Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 306 The strength of the tip of the iceberg

Chapter 306 The Strength of the Tip of the Iceberg
"Very confident! We'll do the same in a while, and only keep Nangong Feng, isn't that domineering enough?" Silas joked.

He was glared at by Livia just after he finished speaking, so he had no choice but to stop discussing the feasibility with great interest.

What Silas said was right, if only Nangongfeng was left alone on the stage, it would definitely be more impressive than St. Wen College's performance.You must know that Nangongfeng is a person who doesn't carry any weapons. He likes to fight with bare hands, and every part of his body will be his weapon.

Such an empty-handed person standing on the stage looks much more domineering than a student with weapons all over his body left by St. Wen College.

St. Wen College's seemingly unrestrained performance is actually a mockery for the opponent.

It just so happened that their opponent was the Academy of the Bagal Empire, and standing at the other end of the stage were five sturdy warriors.But it's not a coincidence, after all, 80.00% of the participating teams are from the Bagal Empire.

This college probably dislikes St. Wen College on weekdays. Among the five college representatives, a warrior who looked like the captain stepped forward, raised the long sword in his hand and said angrily: "You are fighting alone, how arrogant! Losing Forget it, you deserve it!"

"Let's talk about winning." The representative of St. Wen College finished coldly, and took the bow and arrow from his back.

Few people bring bows and arrows as weapons when competing on the competition arena. After all, bows and arrows are long-range weapons. Using bows and arrows on a competition arena with a limited range is somewhat silly.Not to mention the current relatively small competition arena.

But for the representatives of St. Wen College, there is no such thing as stupid or stupid, only suitable or not.If the attack distance cannot enter the melee range, it is a matter of course to use bows and arrows to perform long-range harassment or attack.For the representatives of St. Wen College, bows and arrows are standard equipment and part of the battle.

The representative half-kneeled on the ground, facing the five strong men who charged towards him without any panic at all, his bow and arrow shooting movements were done in one go, with such a fast movement, the arrows he shot had a faint gleam.

"Strengthening with fighting spirit injection!" Many savvy audience members at the scene said in surprise.

The captain on the other side saw that the arrow was as fast as a meteor with a faint brilliance, leaving a comet tail in the air, and his face suddenly became ugly.

This must be at least the strength above the middle level of the earth, in order to inject fighting spirit into the arrow!

The whole team of their academy, the strongest is him, a high-level samurai mid-level only!

The arrows shot by the earth warriors are good enough for them to catch the traces, but it is a bit difficult for them to react.The arrow flew away, and directly took one of the opponent's students off the competition ring.The arrow pierced into his shoulder and pierced out from behind, bleeding profusely immediately!
The medical staff arranged for the exchange game arrived in a timely manner and treated him immediately.

The students on the stage didn't have time to pay attention to the situation of their own team members. They saw the unavoidable arrow for them, and they already knew that they couldn't let the guy from St. Wen College shoot the second arrow, so they rushed towards him with all their strength. .

The distance of the martial arts arena was limited, and the representative of St. Wen College rushed to the opponent in a moment. Instead of forcing another arrow, he quickly put away the bow and arrow and hung it back behind him, drawing out the saber at his waist.

"Calm, calm, and focused." Douglas on the rostrum sighed.

What he was talking about was the representative of St. Wen College on the competition stage. With his strength, he could easily knock down all opponents without even drawing a sword.But he still chose the most efficient way, the most serious way of fighting, to meet the enemy.The strength is not at the same level, and he does not underestimate the enemy at all. Such a representative of St. Wen College makes the opponent have no chance of victory at all.

Calm, calm, and focused, this is not only the performance of that representative, but also the label of the students produced by St. Wen College.The quality and qualities that a professional mercenary should have have been injected into them when they study in the academy.

No miracle happened on the competition stage, and the opponent didn't even show much intention to resist, and was swept off the competition stage by the representatives of St. Wen College, and the battle ended quickly.

"The first round of the second group is over, St. Wen College wins!"

The referee pronounced the sentence quickly, and he had been preparing to say it since the beginning of the game.As soon as it was said, the audience remembered to cheer.

"Then, the students in this year's exchange competition of your college are pretty good, the lowest level is already the intermediate level of warriors." Pullman said to Bolian Ze.

On the other hand, Pauline kept silent, and it was not something he would do to leak the true strength of the representatives of his own academy, but he would do his best to keep his family secret.

Pullman could only seek a hint of their overall true strength from one representative of St. Wen's.But it can't be said that there is no gain, because every time the exchange match, St. Wen Academy's way of hiding its strength is only one way, which is to send only one or two students to fight.But the students sent out are definitely the weakest in the team!

The lowest-level students are already mid-level earth warriors!In the last competition, the students with the lowest level of St. Wen College were only high-level warriors!

What a terrifying strength this is!St. Wen College's strength in this exchange competition is very strong!
Douglas was already worried in his heart. The strongest lineup that Northway sent this time was the high-level earth warriors and the high-level great magician Nan Gongfeng and Tarena, and the others were all high-level warriors.

As for St. Wen Academy, there are at least five students who are above the middle level of Earth Warriors. In terms of strength comparison on paper, Northway Academy of Magic and Magic was directly thrown out by several blocks!If Yuan Feiwu had formed a team and called in several land warriors and great magicians from the sixth grade in the academy, they would not have lost so much in terms of strength on paper.

It's useless to think so much now, Yuan Feiwu doesn't quite understand the team building policy, but this little apprentice has a good brain, so he should have his own ideas.

Douglas sighed, he didn't miss Pullman's expression, he still looked embarrassed.St. Wen College has shown this level of strength, and he still doesn't care, which shows that the strength of Xuefeng College is only higher than the current strength of St. Wen College!

This exchange match looks like it will be a talent blowout exchange match!
" strong!" Coleridge was stunned for a while before silently uttering a word.

"This one is probably the weakest one in St. Wen Academy."

When Yuan Feiwu said this, it happened that the representative of St. Wen College walked back to his seat.The seats of St. Wen Academy are not far from the rest area of ​​Lantis Magic Academy. On the way back to their seats, the five representatives of St. Wen Academy all glanced at Lantis Magic Academy. Can't figure out what they are thinking.He probably heard Yuan Feiwu's words, and in the end his eyes were all on Yuan Feiwu's body, and he looked closely for a while before retracting his eyes.

"That's right. It seems that the strongest opponent in this exchange competition will be St. Wen College." Livia rarely agrees with Yuan Feiwu's words.


Yuan Feiwu seemed to deliberately contradict Livia, she rarely agreed with him, but he wanted to refute once.When Livia glared at Yuan Feiwu angrily, she only saw the side of that flawless smiling face.

He looked closely into the distance. If Livia read correctly, the direction of his line of sight would be the rest area of ​​Xuefeng Academy behind the huge competition platform.

This guy, he didn't judge lightly after watching all the opponents, he was really calm and steady, no wonder Douglas relied on him so much, Livia thought to himself.

If it weren't for the dark element physique, this guy is really a perfect strategy talent!
(End of this chapter)

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