his ingenuity, there is still something like hunger marketing going on.

He left the blacksmith shop under the watchful eyes of everyone, and countless people behind him waved their arms, sending Shen Fei away reluctantly, and told him to come back on time tomorrow.

Shen Fei was almost moved to tears, this is the 100th year of Xing Hai Ji, such a simple player who gives money and faith is rare.

Then I went to the trading square and bought two fur materials, and I was going to find someone to make the leather-making drawings on my hand.

The blueprint for leather making in Shen Fei's hand is a blueprint for a pair of leather boots, and footwear is a very rare thing at this stage.Shen Fei didn't notice it at first, but later he got dungeon rewards several times, and got a lot of skill books and forging blueprints. It was the first time he saw the leathermaking blueprints for footwear.

Because there are not many leather-making blueprints, Shen Fei didn't see many people when he came to the leather-making shop.

I placed an order directly and hung up the drawings and materials.

Shen Fei also knows that it is not easy for players who learn leather making to survive. Learning forging in the early stage also has weapon blueprints to play, but learning leather crafting in the early stage is very hard, and there are no blueprints for practicing hands, so Shen Fei thinks twice, and the order is hung up for 1 copper coin.

It is kind enough to give them an order so that they can practice their hands. The 1 copper coin is only given in the face of the labor law.

As soon as Shen Fei walked out of the leather shop after placing the order, someone snatched up the order.

For these players who have learned leather-making skills, this order is completely life-saving. No matter what the price is, it is good enough to have blueprints for them to make and improve their proficiency.

Shen Fei had no choice but to turn back the same way, and when he entered the store, he found that his order had been made.

"So fast? It took less than 30 seconds for me to go out and come in. Is it okay to order?"

Shen Fei took the footwear and left the leather shop directly. As for who took the order to make the things, he also cared about it.

There are still two days left in Xinshou Village, Shen Fei has to find a way to maximize his benefits within these two days, so he has to hurry up.

Afterwards, Shen Fei went directly to the Giant Wolf Crypt on the mountainside. At this time, some players had already gathered here.

Shen Fei appraised the leather boots, which were of ordinary quality. The only consolation was that the movement speed was 5 points higher than the initial shoes.Glancing at the maker, it was a player named "Ayou".

The hunter skill book dropped in the previous dungeon was a level 12 general skill [Freezing Trap], which Shen Fei could not learn yet.

After finishing the preparations, Shen Fei walked to the gathering stone, leaned closer to some single players, looked at them mysteriously, and winked: "Friend, do you want to find a power leveling?"

It's just that Shen Fei's tone and expression always make people think of the enthusiastic middle-aged woman at the door of a dimly lit small hotel near the train station.

Many players naturally keep a respectful distance from this weird guy.

Just when Shen Fei was thinking about how to play the title of "The Strongest Power Leveling", a few players suddenly appeared in the background, and it seemed that Tu Tuan died in the dungeon, and was sent out of the dungeon team after being resurrected.

"I'm not going to fight anymore. Whoever loves to fight should go for it. I haven't seen a dungeon that has been destroyed more than a dozen times, and I haven't even seen the boss!"

"This shield battle is a staff, right? Instead of mocking and healing the monsters next to it, it's too slippery to help a mage instead!"

"I can't stay with you anymore. The repair fee is more than ten copper coins. You can play by yourself."

Three people in the team all quit the team after complaining, leaving only one shield and one mage.

Shen Fei leaned aside and listened to a lot, and after listening to it, he felt that there was something in the conversation!
First of all, all professions are born with two basic skills. The basic skills of shield battle are [taunt] and [bronze wall and iron wall].From the conversation of a few people just now, it is known that this shield battle also has the skill of [Rescue and Protection], which is obviously learned from the skill book that exploded from the BOSS.

A few people were complaining that they couldn't play the shield battle, so it was obvious that this guy was a wealthy player, and the skill book for the shield battle must have been bought from someone else.

Looking at the female mage next to this guy, her eyes were full of tears and pitiful, and the local tyrant shield warrior looked flustered and frantically comforted him. Couples are like glue, a picture of Ernong and me.

Isn't this a good time for him to go out as "the strongest power leveling"?

Shen Fei leaned forward, squeezed out a smile that he thought was very kind, and asked, "Friend, have you heard of power leveling?"

The two young lovers were still having an awkward fight, they frowned when they heard Shen Fei's words, and waved their hands impatiently: "Go, go, go, don't you see that I'm busy here?"

Shen Fei didn't talk any more nonsense, he gestured to the dungeon with his eyes and asked: "If I'm not wrong, you guys just died to the death, do you want to get through the dungeon?"

These words seem to have magic power. If you don't want to break through the dungeon, why spend money on skills?
With one sentence, Shen Fei strangled the lives of these two people.

The two exchanged eye contact for a while, and then asked, "Can you lead us through the level 6 dungeon?" You must know that the five of them have been killed more than a dozen times just now, and the dungeon failed to pass, but it broke the mentality of passers-by teammates. up.

Shen Fei didn't speak, this is the time to reflect the celebrity effect.

Send a team application directly, and the two of them will be extremely surprised when they see their names.Shen Fei once suspected that the female mage next to her would yell with excitement, and even faint.

[The opponent is already in a team, the invitation failed]

What Shen Fei waited for was not worship and screams, but a cold system notification tone.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

"Ahem, you form me into the team first."

After a while, Shen Fei received an invitation message and immediately agreed to join the team.

Taking a look at the names of the two, she and Shen Fei were right, they were licking...the name of a couple.

The female elemental mage is called [Master Yin], and the male shield warrior is called [Master Yin's Meow].

Shen Fei glanced at the names of the two, pondered for a moment and asked to the shield battle: "Brother, do you have a room?"

(End of this chapter)

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