my pet is boss

Chapter 40 Touk County

Chapter 40 Touk County

In the real world, Shen Fei, who had to do his best to earn a living, had never seen such a magnificent scene.

The giant eagle soared its wings and rushed directly into the clouds, leaving the snow tops and clouds far behind.Through the sparse clouds and mist, Shen Fei saw the huge Tuke County not far away, and its scale was at least ten times that of Xinshou Village!
The highest point of the town is the huge bell tower, which complements the bell tower with the cathedral two streets away. The cathedral is full of Gothic style. Numerous spires are surrounded by pointed arches, giving people a feeling that they are about to be inserted into the sky.

At the outermost end, a river flows through the town, forming a very lively pier, which seems to put an end to this long scroll.

The giant eagle settled outside the town, and Shen Fei found out that besides the giant eagle and the carriage, there were strange legendary creatures like griffins in the car dealership here.The body and claws of a lion, the head and wings of an eagle, are strong and powerful.

"Welcome to Tookshire, my friend!"

The first thing Shen Fei did after entering the town was to find a hotel to settle down, and reset the return point to Jasmine Hotel in Tuk County.

Then I started to wander around the town to see if there was a place where I could pick up the quest.

Shen Fei was the first to arrive at the tallest clock tower in the city that he saw on the back of the giant eagle. He originally wanted to climb up the clock tower to overlook the entire Tuk County, but was stopped by the guards at the door.It was only then that Shen Fei knew that this place was not only the clock tower, but also the entire Tuk County office site and the city hall.

Afterwards, Shen Fei went to the entrance of the cathedral and was turned away again, the reason was that Shen Fei did not believe in the Holy Light.

This Tuk County is the largest human town that Shen Fei has seen since he woke up. It is said that the scale of the Holy City is at least ten times larger than that of Tuk County, and the buildings inside are also more magnificent. Hear the echo of the blessing of the archbishop in the city.It's just that when Shen Fei asked about King Lucien, the residents in the city shook their heads helplessly, saying that Tuke County hadn't had any contact with the outside world for several months.

Touk County is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there are only two roads to go out.

One is to climb mountains and cross the wind and cloud hills, and the other is the waterway.

The wind and cloud hills are rugged and difficult to travel. It is rumored that there are terrible monsters living on the mountains. Merchants and residents rarely leave the mountains, and most of them choose the sea route.

Because it is adjacent to a river bend, the fishing industry in Touk County is very developed, and most of the information to the outside world is transported by boats.

The municipal executive had sent news to the holy city through the griffins several times before, but none of the griffins that flew out successfully brought back the news of the holy city, and even the griffins did not come back.

Later, even the boats going out of the river stopped. I heard that there seemed to be something strange in the big lake outside. Recently, boats often crashed here.

This made the executive officer think that something enveloped the entire Touk County, preventing them from communicating with the outside world.

And recently there is news that there are inexplicable whispers and strange voices in Touk County at night, and there are evil spirits haunting them.The consul signed and promulgated a curfew order, and only night watchmen dared to act in the town at night.

These news are useful information collected by Shen Fei after wandering around Tuk County.

In short, what tasks need to be completed in order to open the setting of Tuk County leading to the outside world, Shen Fei has become accustomed to it.

The first thing that came to Shen Fei's mind was the weird tentacles and whispers that appeared at the bottom of the "Giant Wolf Crypt", which seemed to be completely consistent with what these people described.

If Shen Fei's guess is correct, the tasks that need to be completed to unlock Touk County will definitely be led to that weird tentacle in the end.

It is very likely that this is a big boss in the game.

Shen Fei remembered the words of the Pale Wolf King, that the hideous tentacles in the "Giant Wolf Crypt" are most likely just the tip of a terrible iceberg.

"This time it must be related to this big boss! Even the next town will definitely reveal some clues!"

Shen Fei has figured out the routine of the system, this mysterious and huge tentacle monster must be the first version of the boss that players face.

One-pass analysis is as fierce as a tiger, and he opened his eyes to see two hundred and five.

Shen Fei thought so much in a mess, but there were not fifty or one hundred people who walked around and chatted with him. Shen Fei was stunned that he didn't receive a single task!
It's a kind of unbearable discomfort.

He clearly knew his mission goal and purpose, but...

It's just that I can't find the NPC who posted the task.

Shen Fei hadn't thought about it, the task might be issued by the consul or the bishop of the church.He tried to enter both the city hall and the cathedral, but every time he reached the door, he was stopped by the guards.

The trading square was empty, and the blacksmith shop was also empty. Shen Fei was the only player in Turk County.

"It's better to wait until the curfew at night and then sneak out to see what it is." Shen Fei suddenly had a bold idea.

Since it is said that there are evil spirits at night, then it is better to wait until night before acting.

As for the time now...

Shen Fei found a bow and arrow merchant to buy enough arrows, and walked towards Fengyun Hill outside Tuke County.

It's afternoon now, and there will be at least two or three hours before night falls, Shen Fei just uses this time to kill monsters and level up in the wild.

At the foot of Fengyun Hill is a deep forest. The deep forest stretches all the way to wrap half of the mountain range. With the sparse vegetation, the rocks eroded by the years are exposed. The higher place is covered with snow all the year round. Under the blowing of the wind, continuous snowflakes were blown up, and the snowflakes blended with the clouds and mists. Standing at the bottom of the mountain, it seemed that all the clouds and mists were made from the top of the mountain, blowing away and spreading.

According to Shen Fei chatting with the people in the town before, the highest place is called Fengyunding.

Of course, Shen Fei definitely didn't have the leisure to climb up to Fengyunding, not to mention the time-consuming, just looking at the snow that never melts, one can imagine how cold it is.

Wearing a thin leather armor, what should I do if I freeze to death on it?Who is responsible for this matter!

As soon as he approached the edge of the deep forest, Shen Fei noticed something strange.

The big trees on the edge of the deep forest are growing very well, and there are no scratch marks on the bark, except for some low shrubs, which seem to have various traces of being trampled on, appear extremely messy, and even have various mottled spots. Broken branches.

Glancing into the secluded forest, there was a strange and gloomy feeling.

Shen Fei went to the edge of the secluded forest and squatted down to take a look. Some of the broken branches and leaves of the bushes were half lush and lush, but the other part seemed to be burned by something, and the leaves were dry, hard and yellow. Just a little bit of force, they all turned into powder .

Looking at the traces of trampled broad leaves on the ground, they are not traces left by humans or rodents, but more like traces left by some kind of arthropod.

Shen Fei spread out his palms and placed the broad leaves flat in his palms. There were traces of being squeezed by gravity in the center of the broad leaves, and the leaves were all lifted around them.

Judging from the experience of Shen Fei survival master, this kind of arthropod is not small in size, and its weight is almost comparable to that of an adult man.

PS: Please recommend tickets~ The new book needs everyone's full support!

(End of this chapter)

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