Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 13 So cute 1 Must be a boy

Chapter 13 So cute must be a boy

Fourth grade, class one warrior, this is the class arranged by Douglas for Yuan Feiwu.

Yuan Feiwu showed Douglas the results of a battle qi mental method he picked at random on the fifth floor of the library. Douglas felt that Yuan Feiwu had at least the strength of an intermediate warrior.Intermediate-level warriors can generate battle energy in their bodies, and when they can develop a well-run track according to the cultivation method, they will become high-level warriors.

The training of fighting qi is different from the training of magic. Fighting qi is a warrior who stimulates his body and combines it with the energy absorbed from the outside world to generate fighting qi. It operates in his body according to the mental method of fighting qi he cultivates, and gradually strengthens. After reaching a certain level, it can be strengthened Physical strength and even fighting energy are a kind of cultivation method that focuses on strengthening one's own body.Magic is different. A magician needs to build a bridge of communication with the surrounding elements, and then use his own stored mana to manipulate the surrounding elements to gather and emit magic.The practice of enhancing one's own ability is to meditate to integrate magic elements into oneself to enhance mana. The greater one's own mana, the more magic elements a magician can control.

The difference between the two is that one exerts its power mainly by itself, and the other manipulates external energy to exert its power.

Yuan Feiwu restrained all his divine power, made himself appear as a normal person's body, and then turned into a trace of fighting spirit, swimming in circles in the body.Douglas sensed it with his mental power, and immediately thought that Yuan Feiwu had already cultivated his fighting spirit.

Although fighting qi can be learned by everyone, there is still a point of understanding.Many people spend most of their lives without being able to cultivate a trace of fighting spirit. Yuan Feiwu did it after half a year of self-study in the library. He can't be called a genius, but his comprehension is indeed very high.

The first and second grades of the warrior class in Landis Academy of Magic belong to the elementary class for enlightenment fighting spirit, suitable for junior warriors who want to practice fighting spirit.Three or four years old are suitable for mid-level warriors who have already developed fighting spirit, and they can practice and consolidate fighting spirit here.The fifth and sixth grades are suitable for senior warriors who can already control their grudges and practice on their own.Graduation after sixth grade, at least at the advanced warrior level, to graduate from the academy.That is to say, warriors who can graduate from Landis School of Magic have at least the level of senior warriors, and they can at least be a squad leader in the army.

Yuan Feiwu didn't have much grudge in his body, and it had already begun to wander in his body. Douglas felt that he was almost reaching the strength of a high-level warrior, so he assigned Yuan Feiwu to the fourth grade, the last year of an intermediate warrior.And Yuan Feiwu's comprehension is quite good, so of course he has to go to the top class.

The teaching building of Landis School of Magic is quite magnificent, each floor is a grade, there are 8 classes for warrior magicians, and it also includes the offices of all the teachers of that grade, it is as big as a castle.Delayed by Director Jin for some time, he was still late, Yuan Feiwu ran down the empty stairs and corridors, smiling helplessly.

Samurai, every four years.These words were engraved on a wooden sign and hung on the door of the classroom on the left corridor of the fourth floor.

Yuan Feiwu came outside the classroom, and the big wooden door with double doors was tightly closed.An intermediate samurai in the mortal world is late for class, this kind of thing is really not a big deal for the devil, since he is late, he will face the reality, Yuan Feiwu will not take it too seriously, and gently knocks on the wooden door.

"Please come in."


Yuan Feiwu pushed open the wooden door, and there were neatly arranged desks and chairs in a spacious space. The desks and chairs were arranged in six rows, and each row had seven sets of desks and chairs. There were two empty seats in the last empty row. People, that is, there are 40 students in the entire classroom.The wooden door was facing a large podium, and a large blackboard was hung behind the podium. A dark-skinned and sturdy man looked at Yuan Feiwu blankly.

Yuan Feiwu smiled, this place is almost exactly the same as the classroom on Earth.

