my pet is boss

Chapter 43 Reward Mission

Chapter 43 Reward Mission
[The Truth of the Dark Night in Touk County] (Unique): There have been a lot of weird things happening in Touk County recently, and no one seems to be able to do anything about it. There are a lot of gossips circulating in the town, which increases the panic among the people.Investigate the truth of the night chaos in Took County, and let Took County regain its former prosperity and excitement.

Task reward: 3 free attribute points.

Free attribute points are a good thing. Only after the player reaches level 10 will each level up reward 3 free attribute points.The task rewards 3 points of free attributes, which is equivalent to giving away a level for nothing.

This is not what Shen Fei is most concerned about, what he is most concerned about is the affix "unique" in brackets after the task.

This task is unique, that is, no one else will receive this task after he finishes it.

It was also because Shen Fei was the first player to come to Tuke County, and was the first to unlock the mission of the fat boss of the Jasmine Hotel.

Thinking of the spiders in Touk County at night, Shen Fei felt that it was very possible that after the mission was completed, a new dungeon would be unlocked, and it was these highly poisonous tarantulas that he would fight.

Of course, these are Shen Fei's personal guesses now, but they are set according to the guidance of the system, the possibility is relatively high.

"As expected of a warrior who came out of Novice Village, I have seen the heroic demeanor of King Lucien from you, and I believe you will be able to help Turk County resolve this crisis. Take my letter of introduction and go to the city hall to find the consul. He'll tell you what happened."

When Shen Fei accepted the task, the attitude of the fat boss changed immediately. He even gave Shen Fei 5 cups of malt beer, all of which were used to replenish mana, and Shen Fei put them all into his backpack.

When the morning bell rang, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the filthy evil spirit disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

After Shen Fei went out, he saw that the town had returned to the bustling scene of yesterday. People came out of their houses and skillfully removed the wooden boards at the door.

Shen Fei glanced at the plank of the Jasmine Hotel, the sharp white scratches were clearly visible.

Came to the gate of the city hall, handed in the letter of introduction, this time the guards at the gate did not stop Shen Fei, and made a way for him to go in to meet the consul.

The city hall is not big. After entering the door, go up the stairs and you will see an office. At the end of the round table sits a middle-aged bald NPC with the five big characters of Consul Reed on his head.

"I heard that an outsider came yesterday, or did he come from Novice Village?" Consul Reed had a look in his eyes, which was exactly the same as the fat boss stared at Shen Fei yesterday.

Reed adjusted his glasses: "The fat boss of the Jasmine Inn seldom praises others, but this time he praised you, thinking that you might reveal the truth about the dark night in Touk County."

Ever since Shen Fei was cheated once by blacksmith Horton at the blacksmith shop in Xinshou Village, he didn't dare to underestimate these NPCs at all. Sold in your own blacksmith shop.

These NPCs also have intelligence and personality, no different from real people.

Shen Fei still didn't speak, he could hear that the consul had said so much and had something to say.

"Yes, you can hold your breath at a young age, and I'm starting to be interested in you. Go to the secluded forest of the Wind and Cloud Hills to prove your ability. The poisonous tarantula is a very terrifying monster. They live in groups, and their speed Extremely fast, they are the culprits who ravaged Tuk County, consume their strength, and bring back the spoils."

It wasn't until Consul Reed said that Shen Fei's task interface opened the next link. The task was to kill 30 highly poisonous tarantulas in the secluded forest of Fengyun Hill and bring back their poison sacs.

Shen Fei left the city hall straight after receiving the task.

time does not wait.

A lot of time was wasted last night in order to activate the mission, and the setting in Touk County is also very unfriendly. If you don't return to the Jasmine Hotel at night, you will be strangled by massive groups of poisonous tarantulas.

Don't doubt the combat effectiveness of the poisonous tarantula. With Shen Fei's current level, it will be difficult for him to fight against both sides. It will only be worse for other players.

Fortunately, Shen Fei already had 13 poisonous sacs on his body, so he only needed to kill 17 more poisonous tarantulas in order to complete the task.

While Shen Fei was spawning monsters in the Youlin, the campaign to hunt down the liar Shen Fei in Novice Village was still in full swing.

More and more "victims" have joined the wanted army. If there is a world channel in the game, it is estimated that Shen Fei is already wanted by the world.

Now the commission for killing Shen Fei has been raised to 50 silver coins, whoever can kill Shen Fei once can receive a large bounty.

People make money and birds die for food. Such a huge bounty has also made countless small groups eager to move.

Just because one person can't kill it doesn't mean a group of people can't kill it!

Ten people form a team, and after a successful kill, each person can get 5 silver coins. Where can you find such a good thing?

It's a pity that everyone turned Xinshou Village upside down, but they couldn't find Shen Fei's whereabouts.

It wasn't until a team received the task of "Wolf King's Token" that they found clues in the conversation with the old village chief. It turned out that Shen Fei had killed the Pale Wolf King. .

When everyone reacted, they were all in a cold sweat.

They worked so hard to upgrade and upgrade their equipment, and only then did they clear the level 6 dungeon "Rise of the Human Race" and prepare to enter the level 10 dungeon "Giant Wolf Crypt". Who would have thought that Shen Fei had already cleared two dungeons a day ago. The long-term handed in the task and flew away.

"How on earth did this guy do it?"

When everyone else was still at level 10 or [-], he directly killed the final boss of the level [-] dungeon, cheating Qian and his sister-in-law... Ah, no cheating Qian and flying away.

When they finish the task of going out of the village and go to Tuke County, what kind of new face will Shen Fei greet them?

Or this guy, won't run away again?

Thinking of this, those who were deceived by Shen Fei tried their best to spawn monsters in the dungeon.

What they threw was not a few copper coins to Shen Fei, they were all respectable people in the real world, but they were played around by a young boy in the game, they couldn't afford to lose this person!

In the secluded forest of Fengyun Hill, Shen Fei finally collected 30 poison sacs.

Killed 17 highly poisonous tarantulas, and the level has also been raised to level 12.

This time, Shen Fei didn't rush to get 3 free attributes, but first learned the "Freezing Trap" skill book that had been in his backpack for a long time.

[Freezing Trap]: Place a trap on the ground, freeze the first enemy that passes by, making it unable to move within 10 seconds, any damage will cancel this effect, and the trap will last for up to 60 seconds

Mana Cost: 20 points

According to Shen Fei's guess, at the end of the mission, he must face the boss. He still doesn't know the specific settings of the boss, so he is not in a hurry to add these 3 attribute points.

Now Shen Fei knows the three skills of poisonous snake sting, pulling chain and freezing trap. As for taming wild beasts, Shen Fei doesn't count them at all.

PS: Don’t wait for the next chapter of Cultivation Party, everyone go to bed early
(End of this chapter)

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