my pet is boss

Chapter 87 Shocking News!

Chapter 87 Shocking News!

The Lawrence family deserves to be the leading big family in Touk County.

Several people entered the manor in a carriage and walked for 10 minutes before reaching the main entrance.

The Patriarch of the Lawrence Family personally greeted Shen Fei at the door, and the courtesies were all top-notch.

Consul Reed has always refused these mundane matters because of his busy government affairs. Shen Fei can be said to represent the highest official official of Tuk County to attend.

During the banquet, there were local aristocratic chaebols from Touk County.

Before Shen Fei came, he gave Fuman a ban order, forbidding him to mention the matter of seeing off the driver that day, and forbidding him to mention the matter of sending off the Miss Lawrence that day.

Shen Fei couldn't imagine that if Patriarch Lawrence found out that it was Fuman who kicked the young lady out of the car and threw her on the side of the road that night, which led to this "marriage that shamed the family", would he be able to still smile at that time? The ground faced Shen Fei.

Of course, Shen Fei was even more angry at Fuman, an idiot, who might have been able to fly on a branch and become a phoenix, and transformed himself into the son-in-law of the Lawrence family, but in the end all the glory and wealth were kicked away by him.

Shen Fei met the young lady of the Lawrence family at the wedding, she was a beautiful noble lady.It looks more dignified and elegant under the background of pure white wedding dress.

Shen Fei glanced at Fuman, who was buried in hard work, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing lightly, thinking that Xiao En must have committed too many murders and sins during his lifetime, which affected the luck of his descendants.

Hearing the young master's sigh, Fuman's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had a bad feeling.

Looking at the disappointment in the young master's eyes, the spoon in Fuman's hand fell into the bowl in fright, submerged in the soup.

"The young master must be dissatisfied with me, and is going to drag me to be rations for poisonous tarantulas!"

"No, I must think of a way to deal with it..."

After the wedding ceremony, the next step is the time for eating and drinking at the wedding banquet.This is also the first time that many plutocrats and nobles in Touk County have gathered together on a large scale since the night crisis. Everyone told about the losses in the past few months, and those who heard it were sad and the listeners shed tears.

In the end, I didn't know what to do with the topic, and suddenly we talked about the empire.

"The Abbey of the Holy Light in Turk County is only one within the empire. The bishop will fall because of his power and make Tuke County lose contact for a few months. It seems that the empire's control over the people under the rule is getting weaker and weaker."

"Hey, there is no way. Ever since King Lucian disappeared, the military strength and control of the empire have been declining day by day. The little prince is only six years old, and there is no way he can govern himself. In addition to teaching the little prince, the Duke has to manage government affairs, but also Commanding the troops and sending people to investigate the whereabouts of the king, it can be said that it is exhausted."

"A few months ago, when Touk County was not blocked, I heard that the orcs on the northern border of Chen Bing were about to move. I don't know how the situation is now."

"If the Sanshan Council had been successfully formed a hundred years ago, and humans had two more allies, the white elves and the dwarves, maybe they wouldn't have to be so passive now."

From the time Shen Fei heard that King Lucien was missing, he was in great shock.Then I heard that the Sanshan Council did not reach an agreement in the end, and fell into silence.

The establishment of the Sanshan Council was facilitated by Shen Fei, and Shen Fei had a decisive influence among the three clans.The establishment of the Three Mountain Council represents the military integration and cooperation of humans, white elves and dwarves.Having seen orcs fighting and attacking like waves in Haishan, Shen Fei knew very well the necessity of the military alliance of the three races.

Under the auspices of Shen Fei, everything has been perfected, and even the contract conclusion document of the three clans has been prepared, waiting for the heads of the three clans to sign the contract to take effect on the second day.However, Shen Fei was kicked out of the game on the eve of the eve and was unable to witness this historic scene.

As a result, someone told him now that the Sanshan Council failed to sign the contract in the end, and the military offensive and defensive alliance did not exist!
The news was like ocean waves, wave after wave hitting Shen Fei's head.

"How did King Lucien disappear?" Shen Fei's voice was like a pause button, stopping everyone who was chatting.

Shen Fei is the head of the bodyguard of Tuk County, a great hero. These nobles and rich people have investigated his background clearly. He is a young man who traveled from a remote Xinshou Village.

It is said that Xinshou Village has been closed for many years and has not had any contact with the outside world for nearly 20 years.Not knowing about something as big as the king's disappearance could be forgiven.

"Lord Shen doesn't know something. Two years ago, the king took the little prince on an outing and camped in the camp at night. In the middle of the night, there was a strange noise in the king's camp. When everyone rushed to the camp, the king was nowhere to be found... ..."

The camp tent suddenly disappeared?

"Why do you all know such confidential things?" The disappearance of the king is a big deal. These people are just the dignitaries of Touk County, but they can describe the situation that night vividly, as if they were all present at the time of the incident.

Several people froze for a moment and said: "Because afterward, the Lord Duke collected all the ins and outs of the matter, including all the clues on the field at that time, and even asked the archmage to isolate the three-mile range of the camp that night with an enchantment, and keep it as evidence forever, in order to be able to What new clues have been found. Documents have been sent to various places, and if there are clues about the king, they must be reported as soon as possible.”

"These news, even the children on the street, can tell it like a treasure."

Shen Fei frowned, this stupid Shangguan Ergou, why did he go out for an outing when he had nothing to do, but in the end, his whereabouts were unknown, and his life and death were uncertain.I haven't found it in two years since I was engaged in the development, I'm afraid it's more ominous...

"What about the Sanshan Council? At that time, the three tribes gathered together, why didn't they reach an agreement in the end?"

Patriarch Lawrence adjusted his glasses and said: "According to the records in the ancient books, the three clans all signed the agreement at the time, but for some reason there seemed to be disagreements, which led to the fact that the three clans did not sign the war alliance agreement in the end, but just made a hasty agreement on friendship." Agreement and Freedom of Trade Agreement, the three races form an alliance of light in name.”

"It's just that everyone understands that this fragile agreement is useless, and it will be nothing in the face of war, and it will have no effect as a war alliance. Even the so-called friendly agreements and free trade agreements are just verbal agreements without any contractual documents. "

"These are recorded in the books that record history, but as for the reason why the three clans changed their minds midway, they are not clearly stated in the books that record history, and it has become a century-old mystery."

After listening to everyone's retelling, the turmoil in Shen Fei's heart gradually subsided, and he vaguely guessed that the failure of the Sanshan Council to sign the alliance in the end should have something to do with his unexpected disappearance the night before.

Shen Fei never expected that being forced to go offline would make things so twists and turns.

The current human empire seems to be standing still, but in fact the internal situation is already in jeopardy.

The king has been missing for two years and his whereabouts are unknown. The little king is only six years old and has no way to ascend to the throne. The Duke who holds great power is facing internal and external difficulties.Internally, the control in various places is not as good as before.Externally, border orcs coveted this vibrant land.

In this case, the relationship with the dwarves and white elves is only reflected in trade.

The current situation is very dangerous. Once the orc army on the northern border presses down heavily, it will become the last straw that crushes the empire.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, it's so pitiful that there are so few recommendation tickets now...


(End of this chapter)

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