my pet is boss

Chapter 63 Holy Light Monastery

Chapter 63 Holy Light Monastery

The benefactor thought for a moment, this is the truth, if the younger brother and the boss are worth the same, who is the younger brother and who is the boss?

"Then how much should I pay?" the benefactor asked, he didn't want to stay in this stinky cage for a moment.

A young master who was well-clothed and well-fed since he was a child, had nothing he could not get since he was a child. Who would have thought that one day he would be played around by a half-grown child and sent to a dungeon.

How can Shen Fei be accurate about things like social status?
"Just watch and give it."

The gold master heard Shen Fei say this again, and his whole heart trembled.What does this look like?

The gold owner hesitated for a moment, then initiated a transaction application, and the amount was 3 gold coins.

Seeing the amount of gold coins, Shen Fei was overjoyed for a long time, adding these 3 gold coins, he had a total of 28 gold coins.

But soon Shen Fei sighed lightly, he is good at everything, but he has the biggest problem - obsessive-compulsive disorder.

28.35 is a number with zeros and whole numbers, which is very uncomfortable to look at.

Seeing the disgusted look in Shen Fei's eyes, the benefactor panicked and immediately chose to cancel the transaction.

The money is not in place.

The gold owner re-applied for the transaction, this time the amount was 6 gold coins.

Shen Fei fell into deep thought again. With the addition of these 6 gold coins, his deposit was 31.35 gold coins, and it was still very uncomfortable to have the odds and the whole.

The gold master's face turned green, and Shen Fei's expression was even more painful this time than before. Could it be that there is something taboo about the number 6?
Quickly withdrew, this time with an auspicious number, perfect!It's not going to be a problem, is it?The heart of the gold master is bleeding, and the price of going to the dungeon is too high. For no reason, there is a loss of 10,000+. Who can bear it?
Seeing the number 10, Shen Fei felt very uncomfortable, but after thinking about it, it was important to get down to business, let himself bear the pain silently, who made him the governor of Tuk County now.

Pull everyone into the team. Now there are more than 50 players, which is enough to cooperate with NPCs to launch an attack on the Holy Light Cathedral.

A group of people came out of the dungeon and rushed to the Holy Light Cathedral in the center of Tuk County.

It is more of a monastery than a cathedral.

Behind the steeple churches, there is a wall built with huge stones. Hundreds of believers and monks live in the monastery.

Shen Fei lined up his troops, and arranged the five Avengers and the benefactor's thugs at the front of the team, followed by the team of players who paid the money, and at the end was the corps of Tuk County.

The five members of the Leng family and Fuman followed Shen Fei.

Leng Ling didn't understand Shen Fei's arrangement very well, let these people rush to the front, and then let them take all the benefits, wouldn't he be at a loss?

Shen Fei ignored Leng Ling's complaints, in his opinion, the player died as soon as he died, and he could be resurrected anyway.But the death of these NPCs means that the data is completely erased, and there is no possibility of recovery.Compared with players, these NPCs are unique.

Since Shen Fei is the highest officer of Tuk County, within the scope of his ability, he will protect the safety of these straightforward men, and prevent their children from becoming orphans like Fuman in the future.

Besides, there is not another sentence that is good.

The soldiers and horses did not move, and the dog licked first.

Let this group of licking dogs explore the way first, and they will be responsible for supporting them.

Everyone rushed into the Holy Light Cathedral together. The monks and believers in the church seemed to have evaporated, and there was no one in sight.

"The second floor of the underground prison."

But soon everyone killed them, and no enemy was encountered on the two floors of the prison, leaving only an empty blood cocoon.

Seeing the broken blood cocoon, Shen Fei breathed a sigh of relief.The restriction disappears, at least the one in the void can no longer stare so closely.

A group of people marched to the corridor at the back door of the cathedral, which connected the cathedral and the monastery.

The scene in front of them made everyone take two steps back, and the five Avengers, who were arranged to rush forward as death squads, were so frightened that their legs were shaking.

Leng Qingqiu stretched out his hand to cover Leng Ling's eyes, not letting her see these disgusting pictures.

There were many pieces of meat on the ground, some of which could be clearly identified as palms, thighs, and heads. The rest were bloody and bloody, with intestines mixed with brains flowing all over the ground, which had reached the point where it was difficult to recognize.

A brutal massacre took place inside the cathedral.

Shen Fei pushed away the crowd and walked to the front, resisting the desire to vomit, squatting down and looking at the corpse.

These body parts have obvious marks of being cut by sharp objects, which look very similar to knife wounds.But the knife wounds are not enough to directly dismember the corpses. Judging from the heads, there are at least dozens of corpses in this place.

The scene was too cruel, and it was a completely unilateral massacre.

The iron gates on the north and south sides of the monastery are locked tightly, with bloody handprints on them.

Shen Fei could even imagine that when the iron gate was locked tightly, the helpless monks and believers wanted to go in for refuge, and finally they all died helplessly in the courtyard.

Fuman introduced to Shen Fei the locked doors on the left and right, which were the armory and library of the monastery.As for the road filled with corpses and blood in front of everyone, it leads to the chapel of the monastery.

