Chapter 286 Trust You

"How do you plan to arrange the team competition?"

In the president's office in the student union office, Yuan Feiwu was pushed to sit on the sofa before he could sit still, Ophelia asked first.

Of course, she also understands the competition rules of the exchange competition. There are a total of five players in the competition, and the competition methods are team competition and confrontation competition.

It is actually easy to understand the game mechanism just by looking at the name.As for the team competition, everyone goes to the field and competes together on the field. If you defeat all five students of the opposing team, you win.As for the competition, it is a one-on-one competition, and defeating all five students of the opponent is considered a victory.Players who have won the competition can play again.

To put it simply, it is the difference between gang fights and heads-up.

Yuan Feiwu now chooses group fights, so teammates are very important.

"Compare as you want."

Yuan Feiwu acted like it was a matter of course, which made Ophelia feel particularly unworthy of a beating!
Said and not said the same!Just want to know how you plan to compare!As a result, Yuan Feiwu simply took it over, and was so depressed that he died.

"Have you decided on your team? Who is there?"

It was Athena who knew the art of speaking, and asked the point in a simple sentence.

In the final analysis, what everyone cares about now is the teammate issue of this gang fight!
"Temporarily, the team has only two people, me, and Nangongfeng."

"Ah? Are you participating too?" Nangongfeng was the first to sigh among the few, "You are so strong, why should I play after participating? You are not allowed to participate!"

Nangongfeng made a protest. Ophelia was very happy when she heard it at first, after all, she also felt that Yuan Feiwu was delivering food!Although Yuan Feiwu was considered a high-level samurai in the fifth grade, but the great talents of the Three Kingdoms came out in large numbers, and there must be earth warriors and great magicians at Yuan Feiwu's age.For every class difference, the gap between strengths can be said to be as deep and wide as an abyss.

It's great that Nangong Fengneng is standing on the united front with himself. I'm afraid that Nangong Feng will say that he will partner with Yuan Feiwu, and the brothers will work together to cut gold or something like that.

Unexpectedly, what Nangongfeng protested was that he disliked Yuan Feiwu for being too strong!Where is it strong!It's just a senior samurai!Still sat on the name of the brain-dead!

"Tentative, just tentative." Yuan Feiwu comforted Nangong Feng, "Besides, you must be the main force, and my strength is limited."

"That's good."

"Hey hey hey! That's not the problem, is it?!" Ophelia roared, "It's okay to go to the sixth grade and pick a few earth warriors or great magicians at random, right?"

"I've already seen it, and the mentality is too arrogant, it's not suitable." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

Those people are a level higher than those in the same grade, and their mentality has changed, so they are not suitable for participating in this kind of competition.In other words, it is not suitable for participating in the competition led by Yuan Feiwu.

"So after ten days, no, after nine days it will be the two of you?" Ophelia said in disbelief.

"Actually, I think Nangong Feng did it alone." Yuan Feiwu thought for a while, and what he said surprised Ophelia even more than what he said without his brain, "Feng, do you think it can be done?"

After hearing Yuan Feiwu's words, Nangongfeng stopped talking and meditated quietly by himself for nearly 10 minutes.

Ophelia doesn't even know what the hell he's thinking about, she shouldn't just reject this kind of nonsense without even thinking for a second!Leaving aside that Tarena who was dragged to the sky, her strength may be very good, and she is not easy to deal with in a one-on-one match.Now you still want Nangong Feng to pick five?Yuan Feiwu is crazy!

"Bottleneck. But I want to give it a try, maybe I can break through the bottleneck, can you believe me?" Nangongfeng said with a sigh, eyes a little uneasy.

"Believe me, then I'll leave it to you. Don't worry, I'll be behind you, silently cheering for you." Yuan Feiwu smiled brightly.

Add your sister!Just cheering silently behind the scenes!Isn't it right to be his strong backing? !

"You are indeed different from ordinary people. I, Nangong Feng, have said that your business is my business in this life!"

Nangongfeng's eyes suddenly turned red, and he ran away without saying a word.

"What the hell is that guy!"

Ophelia is even more inexplicable!
"Nangongfeng won't want Yuan Feiwu to help." Athena smiled slightly, looked at Ophelia, and said slowly, "Nangongfeng was never understood in the family before, his thinking He is too agile, and many innovative and wonderful ideas are not trusted by others. Therefore, he always has a certain distance from others, in fact, he does not want to see the eyes of others who do not trust him, which will make him feel hurt.”

Seeing that Ophelia was listening to her carefully, Athena continued, "If Yuan Feiwu said that he believed he could win [-]v[-], but at the same time said that he would help him beside him, wouldn't that be a contradiction? It's true trust. Given Nangong Feng's intelligence, it's the most correct way to speak to him."

"Athena, how do you know so much about Nangongfeng's past?" Ophelia asked curiously.

"I'm a princess, and I have to keep an eye out for all kinds of talents for the Northway Empire. Once there are masters in the academy, of course we have to find out quickly, so that we can decide whether we can win them over. Otherwise, what if they are spies? But at present, Lan I haven't been able to investigate the past of a guy in Tees Academy of Magic, I only heard something through his mouth. I don't know who that guy is?" Athena said, and finally fixed her eyes on Yuan Feiwu up.

"Be careful, don't reuse if you don't know. Maybe he doesn't want to be reused?" Yuan Feiwu said calmly, his face unchanged.

"Devil! Xiao Wu, you are a devil! Quickly show a panicked face!"

"Wait, so Yuan Feiwu is just talking, and he will help when the time comes, right?" Ofelia asked anxiously after interrupting Athena's coquettishness.

"No, I said no, then I won't." Yuan Feiwu laughed, "I believe him."

"Are you really planning to play only the two of you? If you don't include me, I am at least a high-ranking warrior!"

Ophelia felt that not only Yuan Feiwu was crazy, but Nangong Feng was also crazy!No matter how she thinks about it, she feels that she has to do her best to help, otherwise not only will the Landis Academy of Magic lose the qualification for the exchange competition, but even Yuan Feiwu's reputation will be ruined!There are only two people on the court, and one person fights the other to watch, it's no wonder if they don't lose!Losing is not regarded as a sinner through the ages!
"I have already said that I have observed many people, and they are not suitable, and most of them are arrogant." Yuan Feiwu said seriously.

Well, although Yuan Feiwu said it very tactfully, Ophelia knew she understood!

She immediately burst into tears. If you want to say that someone is arrogant, even she herself has to admit it!
In the next few days, Yuan Feiwu and Nangong Feng didn't come to the student union again, they didn't go to the library, they just stayed in the inhuman room and didn't know what to do.But every time we meet each other in class, Nangongfeng always looks tired, and Ophelia can't help frowning, feeling slightly worried.

But her worry was not too heavy, after all, Yuan Feiwu and Nangong Feng switched places in class the next day, at least this guy fulfilled his promise.

In everyone's expectation, ten days crawled slower than a snail, squirmed slowly, and finally arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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