Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 228 The Miserable Ending of Angry Demon King

Chapter 228 The Miserable Ending of Angry Demon King
Pope was forced to come to the bedroom, and when he saw Yuan Feiwu suddenly turned around to ask questions, he immediately collapsed in fright.

But he didn't dare not answer. Huo Dewen's fate is a lesson from the past.

Now he is glad that Huo Dewen died early, without him to confront him, when Pope told the story, he almost put all the responsibility on Huo Dewen.But he didn't dare to lie about the fact that he shot and injured the girl. He confessed honestly, but it was an understatement.Instead, he talked about his idea of ​​sending the girl out of the swamp forest, as if he almost saved the girl from Huo Dewen.

"You murdered an innocent girl without understanding the situation, you bastards!"

Elder Fierce Fang was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Originally, this kind of thing happened to others, and it was not a big deal. People who accidentally entered the Molot swamp forest usually would not end well.But it happened that these people were tormenting the people of Demon Lord Minghuo!And it happened that he was the one with fierce teeth who committed the crime!In the end, he threw it into the bedroom to please his son. Isn't this the rhythm of wanting to drag the whole gang to die together!It's also fortunate that Demon Lord Minghuo saved the girl's life, otherwise Elder Fierce Fang wouldn't know how to give Demon Lord Minghuo an explanation!
Now it is an inevitable fact that he offended Demon Lord Minghuo, Elder Fierce Fang can only try his best to restore his image in his heart, and he will criticize Pope from head to toe.

The more he talked, the more angry he became, and finally the Elder Vicious Fang stretched out his hand, and a giant black claw came out of thin air and flew towards Pope.

Yuan Feiwu threw out a ball of ghost fire silently, and the giant claw immediately burned and disappeared when it touched the ghost fire.

"Master Minghuo Mozun, this kind of beast cannot be kept!" Elder Fierce Fang quickly expressed his righteous indignation.

"Of course." Yuan Feiwu smiled, "He almost killed my friend."

It's just that that smile, for some unknown reason, made Elder Fierce Fang feel extremely eerie.

Suddenly Pope felt something wrapped around his neck, and the next second he was already hoisted high, waving his hands and feet wildly.

But soon he couldn't even move his hands and feet, and then he felt abnormal pain in his toes.Looking down, I almost fainted from fright, and even thought it would be better to faint!

His toes are gone!
It turned into a flower of blood and flew down!
And the toes began to slowly turn into blood flowers!
Pop's mouth wanted to yell, to cry, to plead, to scream, but he couldn't open his mouth anymore, and several black filaments sewed his mouth shut.His last thought was to curse Huo Dewen countless times from head to toe. If Huo Dewen listened to his advice, there would be no need for such a tragedy to happen!And he, the mastermind, died simply, but he had to go through perverted torture to die!
Elder Fierce Fang felt a chill rise from the soles of his feet and rushed straight to his forehead. It turned out that Demon Lord Minghuo didn't let him do it because he didn't want him to die too quickly!This is to let him watch himself being slowly cut into pieces!I don't know what the Underworld Fire Demon Lord did, but Pope's body will be chopped inch by inch from the feet, and shattered into blood!Even if it was cut all the way to the chest, Pope would not die immediately. He had to slowly feel the pain of his body, the fear of seeing his body being chopped up, and the despair of facing death!
Elder Fierce Fang secretly swore in his heart that he would not offend Demon Lord Minghuo until his death. What happened to Pope now is the best wake-up call!

"No! Father, please save me! I don't want to die!"

Facing Pope's tragic situation, several black magicians who were used to bloody fangs all turned their faces away and couldn't bear to look directly at them, but Gilfie didn't. end!

He peed his pants, he cried so much that tears and snot were all on his face, he didn't care, he just wanted to escape from his bedroom as soon as possible, now this place is simply hell, both the atmosphere and the scene are full of hell!

It’s good that the fool didn’t make a sound, but once he made a sound, Elder Fierce Tooth couldn’t even forget it on purpose, so he immediately stretched out his hand, and the dark elements in the air quickly gathered and turned into a magic arrow, and shot towards Gilfie, piercing into Gilfie’s foot , nailed his feet to the ground, and said angrily: "Nie Zi, look at what you have done!"

"Father, it's none of my business! Don't kill me, Master Minghuo Mozun! This matter has nothing to do with me, I don't know anything at all! Listen to Pope, listen carefully, it's what they want from the beginning to the end." It was not my idea to send your friend to me! It was my fault for disrespecting you before, and I apologize!"

