Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 224 Attack on Molot Swamp Forest

Chapter 224 Attack on Molot Swamp Forest
How could that fool be eaten!

Ophelia galloped between the swamps and forests, her feet trudging hard in the swamps, which were already covered with mud.If she hadn't been the best of the high-level warriors, the fighting spirit enhancement effect on her feet was not bad, and she might have been swallowed by the bottomless swamp several times.

She still firmly ran towards the direction where the three-headed hell dog left. Although it was unlikely that she could communicate with it, she still hoped that she could suddenly understand the animal language, so that she could grab the dog and ask if she saw a black-haired dog. guy showed up.

If so, where did he go?This forest always makes people feel depressed and full of unknowns. We must take away that guy who is running around happily all day as soon as possible!

Suddenly without any warning, Ophelia felt as if she was hit by something heavy in the waist, and the huge momentum threw her into the swamp.

From the feeling from her waist, Ophelia was sure that at least three ribs in her waist were broken, and she passed out with shock and unwillingness under the powerful pain.

"Pop, your shot is too heavy! How can you play when you are broken?"

On the tree next to where Ophelia fell, five men in black cloaks appeared.The person in the lead taught the person next to him a lesson, but there was no sign of blame on his face.

"Haha, I thought she was very capable for daring to break into the Holy Land, who knew she was just a silly girl. That attack just now shouldn't have killed her, right?" Pope responded.

The leader did not reply, jumped down from the tree, picked up Ophelia who had been buried in the swamp and gradually sank, and brushed the mud off Ophelia's face.

"Huh, are you still angry? You don't look bad, you've earned it!" The leader smiled lewdly.

"Hey, good!"

Huo Dewen was the man in the cloak who took the lead. He agreed with the opinions of the people behind him. He picked up Ophelia by the waist and was about to find one of the rare clean creeks in the Molot swamp forest, but Pope stretched out his hand. Stop Howard.

"There are a lot of guards outside, maybe they are looking for this silly girl, maybe she has some identity, or throw her out to avoid trouble." Pope said.

"I'm afraid! They dare to take a step closer to the Holy Land, and they will never come back!" Huo Dewen said angrily, "If the elder suddenly said after the auction just now that he would retreat for a few days to consolidate his cultivation, I would have informed the elder to lead People come to exterminate this group of bastards who don't know what to do!"

"It's really strange. I don't know what happened in this auction when we happened to be on duty. Suddenly, Elder Patrick died and was replaced by an elder, and the other four elders were going to retreat at the same time. Do you think it is the four elders? Seeing that Elder Patrick is not pleasing to the eye, so we worked together to make him..." Pope made a movement of wiping his neck.

"Don't talk nonsense, are you looking for death?!" Huo Dewen quickly kicked Pope to stop him from continuing to talk nonsense.

The elders have great powers, if they hear him gossip, even if he is a distant relative of the elder of the Vicious Yamen, he will suffer!

"It's precisely because the four elders are in retreat, so I think we should be more careful." Pope promised.

Pope also knew that he had talked too much, some words should not be said, they should be rotted in his stomach, otherwise his body would rot and rot.

Huo Dewen was superficially dismissive of all this, but in fact Pope's words still made him think a little more.But it is impossible for him to return the beauty he got.The things in Huo Dewen's hands belong to him, and if he wants to go back, he has to see if he is qualified.

After thinking for a while, Huo Dewen suddenly grinned, admiring his own clever mind: "Give her to Gilfi, he will be very happy."

Pope suddenly realized when he heard the words, Huo Dewen's trick is amazing!
Gilfi is the son of one of the five great elders, the head of the Vicious Tooth Sect. That guy failed to inherit his father's talent for dark elements, but he lived a high life under his father's blessing, and he was very serious about playing with women. enthusiastic.

At this very moment, playing with this chick might cause trouble for him, but if he transfers her to Jillfi, his father can cover him with supernatural powers, and he can also please the elder of the evil tooth door in disguise, how perfect!
How could Huo Dewen not be moved by his ingenuity!
Just do what you say, and maybe those stupid guards will rush in to find someone later, and a fierce battle may break out at that time, and there is no time to care about this girl's life or death.Thinking of this, he took out a large robe and wrapped Ophelia tightly.This big robe is a good thing that can hide the breath of creatures, and it is a treasure given to him by Elder Fierce Fang.At this time, I took it out to use it because I was afraid that some masters outside would feel Ophelia's breath and chase after me.

"I'll send her to Gilfi first, and you guys watch here, and report to those people outside if there is any trouble." Huo Dewen ordered the others, and walked deep into the Ophelia pilgrimage site with his arms in his arms.

"I am coming too!"

Pope followed Huo Dewen without saying a word.

Of course he wanted to show his face in front of Giffel, obviously he was the one who discovered this chick first, and he was also the one who shot him down, how could he only give Huo Dewen the credit!

Huo Dewen glared at Pope displeasedly, but Pope is very obedient, so it is necessary to give him some sweetness, so let him do it.

Of course, Mosaha's territory is also in an area of ​​the Holy Land. The meeting hall where the door owner is located is just a big house made of giant trees, with the door owner's residence and the main hall inside, which is considered very luxurious in the Holy Land.Many black magicians can only sleep on the branches of trees!

Murphy stood in his residence, sighing constantly.

He had climbed to the highest point of the Holy Land in just one night, but he couldn't hide the feeling of emptiness in his heart.He is still him, no different from yesterday.If there is a difference, it is just that the status is different and has become higher.

This is a good thing!But why are you unhappy?
Speaking of happiness, Murphy hasn't been very happy in the Holy Land for so long!Murphy suddenly thought it was funny to think of such a word.

Could it be that he felt happy after being tortured by the Demon Lord of the Underworld Fire last night?

Crazy, I'm not shaking M!

But to be honest, it seems that he is a little bit concerned about Demon Lord Minghuo.That guy seems to have a kind of magical power, which makes people can't help but get close.If he could choose, he might choose to leave with Demon Venerable Netherfire instead of staying as an elder. This is simply impossible in Murphy's values.

Just when Murphy was full of emotions and was about to pretend to be deep, the wooden window of the residence was kicked open with a bang, and the guy who had repeatedly appeared in his mind jumped in silently.

Fuck, I just said goodbye sadly, and you came back too soon!

(End of this chapter)

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