Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 15 Peeking and being discovered

Chapter 15 Peeking and being discovered

"Okay, everyone has got the steel sheet now, try it, and students who have problems can tell me." Gree said.

The students present got the steel sheet and began to try it one after another. Many students' expressions and movements seemed to be determined not to give up until the steel sheet was pierced.

Seeing this, Gree had no choice but to add: "Don't use brute force, and don't force your fingers to strengthen if you haven't activated your grudge, it's easy to get hurt."

Yuan Feiwu got the steel sheet and threw it aside early. Poking the steel sheet was not the direction he wanted to work hard.He separated a trace of divine power, simplified it into fighting energy, and filled it with the index finger of his right hand.At that moment, there was a strong black tangible luster on the outside of the index finger, which was the color of Dou Qi cultivated by the talent of the dark attribute.

Yuan Feiwu was taken aback, quickly wrapped his left hand around his index finger, and looked around, but fortunately no one noticed, this is the benefit of sitting in the corner.

This abnormality appeared on the index finger, not because Yuan Feiwu accidentally used the wrong divine power, but because like Gree, he let out his grudge.Yuan Feiwu made a bit of fighting spirit go up, but he didn't know how to control it, and it turned into fighting spirit in the end.This display of grudge can only be done at the level of an earth warrior. Now that I am pretending to be an intermediate warrior, of course I can't do it casually.

Yuan Feiwu concentrated in a rare way, and just wrapped his left hand around his right index finger, leaving only a slit for himself to look at the index finger, slowly adjusting his fighting spirit, and studying how to restrain it.Others are trying to learn the concentration and release of fighting energy, while Yuan Feiwu is trying to learn how to weaken and restrain the fighting energy. There is really an indescribable helplessness.

Ofelia finished the practice early, laying down the steel plate with a full index finger groove.A month ago, Ophelia had already broken through the intermediate warrior stage and reached the advanced warrior stage. She was already very proficient at strengthening her fighting spirit to every part of her body, and it was only a matter of strengthening her fingers, which was a piece of cake.

Now there is an empty seat on the right of Ophelia, a female classmate on the left, another female classmate in front, and no one behind.Judging from the fact that she is misogynistic, it is only natural to isolate boys in such an all-round way.

The two female classmates also knew of Ophelia's strength, and they turned their heads to ask Ophelia for advice in detail.Ophelia treats her female classmates so well that she can't say anything. Her stern face is usually used to be aggressive with boys. She speaks softly and pleasantly to her female classmates, and answers their questions patiently.I will encourage them for their little progress and be happy for their little success.Under the guidance of Ophelia, the two female students also succeeded. It is really not easy to learn the first step of strengthening the body with fighting energy. With Ophelia's detailed explanation and demonstration, they also used a whole two Hour.This is still a student in the top class. If it were someone with less talent, I don't know how long it would take to practice.

The practice class of the warrior class is supervised by a teacher, but it is still very free and open. After two hours, some students have nothing to do after success or teach students who are not successful.Some students have not succeeded, but they feel very tired after trying for two hours. They stop to rest, and even go outside the classroom for a few laps before returning.Teacher Gree just watched all this quietly. Occasionally, when a student asked a question or the method was wrong, he would send a reminder.After all, teacher Gree can only teach the method of fighting qi operation and use, and you must experience the rest by yourself.

Ophelia is the one who has nothing to do. Two of her female classmates have also succeeded, so she has nothing to do.

Thinking of the transfer student just now, she couldn't help getting angry again, and pretended to glance aside casually, only to see the table that was divided into two lying quietly on the ground.

She was stunned for a moment, and it took a long time to realize that the desk of the transfer student next to her had been smashed by herself, and she had already moved to a place farther away.Thinking of this, she began to feel regretful. This time she seemed a little too impulsive, but it is absolutely impossible to apologize to a boy.

She pretended to glance a little farther to the side inadvertently again, and saw Yuan Feiwu lowered her head, looking intently at the index finger wrapped by her left hand, that focused profile was so beautiful that Ophelia couldn't help Take your eyes back.

