Chapter 316

"Hey, old man, your team members seem to be too brave, don't you want to stop it?"

Pullman hastily knocked on Douglas's desktop.

After all, it is really not cost-effective to cause self-destructive meridians for SB like Sabo.

Douglas didn't speak, he was still in shock!

Yuan Feiwu, who he knew, would never say something he couldn't do, and would only surprise him!

Could it be that he is really sure that Livia will break through the Grand Magister!His big apprentice has been stagnant at the bottleneck of the magister, which can be regarded as a heart disease for Douglas!
In the next match, it was the turn of Lantis Academy of Magic to face St. Wen Academy. After receiving Yuan Feiwu's promise, Sabo no longer stayed on the competition stage, and picked up the beautiful magician to send him to treatment.

Originally, just hearing the name of this group of competitions made people excited and looking forward to it, but something even more unbelievable happened just now, and everyone's thoughts were a little far away.Someone bet on self-destruction of the meridian, allowing the magister to break through and become a great magister!How could it not make people curious!
The captain of St. Wen College went to the referee in advance, waiting for Yuan Feiwu to come, and discussed the way of the game for a while.

The representatives of St. Wen College were also shocked by this black-haired guy who was astonishingly beautiful, but it didn't affect their mood.Whether he bet with others and killed himself or destroyed his meridian, it has nothing to do with them, the victory of the exchange match is the most important thing!
"Hello, my name is Yuan Feiwu." Seeing that the captain of the opposing team had been standing there for a while, Yuan Feiwu said shyly, "I'll keep you waiting. You guys should choose the way of the game first."

Nangongfeng and the others looked at the captain of the other party who was communicating with Yuan Feiwu from a distance, discussing in low voices.

This captain has never played in the previous games, and has been pretending to be the sixth man. It seems that St. Wen Academy is also hiding it very deeply!The team that jumped off the stage at the beginning of Nima also wants to play Xuefeng Academy's set!

"I'm Huo Qinlei, the captain of St. Wen College. You're welcome. You can ask for your opinions. We don't care." Huo Qinlei said generously.

Huo Qinlei said so, but in fact he has a lot of meaning in his heart!
They watched the game of Landis Academy of Magic, and only two guys played against them, but they were only high-level warriors, so it wasn't worth watching at all.

It was originally planned to meet the Landis School of Magic and use the confrontation match directly, and it would be more beneficial to deal with those two rubbish without any effort!
But last night, their principal, Bo Lian, specifically asked them to remind them that they must be careful of the Landis School of Magic, and they must not underestimate the strongest students from the previous exchange competition they have hidden!

It was the tall woman with her face covered all the time, and Bo Lian explained her strength to them in detail, which made Huo Qinlei rethink whether it was right to use a confrontation match against Landis School of Magic or not.

One-on-one, this Tarena is very tricky.

On the other hand, in a team battle, clearing out the two high-level warriors quickly, forming a situation where the more fight the less, it may be difficult for Tarena to stay alone.

"Let's fight in groups." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

Huo Qinlei smiled coldly. Sure enough, the other party wanted to choose a confrontation!

He let the opponent choose first just because he was cautious. The opponent would definitely choose a game style that he was not good at and lure himself to object.

This is a suit in a suit that I played. The other party looks very beautiful, but his brain is not good enough to see through it!

"Then let's fight in groups!" Huo Qinlei said cheerfully.

I was expecting the other party's smiling face to collapse, but the guy turned around neatly and walked back briskly, without feeling disappointed at all.

No way, is it a suit within a suit?He guessed that he would guess that he paralyzed himself by bringing up his weaknesses first, so he put forward his strengths from the beginning?Fuck, I feel a little godly!

The more Huo Qinlei thought about it, the more confused he became, so he just stopped thinking about it. Anyway, no matter which method he uses to compete, it is convenient to crush with the strongest strength!
The two sides came to the stage. Nangongfeng, Silas, and Lester from Landis School of Magic stood in front, and Tarena stood behind them.

Tarena is a magician, and the green-haired one and Lester are high-ranking warriors. They know the information of these three people in their hearts.The representatives of St. Wen College on the opposite side basically understood the position of Landis Magic Academy when they saw that the three samurai were protecting the magicians in the team.It also shows that the guy with the empty hands is also a samurai.

But their captain, the black-haired boy who claimed to help Livia break through the great magister within three days, why is Nima standing behind Tarena?Isn't there a long sword hanging from his waist!I predicted earlier that he was also a warrior, but I didn't expect to hide further behind, even behind Tarena!Shouldn't you wait for the game to start and fish out a staff from another place?Then it was too scheming to hide it!
The five representatives of St. Wen's College stood three in front and two behind, standing like an arrow, obviously in an assault formation.

"The match begins!" Seeing that both sides were ready, the referee jumped off the competition platform after quickly announcing it.

"Charge, chop up the opponent's lineup, target the earth magician!"

"Lester and I don't move, the wind breaks through, and Tarena provides remote support."

The teams of St. Wen College and Landis Academy of Magic issued orders at the same time.

Naturally, it was Huo Qinlei who gave orders on St. Wen College's side, but Silas was actually in command on Landis Magic Academy's side!

Nangongfeng rushed towards the five opponents alone according to the order, which was completely unreasonable in the eyes of the audience.

But Huo Qinlei would never underestimate any representative sent by the three major academies. He stood at the forefront of the arrow formation and shouldered the position of the tip of the sharp blade.Seeing Nangongfeng rushing towards him, he pulled out the two long swords from his waist without saying a word, and slashed forward!

"Extreme Cross Slash!" Huo Qinlei's two long swords were in a cross shape, with a faint fighting spirit, and quickly slashed towards the front of Nangongfeng's chest!

But Nangongfeng didn't seem to notice it, he didn't slow down at all, as if he was going to hit those two slashes head-on!

"Tianji double sword swordsmanship? Isn't this the fake and prudish famous skill of Gajaya, the celestial sword sage?" Pullman exclaimed.

That Jiajiaya's move is too easy to recognize, and it uses double swords as weapons, which can't be found in the entire mortal world.

"That's right. Huo Qinlei is Gagaya's only disciple, and there is no other branch in this one." Bo Lian also cheerfully introduced her hidden secret weapon.

"Fuck, it's cheating! How could Jagaya's apprentice study at your place!" Pullman said depressedly.

"He is indeed studying at my place, but in terms of battle qi, Jia Jiaya came here to teach one-on-one."

On the other hand, Bo Lian unconsciously raised his tone of voice when talking about Huo Qinlei, because he really had a good impression of this very talented young man.

Douglas on the side was secretly happy without speaking.

He'd always acted like Tarena was his weapon, just to make them let their guard down.

What is Gajaya's disciple?He also has disciples taught by the three great sword masters!

(End of this chapter)

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