Gilfi's desire to survive was quite strong, and it was hopeless to escape, so she quickly fell to the ground and kowtowed.

This is also the reason why Elder Fierce Fang deliberately didn't kill him immediately, leaving some time for him to beg for mercy.You must know that Gilfi is his only child after all, and Elder Fierce Fang is very sad to see him die.After all, it can be said that Gilfi was implicated in this matter, and stabbing him on purpose is considered a bitter plan. He knows that the harder he strikes now, the greater the possibility of saving him.If Demon Lord Minghuo still doesn't express anything, he plans to cut off his hands again to see if Demon Lord Minghuo can calm down. It's better to be a useless person than to lose his life.If Mozun Minghuo is still angry, this ignorant son is doomed to be lost.

"Close to ink is black, I hope you will be friends with good-natured people in the future." Yuan Feiwu waved his hand, and the magic arrow on Gilfi's feet turned into dark elements and dispersed again, "But Elder Fierce Fang, please order , don’t blame me for being ruthless if there is such a random killing of innocent people in the Holy Land.”


Kill innocent people indiscriminately?If such a vicious method is not used to make outsiders afraid of stepping into the Molot swamp forest, I am afraid that the Holy Land will not have a peaceful day in the future.Elder Fierce Fang felt that there was something wrong in his heart, but in the end he could only say one word.His son's survival is already a great fortune.

"You learn this formation carefully, teach it to the other elders, and then arrange it for the Holy Land."

Yuan Feiwu suddenly stretched out his index finger and nodded to Elder Fierce Ya's forehead, Elder Fierce Fang felt a huge and mysterious force rushing into his brain.This is divine power, with the Holy Land's breath-holding magic circle, Yuan Feiwu is not worried about using a little bit of divine power.

He passed a formation he created himself to the mind of Elder Fierce Fang.It is a magic circle made by combining dark elements and the unique dark environment of the Molot Swamp Forest. It wraps the entire Molot Swamp Forest in it. Without the magic power of the dark element as a traction force, people who step into the Molot Swamp Forest will Lost direction, and finally walked out of the Molot swamp forest inexplicably, unable to go deep at all.

"Okay! With this magic circle, we can definitely do it!"

The method of use and its effects are engraved in the mind of Elder Fierce Fang. While he was amazed, he also felt that this formation is extremely mysterious!With this magic circle, even if you don't send people on duty, you don't have to be afraid of someone accidentally entering the Holy Land!But the arrangement of this formation is not simple, and it takes a long time for the four great magisters to complete the arrangement.Sending out four great magisters at a time, isn't this close to the level of the taboo circle!
"I am leaving."

Yuan Feiwu gently hugged Ophelia, and if he didn't go back, he might cause more people to worry, causing more people to rush into the Molot swamp forest.

"Master Minghuo Mozun, please wait! I have ordered hot water and the bedroom to be prepared, let the young lady wash and rest before leaving!" Elder Fierce Fang said anxiously.

"No need."

Elder Fierce Tooth thumped in his heart. Demon Venerable Minghuo didn't appreciate it, which was equivalent to expressing his dissatisfaction with him in disguise. He still wanted to continue to improve his cultivation with this big thick leg on the list!Or learn one and a half tricks of this kind of mysterious magic from him, it would be great!But Demon Lord Minghuo seems to be unwilling to have anything to do with him, which is definitely not a good omen!

But he has made up his mind to go, and any more nonsense will be disgusting, so Elder Ji Ya can only think about how to make up for the bad impression he left on Demon Lord Minghuo next time.

"By the way, you have to rearrange the person on duty today."

Yuan Feiwu quickly left the bedroom with Ophelia in his arms, and disappeared in the territory of the evil tooth gate in a blink of an eye, leaving only a soft sentence.

Some of the black magicians present understood what they heard, while others didn't.But how could Elder Fierce Tooth not understand, and immediately ordered his subordinates to send five black magicians to be on duty again.

Minghuo Mozun meant that the few black magicians on duty who offended Minghuo Mozun's friends today were destined to die as an apology.If Elder Fierce Tooth hadn't been worried that Demon Venerable Netherfire wanted to do it himself, he would have rushed out to find those guys and chop them up!

It's not good to provoke anyone, but this God of Death!
(End of this chapter)

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