Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 19 The Charm of the Demon King

Chapter 19 The Charm of the Demon King
"Sorry, I'm not free tonight." Yuan Feiwu replied with the same faint smile.

"If you don't agree, I won't let you go." The man named Dunk said with a chuckle, and put more effort into his hand, for fear that Yuan Feiwu would escape.

"Bastard!" Ophelia touched the sword at her waist with her right hand, and was about to draw the sword to teach this son of a ghost city owner a lesson.

But seeing Yuan Feiwu clattering and banging on the table around him, dozens of people stood up, men and women all stared at Dunk and his hand tightly clasping Yuan Feiwu, without hiding the anger in their eyes.

The son of the city lord was not so ignorant of current affairs, so he let go of his hand immediately.Those who study at Landis College are mostly wealthy businessmen, officials, royal families and other children of extraordinary backgrounds. If they offend so many people at once, maybe there are some big figures who can't afford to offend them. At that time, his city lord father will not be able to protect him. .

"Just kidding, I'm just kidding! Hehe..." Dunk explained with an embarrassed smile, but everyone still glared at him, and he hurriedly fled the library in desperation.

"Are you okay, did you hurt your wrist?" "That man is serious, you clasp your hand while holding such a heavy object!" "Come on, let me rub it for you."

Several female students quickly gathered together, scrambling to check Yuan Feiwu's wrist. The other male students could only poke their heads and watch from the outside, so it was not convenient to squeeze in.

"I'm fine, really nothing at all. I'm going to keep busy, thank you for your concern." Yuan Feiwu persuaded them to leave one by one with a smile, and then walked all the way to the bookshelf smoothly.

It was only a few steps away from entering the bookshelf area, but at this time, two female classmates appeared to block Yuan Feiwu's way.

Ophelia is about to die of depression, can you female students be more reserved, what are you doing pestering a stinky boy all the time!What about dignity?
As a result, Yuan Feiwu chatted with those two female classmates for a long time this time, Ophelia glanced at them angrily, and almost fainted immediately, those two were Younis and Laura!What they said was something, they came to the library to find source Feiwu!What's the matter!He didn't call himself!
Ah bah, why call yourself?

Ophelia realized it all at once, no wonder her two good friends dared not call her. Whenever she met a man, she wanted to draw her sword and cut him down. Didn't they call her out for scolding?

However, I came to the library myself!
Ophelia quickly lowered her head to cover her face, making sure that she wasn't noticed, she quickly walked away quietly, walked around behind a bookshelf, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously I came to borrow books, if they misunderstood that I came to see Yuan Feiwu, that would be bad.On the way here, I just warned myself to be upright, but it turned out to be sneaky again. If someone passed by and saw her like this, it would be no wonder if she didn't think she was here to steal books!
It's all the fault of that black-haired bastard, why are you messing around in the library? Didn't you realize that the situation in the library is very chaotic now?It's all his stupid fans!

"Ah, hello! You are busy, goodbye!"

The culprit that Ophelia was thinking about suddenly appeared in front of Ophelia. There were only a few books left in the basket in her hand, which happened to be placed on the bookshelf area here. He greeted her casually and passed by her.

"Goodbye you big-headed ghost!" Ophelia grabbed his collar as soon as she reached out, and pulled it back.

Ophelia immediately regretted this. The distance between two rows of bookcases can only accommodate three people passing through at the same time, which is enough for a library.But after such an impulsive pull, Yuan Feiwu's whole body was almost attached to her body in such a narrow position, and the fixed expression was that the smiling face was only a few centimeters away from his own.

Ophelia was shocked, and quickly took a few steps back, bumping the back of her head from one end of the bookshelf to the other, and only felt a huge pain in her head after pulling away.

"Eh... please don't damage the things in the library, I may not be able to repair them." Yuan Feiwu smiled reluctantly.

"Break your dead head! Have you ever seen someone use their head to damage something! It hurts me!"

Ophelia took a few deep breaths. She recalled the moment when the two were very close to each other just now. She seemed to forget to breathe. She could only hear her heart beating wildly. She almost thought that she was going to burst to death.

"I haven't seen it. But I haven't seen anyone hack a table with a sword before this morning. You did." Yuan Feiwu said truthfully.

"You!" After Ophelia yelled at you angrily, she didn't know what to scold, so she changed to other topics, "What are you doing here?"

"Work." Yuan Feiwu smiled slightly.