"Fuman, why do you know the inside of the cathedral so well?" Shen Fei remembered that when he came to the cathedral for the first time, he was rejected because he didn't believe in the holy light.

Fuman, who is so simple-minded, doesn't know what holy light is, but he knows the inside of the monastery like the palm of his hand.

Fuman scratched his head and said, "Although I don't believe in the Holy Light, the monastery is full of people. People need to eat and shit, so they need someone to buy rations and deal with the waste. I have done these things before."

Everyone continued to move forward, and the five Avengers who walked in the front to clear the way wanted to leave but found that they were in a mission scene, and they couldn't even go back to the city.

"In the end, they just smashed the jar and bravely cleared the way for everyone." Death was even a kind of relief for them.

On the other hand, the gold master and his gang of thugs had already been stimulated by the extremely cruel and bloody scene just now, and they even huddled together as they walked, like frightened little white mice.

Everyone stepped across the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, and walked through the promenade. The scene of massacre did not stop.

There were tragic scenes everywhere, and in the end even the youngest Leng Ling was used to the scene in front of him.

Everyone came to the door of the chapel. At this moment, the door of the chapel was closed, and there were two bracelets on the left and right walls.

"These two bracelets must be pulled down at the same time, and the door will open."

Under Fuman's guidance, the five people stepped forward and pulled the bracelets to trigger the mechanism, and the door of the chapel opened with a clicking sound.

A thick khaki-yellow gas poured out from the gate, and then all five people at the gate fell to the ground.

Along with the earthy yellow gas, a strong stench came.The smell was like a container of canned herring that had leaked, and it found the outlet for release in an instant, and it hit the nostrils.

Many members of the gold main thug group were directly fainted by the smoke.

Shen Fei reacted very quickly: "Cover your mouth and nose!"

The soldiers and the members of the Leng family all held their breaths and did not dare to breathe until the earthy yellow gas gradually dissipated.

The smell of blood in the air and the residual stench made everyone dizzy.

When Shen Fei realized it, he saw that there was an abnormal state on his body.

[Vicious Plague]: The contagious plague released by Bishop Fleck weakens the target's stamina by 10% and lasts for 10 minutes.

When the plague dissipated, a huge black shadow slowly appeared in the chapel.

Shen Fei saw that half of the bishop's body was suspended in mid-air, and his lower body was actually connected to the spider queen's body, turning into a half-human, half-spider existence!

Bishop Fleck was wearing a strange purple robe, holding a corrupted tome of light in one hand.The spider queen's shell on the lower body is slightly different, after the modification, it turns out to have a bloody red metallic luster, and the eight legs are extremely sharp, which can already explain why all the corpses of believers of the Holy Light Sect along the way.

Human-spider fusion, Bishop Fleck's height is at least four or five meters!
"Tremble at my strength, mortal!"

Bishop Fleck unfolded the corrupted tome of light in his hand, and the power of darkness came from the pages of the book. Purple lightning jumped out of the tome, and when the light fell on the ground, small lumps of dirt bulged up.

Shen Fei looked at the small bumps on the ground that were gradually rising, and unexpectedly had a bad premonition.

"All the tanks are all pushed to the front line. The first time the poisonous tarantula on the ground comes out, it immediately attracts hatred!"

Man Spider Bishop Fleck is still in the invincible state of casting spells, Shen Fei realized that it is now the first stage of the battle.

A bunch of venomous tarantulas rushed out from the ground. Fortunately, Gold Lord's thugs had fought venomous tarantulas for a while in the Fengyun Hills and Secluded Forest before, so they knew how to deal with these monsters.

There was no problem with the coordination of tanks, healers, and output professions. The stunned player quickly joined the battle after waking up. The poisonous tarantula was quickly killed by the player's cooperation with the NPC.

"Is this all you can do? Feel the power of the void!"

The protagonist Fleck releases the Holy Light Redemption and resurrects all the poisonous spiders who died in battle.

It's just that it's not the holy light now, but the purple-black void power.

The revived poisonous tarantula is no longer the original appearance, but has become a pure void energy structure, and all physical and magic attacks have lost their effect. These void spiders will chase the nearest player or NPC to them , it will explode directly after touching the player or NPC.

One explosion of the void spider will cause [-] points of damage in a small area. The key point is that there are a lot of poisonous spiders killed just now. Now after the void is revived, the ground is full of explosive void spiders.

Players and NPCs are all in a mess, scrambling to avoid the explosion.

Shen Fei also noticed that Bishop Fleck was already in a red attackable state at this time, and immediately commanded: "Everyone pull the Void Spider to me, and you all go to output Bishop Holy Light."

Leng Qingqiu had already guessed what Shen Fei was thinking, and couldn't help persuading him: "The explosion of the void spider is magic damage, and my [Blessing of Protection] can only be immune to physical attacks."

Shen Fei didn't care about this, if these void spiders continued to explode, I'm afraid no one present would survive.

During the short period of observation just now, Shen Fei found that the speed of these voided spiders was slightly reduced, and they had no general attack ability, and only exploded in the void after contact to cause damage.

He now has [Drawing Chains], and the speed of the void spiders is comparable to his. As long as he pulls these void spiders by himself, there will be no problem for the time being.

 This chapter is 3000 words~ sorry for posting a bit late
(End of this chapter)

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