my pet is boss

Chapter 45 Super Powerful!

Chapter 45 Super Powerful!

In front of the assembly stone of the "Giant Wolf Crypt" in Xinshou Village, the Leng sisters summoned all three teammates.

"Miss, things are like this, there are not many staff who are still supporting us now."

A shield warrior who looked quite old, with a gray beard and a plate armor, looked quite old-fashioned and capable, but he was very respectful to the Leng family sisters in his words.

"Sister! They are betraying! The company and Leng's family are the ones who train them and pay them. Why should they go to the dark camp with the vice president. And that Director Chen, I said earlier that he is not a good person. Thinking of taking some people away at this juncture." Leng Ling looked annoyed, her body was trembling slightly, obviously very angry.

Leng Qingqiu's brows showed a rare look of sadness: "The top priority now, we can only hurry up to level up, create a guild as quickly as possible, and see if we can win back the staff from the light camp."

The old shield warrior frowned: "I'm afraid Chairman Chen thinks the same way, upgrade and complete the task of creating a guild as soon as possible, if they grab the company name first, the situation will be very unfavorable to us."

Now many people have got clues. If you want to create a guild, you must be at least level 10, and you must complete the corresponding task line to successfully create a guild.

Although Leng Qingqiu already has level 10, the level of the others is not very high. Leng Ling is now level 9, while Uncle Guan and the other two cronies are only level 7.

"Time waits for no one, we can try to open up the dungeon of [Giant Wolf Crypt] now. Now we can play the dungeon of [Rise of the Human Race], and the income is a bit low." For Leng Qingqiu, it is necessary to race against time and create it before the other party. guild.

"Is our current level a bit low?" Uncle Guan's doubts were palpable. First of all, the five-man lineup was an extremely embarrassing chopper team.

Shield Warrior, Templar, Weapon Master, Madman, and Swordsman are all physical melee classes.

Such a chopper team has extremely high requirements for positioning, and there is not even a legal output profession in the team.

"I think we can give it a try. If it doesn't work, let's go to level 6 [Rise of the Human Race] copy again."

Now that Missy has made a decision, Uncle Guan, who is the housekeeper of the Leng family, can only accept it.

Leng Qingqiu suddenly thought of Shen Fei, and sent a private message on the friend interface, asking Shen Fei about the strategy and key points of [Giant Wolf Crypt].

Shen Fei was currently choosing clothes in a clothing store, when he suddenly received a private message from a friend, he couldn't help but click on it, and it turned out that it was a message from the person he least expected.

Leng Qingqiu: May I ask what are the precautions and skills of the [Giant Wolf Crypt] dungeon, of course it is not for nothing, I will post the gold coins obtained from the dungeon to you as a reward.

Hey, as expected of a young lady from a wealthy family, she handles things so authentically and impeccably, much better than her younger sister.

Shen Fei has always admired Leng Qingqiu's style of doing things.

Whether it was the first time to help out in the wild, or to pay more after forging blue boutique weapons, these were all proposed by the other party.Although this guy has a face that strangers are not allowed to enter, his style of handling things is still refreshing and impeccable.

Shen Fei didn't rush to give advice, but asked about Leng Qingqiu's team configuration and level.

When he heard that it was the chopper team, Shen Fei was actually happy.

This is simply the standard configuration of the Violent Chopper Team. Tell Leng Qingqiu all the points that need to be paid attention to in the dungeon, and remind Leng Qingqiu to use the blue excellent weapon by the way. This dungeon should not be too easy to fight.

Regarding the fighting style of the three-color wolf and the pale wolf king, Shen Fei also talked with the pale wolf king after pulling out his teeth. It's not a loss if you have a little money.

After Leng Qingqiu expressed his thanks, he led the team directly into the dungeon.

As soon as they entered the [Giant Wolf Crypt], a violent heat swept over them, and the five couldn't help stretching out their arms to resist.

The first thing that catches the eye is the bloodthirsty wolf covered in blood, which looks more ferocious and ferocious than the wild wolf outside.

"Be careful, the bloodthirsty wolves in the dungeon all have their own bloodthirsty effect, and their attack speed is faster than the wild wolves outside, so don't take it lightly."

