Chapter 11 Self-study
"The books here... I don't dare to turn them over. If they are broken, I can't afford to pay for them." Yuan Feiwu looked around and smiled wryly.

"The originals here are all attached with a magic circle for preservation, so they won't break again. You start to learn from the books on spiritual power cultivation in the eighth shelf of the third bookcase, and then look for books about dark magic. When the dark magician came out The chaos caused all human beings to have a prejudice against dark magic. It is estimated that the only decent dark magic books left are only preserved here. There is also my surveillance magic circle here, which is used to observe whether you are being attacked by dark elements. Affect your mind, if something goes wrong, I will personally help you purify your cultivation results, from now on, you will no longer be able to practice dark magic.”

"Oh." Yuan Feiwu nodded with a vague understanding.

"Your food and lodging are all here. I will send people to the stairs on the fifth floor, and you can go down to get it yourself. You are free to enter and exit the entire library, but you are not allowed to leave the library before I agree. Can you do it?"

"Yes." Yuan Feiwu was very satisfied with this, after reading all the books here, it is estimated that his goal has been completed.

"But Principal Douglas, I have a small problem."

"what is the problem?"

"I do not have money."

"This is indeed a good question." Douglas laughed loudly. This young man is very interesting. He really does not want such a sincere young man to be polluted by the evil nature of the dark element. "Let me communicate with the librarian, if You are willing to spend half of your time helping her during the day, I think she is willing to give you some salary. In terms of tuition fees, I will apply to the college for exemption. The Landis Academy of Magic has always exempted all tuition and miscellaneous fees for students with elemental elf physiques. However, this is indeed the first time I have encountered a dark elemental elf, and there are many problems, but the school regulations did not indicate that the dark elemental elf is an exception, so it should be no problem."

"Thank you Principal Douglas." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

The curator of the library is a middle-aged woman named Jin Zeqin. Everyone calls her Curator Jin. She is not a magician, a samurai, or a teacher. She was just hired by the college to be the librarian.A guy like Yuan Feiwu, who has an outstanding appearance and a well-behaved personality, is infinitely lethal to Curator Jin.She has long been fed up with all kinds of perverse or tossing students. This is the best college in the Norwich Empire. The second generation of emperors or officials of various royal family members and cabinet ministers are thrown in through the back door. The guys are all arrogant, and curator Jin can hardly tell them to abide by the rules of the library.

Comparing these guys with Yuan Feiwu, Yuan Feiwu is almost the most perfect obedient student. Director Jin treats Yuan Feiwu like half a son after bumping into each other a few times.Later, he also arranged work for Yuan Feiwu. The work in the library was relatively hard. Just putting the books that many students had read or returned back to the original bookshelves was already a huge workload.But Yuan Feiwu works hard and is efficient. Director Jin originally thought that there was a shortage of people and needed to recruit a few people to help.

Later, one of the librarians used to deliver meals to Yuan Feiwu, but now curator Jin personally delivered them. The meals were secretly increased in size, and they asked Yuan Feiwu to study upstairs. Pay attention to your body and don't tire yourself out, which made Yuan Feiwu feel a strange feeling of family affection.

The life in the library is comfortable and peaceful, and there is an elder who takes good care of him, so he is very satisfied with all these sources.

Yuan Feiwu's studies are all at night, and at Yuan Feiwu's level, sleeping is dispensable and has no effect at all.

The first parchment he read was exactly what Douglas said about spiritual power. Although at his level, he could not use spiritual power at all, but at least he knew a lot more about spiritual knowledge.Yuan Feiwu has a lot of energies, but how to use them, and their principles, Yuan Feiwu is mostly ignorant, so it is time to slowly supplement the basic knowledge.

After reading the first parchment scroll, Yuan Feiwu had to be thankful that this was the first book he read, and he basically understood the content of spiritual power.Mental power is actually a kind of spiritual energy, which belongs to oneself and cannot be absorbed from the outside world.Strong mental power is very useful. For example, Douglas' use of his own Qi machine is a way to use it when his mental power is strong enough to a certain extent. It's a bit like he used his breath to suppress Hades.But their low-level spiritual power is called spiritual power, and Yuan Feiwu's level has already been sublimated into divine consciousness.The sea of ​​consciousness is the storage place for energy such as spiritual power.