This guy seems to have a good learning attitude, but his comprehension is a bit weaker. After so long, he hasn't completed the strengthening of his index finger. Do you want to mention him a little bit?
Just as Ophelia was staring at Yuan Feiwu in a daze, Yuan Feiwu seemed to feel the gaze from the side, turned his head, and saw Ophelia was sitting upright but squinting at him, didn't say anything, slightly He smiled at Ophelia, and continued to focus on his index finger.

Uh... He found himself peeking at him!
Ophelia turned her head abruptly, feeling ashamed that she wanted to find a hole to get in!Subconsciously, she held the sword in her hand, but she couldn't cut people just because they found out that she was peeking!Ophelia felt so angry, but when she thought about it, she didn't know what she was angry about. Anyway, why is she so cute but not a girl!
Not long after Ophelia was sullen, the school bell rang, and Teacher Gree went to everyone's desks to collect the steel sheets.This time, Ophelia resisted the urge to peek at Yuan Feiwu's steel sheet to see if it was finished. If she was caught peeking again, wouldn't it be bad if he misunderstood what she thought about him.

"Ophelia, why don't you leave?" The female classmate sitting in front of Ophelia packed up her things and turned to ask Ophelia.

"Later, I have to go to the teacher's office." Ophelia said.

She planned to wait for the damn transfer student next to her to leave before getting up, otherwise, she would really vomit blood in embarrassment if she looked at her again.

"Do you want to have lunch together?" The female classmate next to her also got up and asked with concern.

"Of course, help me with my meal, and I'll give you the money!" Ophelia, who had a tough appearance, acted coquettishly at the female classmate, and if any male classmate saw it, she would be bloodied all over her face.

It's a pity that the boys are not blessed to enjoy Ophelia's shy side. If there were boys, Ophelia would not be able to show such a feminine posture.

"Okay, okay, see you later." The classmate smiled, took the money and left with the other female classmates.

Ophelia waited for all the classmates to leave before getting up and walking to the teacher's office.She was familiar with the way to the teacher's office, and she knew exactly what to do next. After all, it was not the first time she was angry with a boy and destroyed public property. She would definitely lose money and be severely reprimanded.

"Are you here? Come, sit here." Gree's office is not big, and each teacher has a separate office, which is almost the same as Gree's office.

There are many steel sheets piled up on the desk in Gree's office, and it is estimated that he is evaluating the results of each student.

Ophelia was sitting on the sofa a little far away from Gree. Gree was also a man, but as the head teacher, Ophelia could still restrain her disgust.

"Usually you break the desks and chairs and break the classroom door, that's fine. After all, some male students are naughty, and it's okay for you to be a little disgusted. But today seems to be a bit too much. Yuan, who is new here, didn't provoke you, so you hacked for no reason. It's too much for someone to strike a sword. If your sword is a little crooked, will classmate Yuan be injured by you?"

Gree has taken over since the third grade and has led the class for a year and a half, so he knows Ophelia very well.Although Ophelia is the daughter of the legion commander, she has not been infected with the bad habits of the rich family's children. She is still very peaceful towards her classmates, but she is more aggressive towards male classmates.But this time she did go too far, and Gree couldn't help but say a few words.

"Hmm." Ofelia was noncommittal to the teacher's criticism this time.

"Next time, you must control your emotions. Yuan is a very gentle person. You should try to get along with him as much as possible." Gree spoke highly of Yuan Feiwu.

"I'll see."

"Oh, that's it, you can go back." Gree sighed, and there was nothing he could do about Ophelia's prejudice against boys.

"Teacher, did you forget to collect the compensation?" Ophelia kindly reminded Gree that every time a public property is damaged, it must be compensated according to the price.

"No need for now, student Yuan just came over to borrow tools, and he said he could fix the desk. If you can't fix it, let's talk about it, haha." Gree didn't say anything, and if Yuan Feiwu was just showing off, he still had to compensate the academy for the loss.

Gree smiled unconsciously when he mentioned Yuan Feiwu. This kid is so well-behaved and sensible that he has nothing to say. He rushed to the office to borrow tools as soon as school was over. He said that the cut of the desk was smooth and he could fix it.This kind of thrifty behavior is hard to see in the academy where the children of rich families are generally.

(End of this chapter)

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