Hearing this, Leng Ling's smart eyes sparkled, and he couldn't help but put his hand on the bridge of his nose: "Sister, are you asking Shen Fei all these questions?"

"Hmph, why did this stinky guy reply to your message? I sent him a message yesterday and he kept pretending to be dead!"

Uncle Guan and two cronies on the side heard Shen Fei's name, and couldn't help but secretly startled: "This Shen Fei, shouldn't it be the first Shen Fei who killed the world boss and started the dungeon mission?"

Leng Ling had a determined expression that had already seen through the truth: "This Shen Fei must have fallen in love with my sister, otherwise why would I only reply to my sister's news and not mine, the truth must be like this!"

Leng Qingqiu's face didn't fluctuate at all, he stretched out his hand to hold Leng Ling's head and pushed it aside: "Boring. I just promised to give him all the gold coins obtained from these dungeons."

Leng Ling was still unconvinced, and put his hands on his hips: "Hmph, Shen Fei is such a stingy person, if it were someone else, he would definitely pay the money first and then send out the strategy. Why does he treat you differently? I want to tell you the strategy first."

"Maybe I'm not being unreasonable."

Leng Ling was like the lid of a pot of boiling water, whimpering with anger.

"Uncle Guan, let's start the monster."

The three of them are used to the daily bickering between the eldest lady and the second lady.Uncle Guan responded, and directly [taunted] to start the monster.

The density of monsters in the dungeon of [Giant Wolf Crypt] is much smaller than that of the dungeon of [Rise of the Human Race], and the terrain is mainly long and narrow.

As a level 7 boss with only 390 blood points, Uncle Guan is also afraid of this, so he should be careful when pulling monsters.

I have to say that the attack speed of the bloodthirsty wolf is quite powerful, and it just bit off 30 points of blood from the shield warrior Guan Shu in one bite.

Leng Qingqiu didn't talk nonsense, and directly replaced the level 10 blue excellent long sword [Bright Gospel] forged by Shen Fei, and rushed to the front line to start output.

[Bright Gospel] It looks different from the weapons in other people's hands. The slender sword is exquisite and extraordinary. In the cave full of anger and flames, there is a slight golden light shining, which is holy and extraordinary.

A sword slashed on the bloodthirsty wolf, and at the same time as the damage was done, Uncle Guan was bathed in a ray of holy light, and twenty points of blood were returned directly.

The chopper team's physical attack power is extremely violent, and they don't need to pay attention to their positions at all, they just rush up and do it.

When facing the old boss, the black-backed giant wolf, the most mobile lunatic among the five went to pull the two mobs, and the remaining four were outputting with all their strength, and took down the first boss of the dungeon without any effort.

Leng Qingqiu, a templar plate armor healing profession, also provided good damage in the team, and the amount of healing did not fall behind, as if this was not a dungeon with five people, but a dungeon with six people.

The remaining three didn't react at first, and they didn't notice Leng Qingqiu's distinctive weapon until the No. [-] boss was killed and rested to recover.

"Missy's weapon doesn't look like ordinary goods!"

Before Leng Qingqiu opened his mouth, Leng Ling hurriedly answered: "Shen Fei made it for my sister, a blue sophisticated weapon!"

Then he gritted his teeth angrily: "It took one silver coin!"

Until Leng Qingqiu posted this weapon, the other three couldn't help gasping when they saw it.

These three attributes plus special attack effects are too fierce!
"This silver coin is worth the money!" This weapon is not only a Templar, but it can be used in any melee combat.The higher the attack, the stronger the special effect recovery.

"Miss, it is fate and a blessing to know such a big man. Now that the company is fragmented and we have the weakest power in our hands, it is even more important to have a good relationship with a big man like Shen Fei at this time. Forging will definitely have a place in the future."

Leng Qingqiu just nodded, since she saw Shen Fei for the first time, he was extraordinary.For this kind of player who is destined to be extraordinary, it is natural to have a good relationship.But if Leng Qingqiu wants to sacrifice something in order to win her over, she is not the kind of person who has no bottom line.

"The next tricolor boss should pay attention. They will each release an abnormal state. These abnormal states cannot be eaten by the tank alone. We will pull one each at that time, and then pull them together to kill them when they have eaten the state."

(End of this chapter)

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