Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 21 Of course it's the men's locker room

Chapter 21 Of course it's the men's locker room
Dormitory No. 32 is a small villa in Western country style. Each floor inside has simple whitewashed walls. The living room has a table, two chairs and a couch.The two rooms on each floor have exactly the same boxy layout, with a white and elegant wooden bed inside, and a set of desks and chairs in the corner.These are the most basic furniture and equipment in the high-end dormitory.

In a room facing the stairs on the third floor, under the slightly opened wooden window, a vertical beam of lazy sunlight shines on the handsome and picturesque face of the young man on the bed.The boy seemed very dissatisfied with that ray of sunshine, finally rubbed his eyes, sat up and stretched his waist.Then he gave the empty room a smile that fascinated all sentient beings without meaning, and said to himself: "Aren't you late yet?"

This is what Douglas saw from the monitoring magic circle. A person like Douglas, who is as calm as water, has to admire how handsome this young man is, and feels that the female students in his college will inevitably suffer.What he didn't know was that it wasn't just female students, there were more male students running to the corner crying with broken hearts than female students!
In the real situation at the scene, Yuan Feiwu was sitting on the bed and meditating. The whole room was filled with darkness and mist, as if he was filming a ghost movie.The current situation is already much better. In the middle of the night, Yuan Feiwu transformed his divine power into magic power. When he planned to practice magic, the magic power was not controlled well, and the black mist of dark elements that came out filled the entire villa.If it weren't for the magic circle that seals the magic power to prevent leakage outside the villa, a large area outside might be covered with black mist caused by too high concentration of dark elements.

"It's really difficult to maintain the level of an intermediate magician. For the time being, it's better not to use magic." Yuan Feiwu sighed helplessly and stopped meditating.

However, the whole night of meditation last night was still very helpful to Yuan Feiwu.As the so-called emissary of the dark element in the mortal world, his communication with the dark element is really no joke.The starting point of Yuan Feiwu's strength was too high before, and cultivation was directly absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, and he hadn't tried the lower-level training, such as dealing with dark elements or something.In this meditation, Yuan Feiwu specially sensed the dark elements, and those dark elements sensed himself, like a kindergarten kid who found his mother who came to pick him up after school, and jumped over happily. The elements are all jumping over, and there will be ghosts if the heavens don't notice it.

Magicians meditate to drag the elements into their bodies as much as possible like hunting to enhance their magic power, so that when they cast magic, they will drive more elements and be more powerful.Unlike Yuan Feiwu, he had to stop them from rushing towards him, and he almost broke out in a cold sweat.Therefore, there must be a comparison between people to create a gap.Or to put it another way, it is better not to compare humans and demon kings.

Yuan Feiwu sensed the dark element, and it was just a small part of the essence of heaven and earth. After Yuan Feiwu used magic, he would find this part of the element to cast it. This is like magic at the level of the mortal world. Dark elements dominate, but the power of magic is at the level of destroying heaven and earth.

After simply tidying up the unsleeping bed, Yuan Feiwu stared blankly at the wooden bed for a while, then finally smiled and left.How long has it been since I had such a warm little bed of my own?Since the parents died, right?Since then, I have been living in dire straits every day, and I can only sleep half asleep. If I sleep soundly, my body may be found hanging in the house or floating on the lake the next day. A suicide note written by Zhang himself.For an intelligence family, how difficult is it to forge your own handwriting?

Emotions surged, Yuan Feiwu suddenly missed Lucifer, his first friend, do you want to go back to the Demon Realm?But come to think of it, life here seems more interesting, and protecting the bookshelves in the library from being smashed by Ophelia is also quite fun, so let's stay for a while.

Lucifer will never know that Lucifer, the mighty great devil and fallen angel, is no more important than a mere bookshelf. (Ophelia lies down)

Yuan Feiwu found the samurai training ground based on the memory of the first time Douglas brought him in.There is no way, he has been living in the library since he came in and has never been anywhere. He is still very unfamiliar with the vast campus. If he is not an ordinary person, he might not remember where the warrior training ground is.

Yuan Feiwu came a little early, unexpectedly, Gree, the head teacher, also came early, and he came early especially for him.

"This is the clothes you wore during training. I forgot to give them to you yesterday. Take them here." Gree and Yuan Feiwu said early and stuffed him with a set of clothes.

