Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 1 The collision of the primordial spirit

Chapter 1 The collision of the primordial spirit

In a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, there is a vast courtyard, which is the headquarters of the Genji family.

Ordinary people have never heard of the name of the Genji family at all, but the senior gangsters who hang out in the darkest corners are familiar with it.

Genji, the world's number one intelligence organization.

As the world's number one intelligence organization, it naturally has the ability to survive. It is their nature to be cruel and ruthless, and it is also their sorrow.

In the Genji compound, next to the beautiful artificial lake in the north, there is a piece of green grass.A somewhat thin boy was lying on the grass looking at the blue sky with a smile on his lips.

Beside him lay a black long sword quietly, and many strange runes loomed on the scabbard made of unknown material.This is a long sword that no one can pull out. Yuan Lao, the head of Yuan's family, knew that Yuan Feiwu liked weird things, so he specially searched for a birthday present for him, and he stayed with him for only three days.

"Here! Yuan Feiwu, I finally found you!"

A hoarse voice came out, disturbing the peaceful scenery.Yuan Feiwu turned his head slightly, revealing that delicate and picturesque face. The visitor seemed to be an old acquaintance of Yuan Feiwu, but he still couldn't help being distracted after seeing this face.

The one who came after him was Yuan Feixing, the son of the three heads of the Yuan family.The third head of the family is the third son of Yuanji, who is in charge of the financial affairs of the Yuanji family.Yuan Feixing failed to inherit his father's ability, but carried forward his father's petty, suspicious, arrogant, jealous.

"Well, it's hard work for you to find me, what's your business?"

Yuan Feiwu showed his unchanging smiling face, as if his original expression was such a smiling face that he would never tire of seeing.

"Uncle and Uncle are worried every day that you will steal their position, but they dare not make a move. I think it's better to let me clean up some bastards for them! Think about it, the Yuan family has already lost the title of four masters, isn't it? huh!" Yuan Feixing laughed loudly, his facial features became distorted by hatred.

"My third uncle is probably the one who is most frightened?" Yuan Feiwu chuckled and told the truth.

"You're still stubborn when you're about to die! Go to hell!" Yuan Feixing became even more angry when Yuan Feiwu easily saw through his mind. He raised his right hand and pulled out a small and exquisite pocket pistol.

The gunshot rang out. Yuan Feiwu thought his skills were good, but he couldn't be faster than a bullet. The clothes on his chest were quickly stained red with blood, and his body fell back uncontrollably, rolling over, feeling the cold lake water.One second before losing consciousness, Yuan Feiwu's last thought was to finally be freed.

Everything about the Yuan family is so tiring.

"It's a pity to waste such a good body like this!"

Yuan's flying blood dyed the black sword red, and the runes on the scabbard suddenly disappeared, and the scabbard became smooth and crystal clear.At the same time, a trace of black air emerged from the hilt of the sword and penetrated into Yuan Feiwu's body.

The three-year-old Yuan Feiwu, with small unsteady steps, threw himself into Yuan Lao's embrace.Old Yuan's eyes were moist, and Xiao Yuan Feiwu kept explaining that your father and mother are dead, and death means that they have gone to a far away place and will never come back, and they will never walk around with you in their arms. Let you ride your neck to play war games and never see you again.

Eight-year-old Yuan Feiwu ran away from several men in black with tears streaming down his face. Not a single spot on his body was clean, it was full of bloodstains.He whispered to himself that he would never cry again. Tears are the most useless thing in the world.

13-year-old Yuan Feiwu, Yuan Lao gave him a wish, his wish is to learn the lurking technique of the second patriarch's guardian shadow.Then he used the lurking technique to secretly learn the unique skills of the guards of the three masters, and was almost caught by Jing, the guard of the three masters, and hanged outside his bedroom.And Yuan Lao, gently told him that Mu Xiuyu's forest wind would destroy him.

16-year-old Yuan Feiwu, Yuan Feixing laughed at him as usual, until he insulted his parents who had forgotten their appearance, Yuan Feiwu suddenly laughed wildly, and almost beat Yuan Feixing to death outside the yard.Then, the people of the three heads of the family came, and Yuan Feiwu fled on the verge of death for nearly a month, and almost entered the gate of hell several times.No one will help him, because Yuanjia is such a place where the weak prey on the strong. If you are weak, you can only be eliminated.

The source of flying...

These memories have always been what Yuan Feiwu wanted to erase the most, but they flooded into his heart one by one. Could it be that even death can make him die more liberated?
Yuan Feiwu opened his eyes with some complaints, he felt that he had almost dried up his tears, but he couldn't feel his own tears.He couldn't even feel his own face, his own hands, or his own body.He is now like a shrunken shadow.

"Huh? Are you awake? Good boy, the curse of mourning has not yet broken you." A strange voice sounded.

Yuan Feiwu just wanted to raise his head when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his body.A lot of black air waving at him with teeth and claws, every time he touched these black air, he felt a huge stabbing pain as if tearing his body.

"With such a little primordial spirit, don't struggle anymore, give your body to me..."

That weird voice sounded again, and Yuan Feiwu's ears were full of temptation, making him unconsciously want to relax his body and melt into the black air.

"That's right, that's it..."

Yuan Feiwu was pulled into a cloud of black air, feeling weaker and weaker.Gradually, he came to the center of the black air, and a black bead wrapped in a strong breath appeared in front of him.

"Then...isn't that right?"

Yuan Feiwu's scattered spirit suddenly concentrated, and the shadow that symbolized Yuan Feiwu suddenly became much thicker.Yuan Feiwu smiled evilly, and rushed himself towards the moment bead.

"Hmph, hit a rock with an egg!"

The weird voice sounded again, and then it turned into a scream.

"Ah! How did you learn to attack mentally! My primordial spirit!"

"Just read it once, it turns out it's called a mental attack."

The primordial spirit collides directly, whoever is more determined will be stronger!With incomparable determination, Yuan Feiwu turned himself into an awl and slammed into the black bead.

With a bang, the black bead burst.The ancient demon god who had been sealed in the sword and finally found a chance to escape, just because he underestimated the mere primordial spirit, arrogantly used his most precious primordial spirit to directly confront him, but was annihilated because he underestimated the enemy.The gods who have been following the demon god have been transferred to the Yuanshen of Yuan Feiwu, and at the same time, the powerful divine power of the ancient demon god spread out from the black bead like a prehistoric world.


This time it was Yuan Feiwu's turn to scream, and his soul regained control of his body and his six senses returned to him.But the huge divine power was not something his body could bear. In order not to break his body, the divine power continued to transform his body as if it had a spirituality.Yuan Feiwu continued to endure the pain of destroying all the cells in his body and reintegrating them with divine power, but the powerful gods did not allow him to faint, and silently endured the inhuman abuse.

At some point, Yuan Feiwu was glad that he finally passed out.Waking up again, what he saw was a barren wasteland, the dead gray soil seemed to tell Yuan Feiwu that this place was not a good place.

(End of this chapter)

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