my pet is boss

Chapter 72 BASF Chemicals

Chapter 72 BASF Chemicals

Ma Yanzu left the city hall with a sullen face, and immediately after walking into the path, his face was filled with joy, and his excitement was beyond words.

"Spend 150 gold coins, and there are 1850 gold coins left!" Ma Yanzu's eyes were burning, as if he had taken a small blue pill, his blood boiled.

I originally planned to come here today to try my luck, but I didn't expect to really find an opportunity for him, and bought the [antidote] in Shen Fei's hand at a high price.

"Hahaha, I'm afraid that group of people are not fools. They don't buy such good things as [antidote]." What Ma Yanzu said in front of many players is not adulterated. The poisonous tarantula's [paralysis poison] is quite Annoying, now that they have [Antidote], they can easily spawn monsters in the Youlin.

He bid 50 silver for something, and he directly increased the price by 30 times. Ma Yanzu thought of the shocked eyes of the players at that time, and he couldn't help feeling a rush of pleasure. This feeling is really unparalleled.

According to this speed of buying once a day, spending two thousand gold coins a month is not a problem at all.

Ma Yanzu waved his hand, and said with great pride: "Go, let's go to the secluded forest to brush tarantulas now!"

When everyone rushed to You Lin in high spirits, they were immediately dumbfounded.None of the highly poisonous tarantulas entrenched in the secluded forest disappeared, and the entire secluded forest was completely empty, and even birdsong could be heard.

Ma Yanzu rubbed his eyes in disbelief, yesterday morning he was still killing monsters and upgrading here, why did all the highly poisonous tarantulas disappear after a day, as if they had never appeared before.

Everyone in the thug group was also stunned. All the poisonous tarantulas "run away from home" overnight, and there was no spider in the secluded forest.

The [antidote] bought at a huge price was useless.

Thinking of what he said at the gate of the city hall before, Ma Yanzu felt a burning pain in his cheek.What an incomparable pleasure, the self-satisfied look before, is no different from a fool in the eyes of others.

Before Ma Yanzu came, he thought that with this [antidote], he and his gang would be able to level up unscrupulously, quickly reach level 15 and explode skill books and blueprints, and then reach the pinnacle of life.

But now 10 bottles of potions are directly in his hands.

The dog-headed military division asked cautiously: "Boss, shall we still buy it tomorrow..."

Ma Yanzu had to swallow it in his throat even if his teeth were broken, and the little favor he had for Shen Fei was wiped out.

"Go, why don't you go! If I can't spend the money in a month, my father will definitely break my legs! This old guy has always said one thing, he really can do it!"

Many players recovered from the shock, and looked at the expressionless Shen Fei with envy.

150 gold coins is not a small amount, 150 million credits, on earth, you can directly buy a house in a third-tier city with full money!

Looking at Shen Fei's indifferent expression, it seemed that he was not shocked at all by this huge sum of money.As expected of No.1 in the game, this breezy demeanor is enough to convince people.

Shen Fei was thinking about what kind of expression Ma Yanzu would have on his face when he went to Youlin and found that all the poisonous tarantulas were gone.

Shen Fei is a very principled person. Although he likes money, he has always adhered to the seven words "a gentleman loves money and obtains it in a proper way".

If Ma Yanzu found out that there were no poisonous tarantulas in the forest and came back to ask Shen Fei to return the goods, Shen Fei would definitely not return the goods to him.After all, in this business, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, there is no forced buying and selling.

[Antitoxic potion] The price is 50 silver coins, which Shen Fei thinks is quite reasonable, but Ma Yanzu insisted on buying all the potions at a 30 times higher price, which made Shen Fei somewhat suspicious.I wonder if this guy was killed by the boss in seconds when he was doing the task yesterday, and his brain was damaged?

The passes were almost issued, and just as Shen Fei was about to withdraw from the stall, three players suddenly ran over and said, "Boss Shen, wait a moment!"

"You know the rules, one pass is one silver coin."

The three of them froze for a moment: "We're not here to buy a pass. May I ask Boss Shen, the guards at the old locust tree in the lower city, can you please withdraw?"

Shen Fei looked at the three of them, and realized that this group of people was heading for the chief alchemist.Your own second layout also starts to take effect.

Shen Fei frowned slightly, lowered his head and thought for a while.

After seeing Shen Fei's tangled expression, the three felt uneasy.

After completing the alchemy task in Novice Village, and before leaving Novice Village, the alchemy apprentices gave them a task to find a royal pharmacist in the lower town of Tuk County.According to the alchemist apprentice in Xinshou Village, when he went out to study, he worked side by side with this royal pharmacist for two years and learned a little bit.For the sake of his letter of introduction, the pharmacist might help.

After arriving in Tuke County, they found the old locust tree next to the smelly ditch in the lower city according to the map.It's just that this place is strictly guarded by a group of soldiers, and the soldiers will not let them in no matter how they negotiate.Hearing that it was the order from the head of the guard, Shen Fei, several people rushed to find it.

"It's not that I don't want to help you, it's because the order was actually issued by the consul. It's very difficult for me to ask the soldiers to withdraw..."

The three of them looked at the guard next to Shen Fei, and seemed to have something to say.

Shen Fei raised his hand to dismiss the soldiers and asked them to patrol the city, the atmosphere immediately relaxed.

"Let me introduce myself, my Majesty Mao Wen, Director of Logistics Support Department of BASF Chemicals Group Greater China, both of them are my subordinates."

During the introduction, there was a faint arrogance between the brows, and this kind of arrogance is usually brought about by the high status.Shen Fei hates this kind of people who feel superior to others the most, as if even talking to you feels like a gift to you.

I, Shen Fei, came out of the Children's Welfare Institute at No. 11 Tianli Road, Daxing District, the imperial capital. When did you see me proud?
"It's a pleasure to meet you, but this matter is very difficult to handle. It is said that the alchemist has a weird temperament. He doesn't know where he offended the consul, so he sent someone to guard him."

"Whether it's difficult or not is not a matter of your words, Mr. Shen. Do you think this number is appropriate?"

The head of the logistics support department said that he initiated a transaction with Shen Fei, and the transaction column said 10 silver coins.

10 silver coins, what about sending beggars?

Shen Fei did not agree to the transaction, and his expression was rather satisfied: "10 silver coins, I can use my relationship to secretly let you in alone."

Minister Mao was stunned.

No... He meant 10 silver coins. In the future, players from the BASF Chemical Group who have learned alchemy can use this back door.How did you become a person in the blink of an eye?
Minister Mao smiled awkwardly, rubbed his hands together and said, "Boss Shen, your understanding seems to be a little bit off. I mean 10 silver coins. Can you accommodate me a little bit? I will just turn a blind eye when I bring people in. I have the right did not see it!"

In Shen Fei's mind, MMP, BASF Chemical Group is one of the top chemical groups in the Federation, with tens of thousands of employees in the Greater China region alone, among which there may be thousands of alchemy players who choose human beings.

The business of hundreds of gold coins is now ready to send 10 silver coins.

I have to say, brother, you have a good plan.

(End of this chapter)

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