reborn at sixty

Chapter 104 104. Goddess

Chapter 104 104. Goddess
Chapter 110 Seven

Nodding unconscionably, "Well, the style is good-looking, and you look good in it too..."

After receiving the compliment, Liang Daidi's anger was relieved, and the two of them could say a few words even if they were on par with the old man.

The main reason is that she thinks it’s troublesome enough to support Shui Lian alone, but this time, she dragged her family and her family to her father’s place. This is not picking up honest people to bully her, it’s the most disadvantaged if they all come to eat their family’s food It's my own father.

During the conversation, Shui Lian also deliberately said that the three of them came with rations, which made Liang Zhaodi feel relieved.

It's good to bring rations. In the future, there will be a lot of fine grains in Dad's house, so they can follow suit, right?

Liang Shouwang was very happy to see his eldest daughter come back, but he frowned when he saw the clothes on his daughter.

"Girl, where did you get this dress, don't wear it next time, it doesn't suit you, didn't Shui Lian buy you a piece of material last time, why don't you wear that?"

Liang Daidi muttered a little dissatisfied, "Dad, the style you bought is not as good-looking as this one. The ones we make here are all the same. You see, the clothes worn by people in the city look better than ours. This is still My brother-in-law gave it to me."

Liang Shouwang poked his daughter a little resentfully.

"How old are you, you still can't tell the difference between beauty and ugliness, clothes can be worn by others, don't you know how old you are?
You said that you are not afraid of being laughed at when you wear it out, so be careful that your clothes are torn on the way back, and take them off for me as soon as you get home, or your son-in-law will have to quarrel with you after seeing it. "

When people get old, they can't see this kind of clothes with tight waists, especially because they are not suitable. Liang Shouwang knows in his heart that this big girl is really a little crazy. , Just for the sake of beauty, he ignored everyone's eyes.

"Dad, is it really not good-looking?"

Liang Shouwang nodded seriously, "You still look a bit like a fucking child in what you wear like this. When you go back, quickly change it back for me, and be careful if someone says you're bad manners."

If my daughter doesn't scare her, she won't turn her head.

Seeing her father like this, Liang Daidi nodded reluctantly, "I just like this dress, I can't wear it anymore, what a waste, it was given to me by Zhong Ling, it's a pity..."

I don't know what to say to this eldest daughter Liang Shouwang Nagao, and I feel more guilty.

The child was not like this when he was a child. It was because he left home for so many years, made the child suffer too much, and helped his wife bring up so many younger brothers and sisters. One can imagine how much this big girl suffered back then to develop her current personality. It is also inseparable from him.

"Girl, take this money back and buy a piece of fabric, just make one according to this pattern, and wear the one on your body for your second sister. She is smaller and should fit well, so it won't be wasted.

Dad didn't buy you any clothes when you were young, and you have suffered a lot. These dads know it well. When the conditions get better, dad will gradually compensate you..."

Liang Shouwang's words made Liang Daidi's eyes moist, and his father knew all the hardships he suffered...

She also didn't expect that her honest father would say such moving words, she thought the old man didn't understand in his heart, and his feelings were all pent up in his heart.

Wipe your eyes, "Dad, it was really not easy for us back then. My mother led us to live a difficult life. You said that if I didn't grow up or something, what would happen to my family? Don't blame me if you are old. This nature is a habit that has been formed over time, and it will be even more difficult to live in the countryside without being aggressive..."

Liang Shouwang secretly sighed in his heart, he survived because he didn't want to leave any regrets, so he just left.

Patted the girl on the shoulder, "Big girl, you are not too young anymore, you have to make plans in your own mind about some things, don't talk about everything, this life has to flow slowly..."

He is also aware of his daughter's problems, but the child is so old, it may be difficult for him to break it, so let's guide it slowly in the future.

Liang Daidi said in a low voice, "Father, why did you bring them all to live at home, are you not afraid of anything?
I heard from Sanmei that the city is quite lively now, and that Sanmei’s husband’s friend is still a boss. No way, Sanmei and the couple don’t do much work these days. Everyone is envious.

You can see that my little sister is definitely dressed like a city person, alas, it is really incomparable, after going out for so many years, this couple has really learned a lot..."

Liang Shouwang frowned when he heard this, "What are you talking about, the old couple stopped working in the city?"

Liang Daidi nodded, "I heard that's the case. Last time I went to the city to visit my younger brother, I went to find my third sister by the way. I heard what they said. I don't know what they are doing. I talked too much. I don't understand either, but I think Sanmei's family is doing well in the city.

Anyway, it's much better than us, and it looks like you don't have to worry about eating and drinking.Dad, what are you worrying about? In the future, my third brother-in-law and the others will be capable, so you think we can follow suit, right? "

"Nonsense, he's a craftsman, he doesn't do their carpentry work well, what's the matter with it, isn't it good to be his farmer honestly, what can he do with the city..."

Liang Shouwang suddenly became angry, making Liang Daidi a little confused about the situation.

He looked up at his father with some doubts, "Dad, why are you so angry when you are so good-looking? The third brother-in-law said that he is asking for progress. Besides, everyone I know is capable, so what can I suffer?"

Liang Shouwang himself couldn't say it was good, he always felt that this matter was bad, but he couldn't say where it was bad.

It’s not like they didn’t fight the landlords during the land reform before, but now the situation is different from fighting the landlords, like Brother Qi, who didn’t do anything bad, and his son died for the War of Resistance. Such people should be respected and loved , but now this treatment makes him puzzled, and he also can't figure out what's going on.

"Hey, big girl, next time I see your brother-in-law and the others try to persuade you, there are some things that Dad can't say well.

But we have to live up to our conscience in this way of being a person and doing things. The ancestors of our peasant family have been simple and kind people for generations. Don't go to the city, this heart has changed..."

Liang Daidi didn't think there was anything wrong, "Dad, you think too much, my third sister will still be my younger sister, this time, the third sister's family invited me to a restaurant for a meal.

Tsk tsk, this is the first time for me to go to a restaurant when I grow up, and the food they make is delicious.

By the way, the third brother-in-law also gave me a bicycle ticket, alas, I don’t have that kind of spare money at home, but let me sell it, and it happens to be able to earn some money..."

(End of this chapter)

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