Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 156 Reasons for Rejection

Chapter 156 Reasons for Rejection

The Yuan family didn't say anything about leadership at all.

Yuan Lao and his father worked hard to manage the Yuan family, which is famous for its intelligence and black and white. The amount of bitterness and suffering in it is not something ordinary people can bear.

At that time, the Yuan family had a single lineage, and the head of the family was the leader of the Yuan family, called the Patriarch.

Today, Yuan Lao has a total of four sons. The youngest family and the four heads of the family escorted the plane crash and died, leaving only the orphan grandson; the other three sons each took over a part of the Yuan family's business and worked together to support the normal operation of the Yuan family. Yuan Lao lived in seclusion No longer meddling in Yuanjia's business.

In this way, it becomes a family with three heads.

Although they did not intervene, the three heads of the Yuan family would not ignore the existence of the elder Yuan. After all, it is impossible for a mountain to have three fierce tigers. In the end, there can only be one boss of the Yuan family, and they just wait for the elder Yuan to speak.Since the Patriarch is no longer the boss, let's call him the Commander instead.

It's a pity that the performance of the three Patriarchs disappointed Mr. Yuan. In order to make Mr. Yuan look after him, they did not try their best to build performance in their positions, but intrigue with each other.The source of internal competition is not opposed to it. Only competition can produce the most capable people, not flowers in the greenhouse.But all the energy is put on stumbling each other, which makes Yuan Lao feel ridiculous and sad.

I lament that their vision is so short-sighted, and I also lament how many dogs my tiger father gave birth to. The four most valued sons may be a fierce tiger, but it is a pity that he died young.

There is nothing greater than heartbreak, Yuan Lao feels uneasy about the future of Yuan's family all day long, and luck makes trouble for others.

But since tigers can give birth to dogs, can they give birth to dragons?

I have to admit that Yuan Lao's love for Yuan Feiwu was more of pity at first, but later, it was admiration for his personal charm!
He is the dragon that the Yuan family will soar in the future!
Cheng, and Ying who kept his eyes closed all the time, when he heard Yuan Lao's words, they all turned their attention to Yuan Feiwu, feeling overwhelmed.

It is inconvenient for them to talk about the Yuan family's housework, but if any head of the family is allowed to be the head of the Yuan family, they may not obey each other.If Yuan Feiwu was the leader of the Yuan family, they would not have any dissatisfaction, and even began to look forward to what kind of future it would be.

Jing had mixed feelings in his heart. As the guard of the three patriarchs, no matter how bad the three patriarchs were, he should support the three patriarchs to become the leader.But now, he is also shaking his mind. As the leader of the Yuan family, this magical young man had imagined this before, and now he has the opportunity to become a reality, and he is actually excited!

Can make the three guards have anticipation and excitement, does Yuan Feiwu's ability still need to be questioned?

Yuan Lao's eyes glanced casually to confirm the thoughts of the three guards. He was a little uneasy about his hasty decision, so he swept it away.

"Is this really good?"

Yuan Feiwu tried his best to calm down his emotions and restore his smile, but the trembling hand that picked up the chess piece betrayed him.

"why not?"

Yuan Lao stared closely at Yuan Feiwu's eyes. Ever since Yuan Feiwu used a smile to disguise his true expression, Yuan Lao couldn't see through him many times.

He needs to make a final judgment from Yuan Feiwu's answer.If there is any modesty such as being young, then this position of commander is indeed not suitable for him.Leadership requires incomparable self-confidence, and using age to limit a person's ability in ordinary people's opinion, what is the difference from ordinary people?
"There will be a lot of innocent killings."

Yuan Lao was also very disappointed with Yuan Feiwu's answer. One side's overlord should be broken as soon as possible, and blind kindness will only become timid.

The three guards were also disappointed by Yuan Feiwu's answer.

"Which one of the big things doesn't have blood on his hands? Are you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid, even if I'm stained with the blood of my own race, I'm not afraid."

Yuan Feiwu's hand playing chess finally stopped shaking, and seemed to have calmed down his mood.

"So you actually don't want to be the leader?"

"No. If I can continue to carry forward the Yuan family instead of my father, his spirit in heaven must be very pleased. I am afraid that nothing can compare to the temptation of a leader."

"That's right, he cares most about these things." Yuan Lao said with a wry smile, "I'm not afraid of blood, I have determination, I have desires, what's wrong with that?"

"It's not bad for me."


Yuan Feiwu made the last move, placing the elephant next to the opponent's mouse, and this elephant was his last chess piece that could make him win.

"This is your choice?"

Yuan Lao did not hesitate to use mice to eat the elephant.

Fighting Beast Chess is so special, the mouse that sees the bullying of the beast can knock down the king of all beasts, the elephant.Yuan Laoduo hoped that the decision Yuan Feiwu made today would be to become this mouse and replace himself as an elephant.


"I don't understand."

"I'm not afraid of necessary killings; I wish I could fulfill my father's wish on his behalf." Yuan Feiwu's voice was a little choked up, "But what about you?"


"Can you go through three more bereavements?"

Yuan was as old as five thunderbolts and was stunned on the spot.

This result was almost predictable. The three patriarchs felt that the position of leadership should belong to them, so how could they tolerate Yuan Feiwu's superiority?Therefore, the killing inside the Yuan family, Yuan Yuan, had been mentally prepared early on, but he ignored the death of the three sons intentionally or unintentionally.

But is this skippable?

Although he is old, ruthless and cruel, but he is also a person, and he also has the feeling of licking the calf.

Back then, he didn't care about the death of the fourth son on the surface, but actually he didn't know how many nights he quietly got up, crying like rain!

He looked at Yuan Feiwu, he finally understood that this guy was not overly kind, but cared too much about himself.Unexpectedly, it was him who tied Yuan Feiwu's hands and feet, preventing him from performing it.

"Father is in the spirit of heaven, and he will be more satisfied with the decision I made. His wish after death is not as important to me as other important people alive. Besides, the three uncles have actually done a good job, right? ?"

In the eyes of Yuan Lao, the three Patriarchs have various deficiencies, but from the perspective of the whole world, they are also extraordinary figures.

Yuan Feiwu hated them, but he was not blinded by hatred.

"Finally I won you once, but it's a pity that you won the victory." Yuan Lao's eyes were red, and he pretended not to be convinced.

"Actually, I should have lost a long time ago. I won too much." Yuan Feiwu said seriously.

"You gave up this opportunity, and there will be no more in the future. If you want to have this opportunity again, you can only get it yourself. That is more killing."

Yuan Yuan felt a little reconciled, and finally persuaded Yuan to dance for a while.

"Don't worry, if there is a necessary killing, I will do it myself."

"I hope I can wait for that opportunity, but judging from the current mentality of your uncles, I'm afraid not."

If Yuan Feiwu was quietly killed, Yuan Lao would not pursue it too much even if he favored Yuan Feiwu. This is the law of the Yuan family, survival of the fittest.The three Patriarchs are not idiots, how could they not have discovered Yuan Feiwu's extraordinaryness?They would not let Yuan Feiwu grow up to an age that could threaten them. Yuan Feiwu's decision almost sentenced him to death.

"So I have to make some decisions." Yuan Feiwu said resolutely.

(End of this chapter)

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