No wonder he died when Yuan Feiwu messed with Hades' sea of ​​consciousness. This thing can be said to be his own soul, and it is difficult to recover after being injured, let alone directly disturb it.

Therefore, Yuan Feiwu's inexplicable exploration of everything is the ultimate version of spiritual power.After understanding all this, Yuan Feiwu is very happy, which means that he can use his divine sense to read all the books here without any problem.Before, he was always worried that his spiritual sense would expose him easily, but now he understands that as long as his spiritual sense does not explore other people's body or the scope of their aura, the other party will never feel it.Even Yuan Feiwu's spiritual consciousness is relatively high-level, whether other people can feel it is a problem, but as Yuan Feiwu thought before, it is estimated that strong people can still feel it.

When the consciousness spreads out, the efficiency of reading books will be much faster!In an instant, a large amount of parchment content gathered in Yuan Feiwu's head, martial arts moves, fighting spirit, magic moves, human geography, history and current situation, and common sense of life were all stuffed into Yuan Feiwu's head.

In just one night, Yuan Feiwu finished the entire book.After reading it, it will take a long time to digest the contents of the whole book.His divine sense scanned the book once, and the content was memorized, and now the entire content of the book is just in his mind, and he estimated that it would take dozens of days to fully digest it.But it doesn't matter, just use it to pass the time.

Every night that followed, what Douglas saw from the surveillance circle was Yuan Feiwu meditating with his eyes closed, with the parchment scroll in front of him that told how to improve his spiritual power.

In fact, this training method of exercising mental strength is a course that only needs to be practiced later for the students studying here.When one's own elemental control or battle qi cultivation reaches a certain level, one needs to increase one's mental strength in order to better feel and understand the external elements or the battle qi within one's body.Mental power is used as an auxiliary tool, so learning how to improve mental power at the beginning is a bit of an upside-down, but fortunately, Yuan Feiwu is very obedient and studies mental power seriously, which will be of great use to his future learning of dark magic without being affected.

Yes, children can be taught, Douglas thought with relief.

After about a week, Yuan Feiwu basically digested the common sense things.

In the mortal world, magicians are divided into junior magicians, intermediate magicians, advanced magicians, great magicians, magisters, great magisters, and legendary Dharma saints.

Warriors who learn grudges are divided into junior warriors, intermediate warriors, senior warriors, earth warriors, sky warriors, sword masters and legendary gods of war.

The mortal world is geographically divided into three continents, and human beings are located in the southern continent, which is divided into three countries.The north is the Northway Empire where Yuan Feiwu is located, the southwest is bordered by the Bagal Empire, the southeast is bordered by the Tost Empire, and the north is an important gateway to resist the orcs and demons. It can be said that the Northway Empire is in a quite unfavorable position.The orcs and the demons often launch attacks on the human race. The Northway Empire is at the forefront of the struggle. Although the three countries signed an agreement to jointly resist the orcs and the demons, the one who suffered the most losses must be Northway, because The fighting took place directly near their homeland.

In the past few hundred years, there has been no war between the three races, and the Northway Empire has seized the time to redevelop the country and become a powerful country no worse than any other country.Also because they most often face foreign invasions, their army is the most resolute and best at fighting.

What Yuan Feiwu didn't expect the most was that, looking at it, he saw Douglas' name often appearing in the parchment.

Douglas, one of the only four great magisters left in the present age, known as the Great Magister of Light, is the closest figure to the legendary Dharma Saint.

Tsk tsk, Principal Douglas turned out to be a contemporary great man, powerful but without any pretensions, not bad.Yuan Feiwu imagined that the majestic magister personally taught the young students to release the fireball technique in the magic academy, and then accidentally burned his own beard. The picture was very interesting, and he couldn't help laughing out loud.

If the world were to hear Yuan Feiwu give such an evaluation of the strongest magister on the surface of the earth in their minds, they would not know how they would feel.But Yuan Feiwu is a demon king, and the evaluation of the great magister as "not bad" is already a very high evaluation, and Hades has not been able to get such an evaluation from Yuan Feiwu.

(End of this chapter)

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