Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 170 The Not Simple Maid

Chapter 170 The Not Simple Maid
"Hey you……"

"Do you know how much an ordinary trader can earn in a day?"

Kelsen was about to scold this reckless maid, they beat the internal staff too much, how could they mess up the princess's name!Does he even know what he's doing?
Then it was interrupted by Yuan Feiwu.

"do not know."

"Around 50-100 rupees. Half a day's tax is 500 rupees, do you think it is reasonable?"

"Uh... unreasonable is unreasonable, but this is a rule..." Kelsen hesitated.

"Northway Regulations, No. 14, Article [-], taxation shall be reasonably determined by each city owner, submitted to the cabinet for deliberation, and formal decrees shall be issued after approval. This is the regulation of the Northway Empire, but they did not implement."

"This... so this is..."

"Arbitrarily collected taxes and fees."

Kelsen was rendered speechless by Yuan Feiwu's words. How could this maid recite the Northway rules as thick as a dictionary? It's scary!
Yuan Feiwu wanted to implement city building and legislation in the Demon Realm, and Nuo Siwei, a ready-made reference object, was of course impossible to miss.In the library, I read all kinds of construction methods, urban planning, and Northway's regulations, and wrote them down for use in the devil world.

It's a piece of cake to memorize a law at will.

"Don't worry, tell me who sets the tax here?"

Yuan Feiwu showed a bright smile at the woman, and the woman unconsciously calmed down a lot when she saw this smile.

"Amy, the deputy city lord of Eternal City, started last month. At the beginning, the deputy city lord was just to better manage the itinerant vendors in Eternal City. He designated three areas for the itinerant vendors to sell together. Set up stalls outside the specified area."

"This measure has been unanimously approved by everyone. In this way, everyone can find things in one centralized place, and vendors don't have to think about where to sell them every day. There will be more people. Until last month, everyone got used to doing business in this way. The deputy city lord suddenly issued an order, because three large areas were specially designated for itinerant vendors to do business, so an additional venue tax of 100 rupees per day must be charged."

"This kind of tax is already very harsh for us, but it was increased by another [-] less than a week later. It has continued to increase in the future, until today, it is already [-] rupees a day! How can we live!"

"The tax is so heavy, you can sell it in another place!" Kelsen couldn't help but said.

"Set up a stall in a place other than the three areas marked out by the deputy city lord, and the internal affairs staff found that all the goods were confiscated. How else can we set up a stall? We are residents living in the city. Do we have to leave our hometown to do business in other cities? Business? Now even Tost merchants are reluctant to come to Eternal City to do business, I'm afraid we will also leave this ghost place!" The woman said bitterly to Kelsen.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Kelsen felt that this woman seemed to be particularly disgusted with him. Could it be because he dressed more like a civil servant?

"I understand. Don't worry about doing business here. Starting tomorrow, everything will be fine." Yuan Feiwu patted the woman and comforted her.

"Are you really sent by the princess to rescue us?"

"Of course, so did he. Northway has not forgotten you, even if you are far away from the capital, the princess will never forget her subjects."

"Thank you! Thank you!"

The woman hurriedly bowed down to Yuan Feiwu and Kelsen, and the other vendors who had been watching also knelt down to the two of them, expressing their gratitude.

"You don't need to thank us, if you want to thank us, please thank Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

Yuan Feiwu smiled and asked everyone to get up, and told them to close the booth and go home quickly, there might be some confusion for a while.The traders thanked them again and again before they were willing to leave.

Kelsen faced everything, although his face was expressionless, but his heart was extremely surging.

Protecting the royal family in the palace every day is already a sense of mission imprinted in his mind and heart, and he is proud of doing these things every day.However, it seems that it feels good to do some kind things for these ordinary people outside occasionally!

Kelsen is not an idiot, he has deduced from Yuan Feiwu's words that the deputy city lord must have been doing something wrong here without telling the king, since there is indeed a problem, he doesn't mind helping to solve it.Moreover, it was still in the name of Her Highness the Princess. Seeing everyone's expectant smiles on Her Highness, Kelsen felt that even if he returned to the castle a little later tonight, it seemed okay.

"Wait a minute." Yuan Feiwu suddenly stopped the woman who put away the vegetable basket, and said with a smile, "You have a basket of vegetables that was knocked over by this uncle, did you forget? If you knock it over, you will lose money, and the princess cannot be charged for this." oh!"

Kelsen was taken aback when he heard the words, his surging mood immediately seemed to be poured with cold water, and he stared at the vegetables all over the place.Fuck, could it be that you knocked it over by yourself!It was obviously thrown over by those internal affairs staff!Are you going to throw this pot on your head!

"No, no, no, it's those people who threw the basket, and you're not to blame!" the woman said after confirming that both Kelsen and Yuan Feiwu belonged to Her Royal Highness, her attitude improved a lot.

"No, I knocked it over with a punch, and I will pay you."

Kelsen was furious, but he couldn't express his anger at the restless woman. He took out a rupee note from his pocket and stuffed it into the woman's hand.

The woman was shocked when she saw it, and refused to accept it: "No, no, this can buy me food for five days!"

"It's okay, just keep it if you want, we are not short of money."

Kelsen rolled his eyes repeatedly, and the matter of losing money was completely left on him, and others thanked him but included himself!This money is his personal, what is "us"!Shameless!

"Come on, we still have business to do."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

Although he was dissatisfied with this messy maid, Kelsen still felt warm in his heart watching the woman leave with gratitude, and he liked this feeling very much.

"Hey, what are you going to do next? Damn, can you just send a message when the fuck is leaving!"

As soon as Kelsen turned his head, the maid had already slipped several meters away, and if he stayed for a few seconds, he wouldn't even be able to find her!

"Hurry up, don't be distracted."

"You..." Kelsen was so angry that he didn't know where to start. He hadn't lost his temper for many years. He felt that he was gradually entering the realm of chasing the ultimate martial artist with no desires. All sent, "What's next?"

"Buy the sauce, didn't you tell me from the beginning?"

Seeing Yuan Feiwu patiently smiling and explaining to himself again, Kelsen was not moved at all.

Is this what I asked TM!I spent a long time in the market and haven't bought any sauce, okay?

"Did you have a goal? Where to buy it?"

Kelsen decided to ask more directly, so as to save himself from repeatedly playing tricks on this unpredictable maid.

"I didn't have it before, but now I have it. Buy it wherever the deputy city lord is." Yuan Feiwu said with a harmless smile.

Sure enough, I need to find the deputy city lord to solve this matter!
This guy is not easy!
He only found out that there was a problem with Yonggu City from the expressions of the vendors in the market, and he came down and took a targeted stroll, and immediately discovered the reason.Then we can figure out what the problem is through side-by-side speculation, and run towards the problem to solve the worries of the common people.

The most important thing is that he hangs the name of pleading for the people on the princess, so that the princess's popularity will definitely skyrocket, which is of great benefit to the harmony and unity of Northway!All the honor goes to the princess, which also shows his loyalty to the princess!
Terrible insight ability, terrible reasoning ability, terrible intelligence, no wonder he is favored by Her Royal Highness, it turns out he is a terrible talent!
It would be a great fortune for Northway if such a talent is firmly surrounded by Her Royal Highness the Princess!

(End of this chapter)

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