"What I'm asking is, what on earth are you doing here!" Ophelia asked before realizing that she had asked the same question again, and it was all because of this guy, who suddenly appeared and made her dizzy, "Didn't you notice that there are many people outside?" huh! Look what you've done!"

"There are more people than before. I think I've done a good job. You see, since I work here, everyone has become more and more observant of the library's rules." Yuan Feiwu said happily.

Ophelia was too angry to speak, she!Home!Of course!none!Word!by!right!

It seems that everyone outside obeys the library rules because of this transfer student!But those are his fans. Failure to follow the rules is equivalent to causing trouble for him. They feel distressed!

But Ofelia really wanted to know how this guy managed to kill both men and women!But looking at that guy's innocent face, he probably doesn't know the answer himself!

"You tied your hair up like this, no wonder something went wrong! A majestic boy with a ponytail braided, he is neither male nor female!" Ophelia stretched out her hand to remove the rubber band of Yuan Feiwu's hair in a fit of anger.

Such soft hair.

Ophelia looked at her hand still holding the rubber band, and couldn't forget the tactile sensation just now, and she raised her head after a while.

Yuan Feiwu's long black hair is scattered behind his back, because the rubber band was rudely taken off, a few hairs on his head are messed up in a disobedient manner, matching his fair and flawless face, showing a pitiful and extremely beautiful appearance .

Ophelia immediately turned her head and smashed towards the bookshelf, her face was almost squeezed into the gap between the densely packed books.

My god, the lethality is too strong, Ophelia thinks she can't bear it!So bubbling!My heart is in trouble, can it beat slower, it is about to pop out!

It took nearly half a minute to cool down her manic heart, Ophelia turned her head and quickly put the rubber band back into Yuan Feiwu's hand, ordering him to tie his hair back immediately.Ofelia couldn't imagine how crazy the group of guys outside would be when Yuan Feiwu walked out in the same way as before.

Yuan Feiwu looked at the marks on Ophelia's face that were caught by the two books and scratched his head, regardless of 21, let's tie his hair back to its original state.

"It's nothing, I'll continue to work." Yuan Feiwu waved his hand symbolically, turned around and left.

For some reason, seeing Yuan Feiwu leaving, Ophelia subconsciously chased after him.She was very repulsed by Yuan Feiwu's leaving back, subconsciously, she would rather see the smiling face that made herself half dead than see this leaving back.

Then, she saw Director Jin appearing out of nowhere, Yuan Feiwu puffed up his fur all over like a frightened cat, and took a few steps back.

"Xiao Wu, I heard that you are going to move to the dormitory tonight. Let's get off work early today and go back to tidy up the dormitory."

While talking, Curator Jin quickly grabbed Yuan Feiwu, and stuffed his hands into Yuan Feiwu's hair and fumbled wantonly.Ophelia watched Director Jin's hands shuttle through Yuan's fluttering hair, and suddenly felt a sense of envy.

"But, the books haven't been sorted yet..." Yuan Feiwu couldn't laugh anymore.

"It's okay, let's do it tomorrow." Curator Jin said.

"Okay, thank you Director Jin, then I will take my leave first..."

Curator Jin seems to have learned how to play with Yuan Feiwu's hair. In just a few words, he changed Yuan Feiwu's hairstyle.

"Dengdengdengdengdeng! I am honored to let you see how cute my daughter Xiao Wu is!" Curator Jin turned Yuan Feiwu around, like a mother showing off how cute her child is to others.

Yuan Feiwu's hair was changed into double ponytails by Curator Jin, coupled with his aggrieved eyes, Ophelia couldn't help spraying two tubes of nosebleed, turned around suddenly and used more powerful force to push herself smashed his face into the cracks of the book.

Miss Ben... this life is worth it.

"Let's go, be careful on the road."

"Can I go out with my appearance!" Yuan Feiwu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Yuan Feiwu was also very proficient in combing back to the original hairstyle, and soon got back to the original hair style.Ophelia also just turned around, her face was covered with two bookmarks, one dark and one shallow, and there was still a nosebleed that hadn't been wiped off, which looked a bit pervasive.

"Miss Ophelia, didn't I tell you not to damage the library with your head?" Yuan Feiwu said helplessly.

Does it look like I'm head-damaging something in the library!Ophelia looked up to the sky and wanted to cry, but judging from her performance just now, if she wasn't damaging the library with her head, what the hell was she doing?

(End of this chapter)

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