Before Yuan Feiwu came in, the teacher was giving a lecture on the podium, and the atmosphere in the class seemed to be lively, but when Yuan Feiwu entered, the audience fell silent.

"Sorry, I'm late." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

The teacher really couldn't see any shame from his face.

"Oh, Principal Douglas mentioned to me that a transfer student came to our class today. Although he has black hair and black eyes, I believe that everyone who has studied history can tell that this student is not a demon. My name is Gree , the head teacher of the samurai four-year class one. Please introduce yourself to everyone." The burly teacher in front of the podium blinked his eyes a few times and came back to his senses. He has seen many beautiful students, but he was still attracted by Yuan Feiwu The beauty was amazing, mainly because of the hair.

There are very few humans with black hair, so when Yuan Feiwu with black hair appears, it is always more eye-catching.In addition, Yuan Feiwu's white, tender, smooth skin can be broken by blowing bullets, and his facial features are all beautifully crafted. The black hair and black samurai school uniform make his face seem more focused, and there is an indescribable mystery feel.

"Hi everyone, my name is Yuan Feiwu, please give me your advice." Yuan Feiwu smiled at everyone without any stage fright.

There was a small commotion in the classroom.

The students who come to the school to learn Dou Qi are all guys who want to become warriors, most of them are boys, how many girls can there be?There are only three girls in the samurai's four-year class, which is too depressing for teenagers who are in adolescence.Yuan Feiwu immediately caused these boys' hormones to skyrocket.

Fortunately, Landis Academy of Magic has etiquette courses from the first grade to the sixth grade, so this group of students can restrain themselves better, otherwise the classroom would have been overturned long ago.

"Which classmate is willing to take care of Yuan, raise your hand, I will let Yuan sit next to you..."

Teacher Gree suddenly realized that he shouldn't have asked this question. Before he could finish speaking, all the students in the classroom raised their hands.Yuan Feiwu smiled and shook his head, he didn't know how to choose.

"Come and sit by my side." A female student in the last row patted the table and stood up, pointing to the empty seat on her right.

Yuan Feiwu looked up, the female classmate had long dark red hair floating behind her shoulders, a pair of crystal clear and heroic red eyes on her pointed face, she was very beautiful, and she wore a long black school uniform around her waist. Sword, the whole person exudes a domineering arrogance without anger.

After the female student decided to speak, the whole classroom became quiet again, and all the students put down their hands. It seems that this female student is very dignified in the class!
Yuan Feiwu prefers this kind of scene, he doesn't need to think about what choice to make, and just walks over.

"Thank you." Yuan Feiwu pulled out the chair and sat down, and said to the red-haired beauty on his left.

He is the last one in the row on the right, at the very corner, with a red-haired beauty sitting on the left, and an empty desk and chair on the right.

"You're welcome, my name is Ophelia, if you need help, just tell me."

"Okay, thank you again." Yuan Feiwu smiled at Ophelia again.

Looking at each other for a short time, Ophelia felt her heart beating wildly!
I don't know if it's because of the rarity and novelty, but people with black hair are so good-looking!This person even had black pupils, Ophelia almost thought that she was going to be sucked in by these bright black eyes, but fortunately the other's eyelids with slender eyelashes blinked, otherwise she would definitely show embarrassment.

Yuan Feiwu really has a face that I really like!

"Student Yuan, why did you choose to come to the academy to study fighting spirit? Being a warrior is not really suitable for girls, especially you look so...cute." Ophelia felt inexplicably shy when she said that, she I feel my face is a little hot, and it is probably red now.

"But I'm not a girl."

"Eh?" Ophelia stared at the delicate face in front of her, and was stunned.

"You're a boy?!"

The table in front of Ophelia was suddenly kicked over by her, so cute is a man?She felt her inner world was collapsing.


Thanks to beibei163 for the great reward, this is the first reward this book has received!

I hope you like it, if you like it, please collect and recommend a lot!

(End of this chapter)

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