Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 24 The Devil's Clothes Play

Chapter 24 The Devil's Clothes Play
"Lester is obviously a bully against the transfer students. You can see it? You stinky boys only know how to be brave and ruthless. There is no way out!"

"Yes, yes, yes, it's my's wrong again! The two brave and fierce fighters are in the middle and ready to fight, it's none of my business!" Ophelia's mention of the map of male creatures all over the world made Se Lars remembered something was wrong, and quickly said, "No, no, if Miss Ophelia saw two boys duel in normal times, it shouldn't be like this."

Then Silas imitated Ophelia's standing posture holding the sword, raised his face to the upper left corner at 45 degrees, looked at the distance with contemptuous eyes, and said in a disdainful tone with a sharp voice: "Hmph, a duel over a trivial matter, Men really are all SBs!"

Objectively speaking, Silas imitated Ophelia at least [-]%, and the remaining [-]% ​​were just ugly.

Ophelia had nothing to say to these boys, she would kill them if she disagreed with them, anyway, she was the daughter of the regiment commander, so even if she violated the school rules and was kicked out of school, she would not be afraid at all.Seeing Ophelia's cold eyes, Silas knew that the situation was not good, so he had better hide if he couldn't afford it, and ran away.

In this world, it is very difficult to be a quiet audience who eats melons.

Ophelia's anger at Silas was quite loud, and the students in front could hear it to some extent, and they all kept an eye on their backs.Seeing Ophelia's cold eyes looked over, she didn't need Ophelia to speak, she automatically squeezed to the side, desperately trying to get out of the way.

Ofelia, of course, would not stop to thank them, and quickly passed through the crowd to the stage.

The contest platform is a circular high platform made of stone slabs reinforced with a magic circle. It is more than one meter high and has a radius of ten meters. The top is quite spacious.

Ophelia jumped onto the arena without saying a word, glared at Lester with her bright eyes, and then said to Teacher Gree who had just finished explaining the basic rules of the duel, "This duel is cancelled!"

"No, the two parties have already agreed to a duel, and the duel oath has been completed, so it cannot be cancelled." If Teacher Gree didn't seem to be Ophelia, he would have kicked the other party off the stage long ago.

Dueling is a very sacred thing, and it is very rude for someone to come up to make trouble.

"This..." Teacher Gree is the referee of this duel, as well as the witness and host. If he says no, then it is absolutely impossible. Ophelia is not self-willed enough to think that she can stop a duel that has already been sworn.

"You idiot, didn't you say that you are not allowed to accept the challenge!" Ophelia also had no choice but to vent her anger on the smiling guy who stood on the stage.

"I promise you not to accept challenges from other classes. I asked Lester, and he said he is from our class." Yuan Feiwu replied seriously.

Ophelia always felt that one day she would be pissed off by this guy!

"You deserve it if you die! If you can't beat, you will admit defeat!" After confessing to Yuan Feiwu worriedly, she could only obediently jump off the competition ring.

Lester watched all this even more furious, and Ophelia was actually worried about this guy!Sure enough, the challenge this time was correct, Lester wanted to torture Yuan Feiwu to the point of losing all face in front of Ophelia, so who else could have a crush on him?
"Okay, let's start!" Lester shouted impatiently.

"Okay, I'll let you do it first." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile while putting his hands behind his back.

The audience suddenly fell into silence.

That little-known transfer student seemed to say that he wanted to let Lester, the number one warrior in the fourth grade, make a move?And the meaning of giving up a move, doesn't it mean to let the opponent attack first and defend first?But this transfer student with very special black hair and black eyes, and also very beautiful, puts on a posture, not to defend a move first, but to take the opponent's move first!Take a move directly, what is the difference between this and death?Weapons can be used in a duel!

"Okay, very good! Dare to underestimate me, Lester, you are the first and the last!" Lester laughed angrily, drew the long sword from the scabbard around his waist, and the light of the sword shone with brilliant silver. Light, Chaoyuan Feiwu rushed over.

