reborn at sixty

Chapter 623 636. Sick

Chapter 623 636. Sick

Chapter 650 Five

Shui Lian hesitated for a while, "Dad, why don't you ask Cheng Yu's uncle to help you calculate..."

Of course Song Wenbo knew what the daughter meant, but even though he hadn't asked about it himself, why Gu Zihang was so anxious to let the old couple go over to see his son was probably because he was worried that there would be no chance in the future.

"Forget it, don't ask about this matter. The age of this person is determined by God. Even if you ask, what can you do? ..."

Although the daughter's space is magical, human life is not easy to use even if it has space. If possible, he would like to let Liang Shouwang live for a few more years.

At least let the old man see that his daughter is married, their family is reunited and living happily, and they will take good care of the old man, what a pity...

Shui Lian nodded feebly. She actually understood this truth herself, but unfortunately the death of Liang Shouwang and Fifth Master cast a shadow in her heart. She didn't want her brother to suffer such pain.

But human life is like this. It is said that people can live to be a hundred years old. How many people can really live to be a hundred years old?

Just because she was clear and unable to stop it, she was even more afraid of the fragility of life.

"Dad, let my mother eat lotus seeds at night, whether it works or not, at least it will make my mother's body stronger..."

After realizing it, she could only make such an effort. Zheng Zihui is now in her prime, and although eating this food can't bring out the fullest effect of lotus seeds, it can at least make her feel at ease.

Song Wenbo nodded, and then said in a low voice, "Girl, it may not be long before you and Cheng Yu will have to attend the funeral, the old lady of the Fu family has heard that she has a strange disease.

The soles of the feet were bleeding, and the tops were vomiting blood, and the doctors didn’t break them, so they are now lying in the hospital waiting to die..."

Shui Lian was shocked by this news. She had never heard of it before, but she turned around and thought about it again. Also, with such a face-saving person in the Fu family, how could Dong Wenpei's illness be publicized to outsiders? It is said that this Dong Wenpei has such a disease because he lacks great virtue.

"Well, it seems reasonable that my uncle told us to get married earlier. This Dong Wenpei has really suffered retribution now. I don't know if Brother Cheng Yu knows the news. I guess he also wished that such a person would die sooner."

Song Wenbo nodded, "He probably already knew about it by now. It's impossible for your father-in-law not to tell his son about it, so let's just pretend that we don't know. You should call your father-in-law later, so we should go and see. Or just pretend it doesn't matter..."

In the evening, Shui Lian gave Zheng Zihui some lotus seeds, because she knew that besides the two babies in the family, she hadn't eaten yet, so Zheng Zihui ate what her daughter fed into her mouth without hesitation.

After surviving a painful struggle, Zheng Zihui said that this food should not be eaten by the elderly.

"It's too painful. The elders in the family must not be able to withstand such torment. Girl, if you have any tonic, you can safely give them to eat. Just say that your father and I got it..."

When they were all ready, there was news from Zheng Yi's other end, but Shitou and Zheng Zilong broke the appointment this time, and the two of them had important things to do. Song Wenbo understood what was going on, but he couldn't say that. family said.

I can only ask Gu Zihang to take this trip. There is really no manpower at home. This guy is idle at home, so he should just go to relax with the old couple.

Gu Zihang originally wanted to wait to see the news of how Dong Wenpei suffered, but since the old couple needed him, he would go there.

Qi Boyuan's old couple set off with Gu Zihang excitedly, but the journey was tiring, no matter how carefully Gu Zihang took care of them, the old man's body had degenerated, and the old couple started to lose their health as soon as they arrived in Guangzhou.

Shuilian's departure was a day later than them. When they rushed over, the old man and the old lady had already been in the hospital for a day. I rushed over, so I insisted on leaving the hospital and waiting at the hotel.

Gu Zihang also thought about it, since Song Wenbo could come up with the magic medicine to save him, then this girl must be well prepared when she comes here.

Moreover, he knew in his heart the food and drink of the Song family. The old lady and the others were well fed at home, and they couldn't bear to come out suddenly. If the niece and daughter-in-law were prepared, the old couple's bodies might still be able to hold on. .

When Shui Lian saw Qi Boyuan and his wife, she almost shed tears.

After this trip, the two people who used to look good at home, now their complexions are sallow, the flesh on their faces has gone down, and even their cheekbones are highlighted.

"Grandpa, grandma, how are you? If you feel uncomfortable, tell me, come on, let's have some soup first. This is what I stewed for you in the back kitchen..."

When Qi Boyuan and his wife saw Shui Lian approaching, their tears couldn't stop streaming down their cheeks. They thought they would last until they saw their son, but who would have thought that they would fail halfway.

"Oh, girl, we are really old. Fortunately, you are here, otherwise we doubt whether we can go home..."

With tears in her eyes, Shui Lian fed the two old people.

"How can it be, with us here, you are all in good health, my mother asked me to take tonics when they left, with this thing, even people who can't move can walk like flying.

Don't think too much, I will sleep with you tonight, let's have a good rest, and we will go there tomorrow morning.

I have already talked to my cousin on the phone and asked him to send a car to pick you up. After passing the customs, I guess I have to go to work with our team leader, but I will go to see you during the break. Don’t worry, come on, drink more point……"

Gu Zihang hasn't had a good rest during this time, it's not an easy job to be with the two old people, and he really doesn't know how to take care of others after so many years, he felt relieved when Shui Lian came.

Drinking the tonic soup stewed by his niece and daughter-in-law, even he felt that the hard work along the way was worth it.

After feeding the old couple, Shui Lian looked at Gu Zihang with a look of enjoyment on his face, and smiled and poured the rest of the pot into his bowl.

"Uncle, you have worked hard on this journey, drink more, this is something that money can't buy, make up your body, and I will have to rely on you to help take care of you when you pass by."

Gu Zihang drank and said, "That's no problem, but you can get me some more soup when you go back, truffles, ordinary people really can't eat this kind of thing, and even if they have money, they can't buy it, you girl is really capable Yes, you can get this stuff."

(End of this chapter)

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