Yuan Feiwu took a rough look, it was also black, and the material seemed to be leather. He also felt that there seemed to be a little energy fluctuation on the clothes, which may be attached to the magic circle of the body.Yuan Feiwu has learned common sense from books. This kind of clothes with body protection magic circles can be sold for tens of thousands of high-end goods outside. This price is only the lowest level of magic circles. If the body protection effect is stronger , It is no problem to sell hundreds of thousands of rupees, and there is no market for the price.

No wonder the Landis School of Magic is powerful, and the basic equipment is very high-end.Of course, such a large number of magic array clothes were not purchased. It is estimated that there are magic array masters in the academy who enchanted them personally.There are many magicians who have in-depth research on magic circles. There are so many magicians in the magic academy, there are always a few who know how to enchant, and then they are responsible for attaching simple magic circles to clothes when they are idle.

Boozer was about to give a lecture when he sneezed for no reason.

"Don't miss it. The first one is included in the tuition fee, and it's a gift from the college. The second one will cost you extra money, and it's not cheap." Gree kindly reminded.

"Understood, thank you teacher." Yuan Feiwu nodded and smiled.

At this time, Ophelia came to the training ground full of aura, and looked around casually, and those students who felt that they were blocking Ophelia's road automatically stepped aside to avoid suffering.Her eyes suddenly stopped in a certain direction, but she moved away quickly, habitually holding the long sword at her waist with her right hand, and moved a small leather bag behind her with her left hand.

"Tch, I thought this idiot didn't have a training uniform." Ophelia murmured.

The school stipulates that school uniforms must be worn during class, so all students who come to the samurai training ground come to the training ground wearing samurai school uniforms, and then go to the special changing room to change clothes.

Yuan Feiwu is no exception, and Ophelia is no exception.

There are six classes of warriors, and there are no more than twenty girls in total. There are enough small rooms in the women's locker room for the girls to change clothes.Boys are different. Hundreds of people line up outside the men's locker room.There are twenty single rooms in the locker room, but boys can just find a corner in the locker room to change clothes. Except for a few nobles or introverted boys, they are all men who don't care much. Even so, there are not enough men's locker rooms Space, everyone has to line up outside.

When Ophelia went to the women's dressing room after chatting with her two good friends Laura and Eunice, there was always something wrong with the atmosphere.She glanced a few times, and finally stopped using casual eyes, but stared in one direction very seriously.There was a black-haired guy in black clothes standing outside the door of the men's locker room. The boys in front of him and behind him all sneaked awkward glances at him, as if it was a surprise that he was in this line.

Yuan Feiwu came early. After getting the clothes and figuring out that he needed to change, he hurried over to the men's locker room to line up. It was almost his turn.

"No! Absolutely not! How can you go in there to change clothes!" Ophelia rushed over, grabbed Yuan Feiwu, and dragged him out of the team.

Those boys looked at Yuan Feiwu with lecherous eyes in Ophelia's eyes, how could Yuan Feiwu change clothes in front of so many perverts!
"No? Am I going to change there?" Yuan Feiwu was puzzled by being dragged out of the line inexplicably, and asked while pointing to the door that said women's changing room.

"Uh...Of course not! You are a pervert! Sure enough, men are dirty and nasty!" Ophelia couldn't believe that she hesitated for a few seconds before scolding. Her reaction at that time almost said that she must enter Changing clothes in the women's locker room.

He's a man, he's a vile, vile, shameless, dirty creature!Ofelia shook off the messy things in her mind, and then redefined the attributes of the creatures in front of her.

"Of course you know it won't work. Why are you dragging me out of the line? I've been waiting in line for a long time." Yuan Feiwu complained to Ophelia with a wry smile, ran back to the original line, and said to the person who had already taken his position, Hello classmate, I was standing in front of you just now, do you recognize me? Can I stand back to my previous position?"

"Oh... oh, yes."

The male classmate had been sizing up Yuan Feiwu's back for a long time just now, how could he not recognize that ponytailed black hair so beautiful.Seeing this classmate's face now, he was even more astonished. He completely forgot to think that the other party was going to line up in the men's locker room.

"Thank you." Yuan Feiwu smiled politely.

"No, you're welcome!"

I'm blushing!I don't know which class's smelly boy is blushing!He's a man, you blushing!

Ophelia became more and more worried that Yuan Feiwu was going to go into the men's locker room to change clothes with a bunch of stinky boys, and she was so worried that she forgot that she hadn't changed yet.


The recommendations in the past few days are quite powerful, and a new chapter will be added today!

(End of this chapter)

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