It's a good sword, but compared with his abandoned sword of the ancient god, the gap is as deep as a chasm.Yuan Feiwu's Abandoned Sword of the Great Ancient God, which was always with him, also had a cold light, but it was not as radiant as Lester's long sword.The cold light of Yuan Feiwu's long sword is introverted, and it looks unpretentious, if it is not decorated with some ripple patterns, it will not have any outstanding features at all.But the best sword is the top-level sword that returns to its original nature after the stage of flashing light, with a restrained murderous aura.For example, Mo Xie, the ancient sword general rumored on Earth, also looked extremely simple, but cut iron like mud.

If Yuan Feiwu used his sword to fight Lester, it would be too dangerous.Of course, this danger refers to Leicester, so Yuan Feiwu didn't intend to draw his sword at all.

Leicester's speed is very fast, and the distance of more than ten meters is reached in the blink of an eye.

"He has strengthened his fighting spirit to his feet!" "As expected of the number one master, the strengthening of fighting spirit is already handy!" "It goes without saying that he has been a high-level warrior for some time."

For a time, there were all kinds of praises from all around.The scene is full of students from the samurai class. Most of them don't have this kind of speed, but the gap can still be understood.

"Mountain Slash!"

As a member of the royal family, Lester cultivates the battle qi that is not rumored by the royal family, called Zhenshan battle qi.It is said that the ancestors of the royal family produced a god of war, and it was only through his efforts that the northern land was unified and the Northway Empire was established.The surname of the royal family is Northway.The battle qi passed down by the god of war, the members of the royal family must not be leaked from generation to generation, it is this mountain-shaking battle qi.

The characteristic of Zhenshan Dou Qi is that it is very powerful, and every time it makes a move, it uses all its strength, and there is no room for recovery at all, showing the wisdom of defeating ten times with one force.And the mountain slash that Leicester is using now is the first move of his battle qi. He can barely use it when he has cultivated to the level of a high-level warrior.

Lester's long sword flashed in the air, it was obviously just a thin sword, but at the moment the crowd watching looked like a huge meteor hammer, majesticly flying from top to bottom towards the source .

Yuan Fei moved.

Lester never believed that Yuan Feiwu really didn't move, so he let himself slash.No one in this world would give in like this, he was just pretending to be B in such a posture.

But Yuan Feiwu only moved his head slightly and turned his body a little bit, the long sword hit Yuan Feiwu's shoulder without any cover.

Lester was stunned, and all the warrior students present were stunned, even Gree was stunned.Gree thought the same as Lester, how could it be possible to let someone cut a sword so that he made a move?
Zhenshan fighting spirit means that even mountains can shake, and its power is very strong.Yuan Feiwu was bounced aside by the momentum of the chop, and rolled twice on the ground.

This guy really took a sword from himself!

Lester suddenly felt a little scared. He used all his strength to strike just now, and the little white face was slashed with the sword. Could something happen?Lester also wanted to teach him a little lesson. He never wanted to cause trouble, after all, he didn't have any deep hatred with this person.

It turns out that the strength of a senior warrior is about this level.

Yuan Feiwu got up from the ground, still recalling the force of Lester's attack just now in his mind.He deliberately took a blow to use it as a reference, knowing the strength of senior warriors, so he can control his own strength when he fights back, so as not to accidentally beat him to death.

When he got up, Yuan's flying rubber band broke in two and fell down, because it was swept by Lester's sword just now, and a few hairs were also broken.Without the restraint of the rubber band, the black hair fell loose in a rush.The clothes on the left shoulder were torn apart due to the slash, and the clothes torn off from the shoulder fell off to both sides, exposing a large piece of snow-white skin on Yuan Feiwu's left shoulder.

Yuan Feiwu was also taken aback, and subconsciously covered the clothes on the left shoulder that had fallen off.Her black hair blocked half of her stunning face, her cherry lips were slightly parted to reveal her neat white teeth, and her deep black pupils made people feel a little confused, coupled with her charming posture covering her left shoulder.

Stunning beauty and heavenly fragrance, I feel pity for it!
Seeing Yuan Feiwu like this, everyone present widened their eyes and forgot to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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