Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 36 The Great Magister of Light Wants to Entrust the Demon King with an Important Task

Chapter 36 The Great Magister of Light Wants to Entrust the Demon King with an Important Task
"What's going on! Tell me what's going on! Temporarily unable to wake up? 10 minutes haven't passed, and people have come to me, and the fuck is too hard to wake up temporarily?"

Backing to the basement door, Rodney no longer needed to worry about his image. His image had been completely corrupted by Douglas!If it wasn't for the fact that he had the winning chance and felt that he would definitely be able to join Douglas, how dare he taunt Douglas so ostentatiously!The results of it?Offended Douglas, but he didn't get anything. The typical loses his wife and loses his army!
If this anger is not vented on Pan Xi, why should he hold it back?
"This subordinate is indeed very serious, and Yuan Feiwu is definitely injured!" Pan Xi checked Yuan Feiwu's body, his grudge was weak and confused, and he firmly believed that he was injured, "But we all underestimated him. Doubt that Yuan Feiwu may have the strength of an earth warrior."

"Earth Warrior? How old is he! You failed such a simple task, so you just find an excuse that doesn't even believe in ghosts to fool me!" Rodney roared.

"Lord, please see."

Pansy quickly handed Rodney the removed bolt.This bolt is the bolt that locks the outside of Yuan Feiwu's iron door. The pin made of steel has been broken off, and the cut is very smooth. There is obviously no deformation caused by any external force, as if it was cut off by a sharp weapon.

"Is this the deadbolt that locks Yuanwu? What do you mean?" Rodney temporarily suppressed his anger, intending to listen to Pansy's explanation.

"Yes. The steel door was also pierced by a sharp weapon. We checked, and there was no sharp weapon on Yuan Feiwu and the room where he was trapped, so there is only one possibility, that is, he used fighting energy to cut off the door from the inside Shuan. This level of dou qi is released, at least the strength of an earth warrior is above the middle level, even if it is me, I will not be able to do it for a while."

Pan Xi himself is the middle-level strength of the Earth Warrior, and it is the most objective to compare himself.Although he could pierce the steel door and cut off the bolt with his grudge, he couldn't do it silently, and it would take a long time.He didn't know how long it took that guy to cut off the bolt, but he broke through the door and even went back to the upper floor after not staring at him for a few minutes, which shows that he didn't spend much time.

But this does not mean that Yuan Feiwu's strength is much higher than his own. There are various methods of fighting qi cultivation. Much faster.

"Why don't we think about it? Is there any other possibility? For example, someone broke the door latch with a sharp weapon from the outside, and pierced the door, creating the illusion that Yuan Feiwu escaped by himself?" Rodney sneered.

"Master Rodney, you don't trust us?" Pansy was also angry, but he still didn't dare to be presumptuous when dealing with the prime minister.

"As soon as I was arrested, Douglas came to chat with me? A boy in his teens, who is already at the mid-level strength of an earth warrior, was easily subdued by you and injured, and then escaped easily? The two of them happened to be together in the end. We met, and the gangsters used my house as a restaurant to come in and out at will? Tell me, what do I think about so many coincidences!" Rodney was too lazy to talk nonsense with these guards, and directly issued an order to evict guests, "Get out, get out! A bunch of idiots!"

"Yes, this subordinate is resigning. Close the team!"

With a sullen face, Pan Xi called the other five guards back and left without looking back.

"Captain, that kid is too evil!" A Guardsman approached Pan Xi's ear and said.

"We were too careless. Let's go, go back and report first."

Douglas and Yuan Feiwu were walking on the road, and they were talking with each other with smiles on their faces. People who didn't know it thought that the two grandparents were taking a warm walk.

"The imperial guards have spies. This problem is too serious. Tomorrow, I will discuss with the king to see if I can follow Pansy's point of view and find out who is behind the scenes." Douglas said.

The two grandparents, who seemed to be talking warmly, actually talked about something that couldn't be more serious.

"Thank you for trusting me." Yuan Feiwu said.

"Whether this matter is true or not, it must be reviewed as a clue. The safety of the princess cannot be handled casually. If Pansy is really innocent, you can't wrong him with your words." Douglas didn't say anything dead. In Yuan Feiwu's words, Douglas just tried to investigate it as a possibility, "Recently, Rodney didn't dare to arrest you in private. But don't be too ostentatious, if something goes wrong, he will definitely not He will let you go, but it is his strong point to make use of the problem."

"I understand. Thank you very much for your rescue today." Yuan Feiwu smiled.

"Stinky boy, I think you can escape even if I don't happen to appear? I can't see the slightest panic on your face!" Douglas said with emotion.

Douglas had a deep understanding of Yuan Feiwu.This guy is a big kid, not to mention that he was able to escape from Rodney's basement, just because of the calmness with which he came out to meet him, and how he calmly made steps for Rodney to step down after going through a dangerous situation , to avoid direct conflict between the two principals, this kind of wise mind cannot be cultivated casually like fighting spirit.Yuan Feiwu, a boy in his teens, is already a guy who is completely capable of acting on his own!

The most amazing thing is that under the guise of his own majesty, he walked back to the place where he was trapped and easily took back his saber, and then walked out swaggeringly. This kind of mental blow was the biggest blow to Rodney.This kid, wouldn't he deliberately retaliate against Rodney like this?

"With the principal here, of course don't panic!" Yuan Feiwu was also a top-notch flatterer, and he brought it along without a trace.

"Princess Athena, please help take care of her first. I'm afraid it's not convenient for the guards to get close to the princess for the time being. An investigation must be done. If I read correctly, there are some minions that Rodney secretly infiltrated in the academy. Now I trust you temporarily, and you have to take part of the responsibility. Are you willing to help me, a helpless old man?"

Douglas decided to let Yuan Feiwu share some of the burden. Douglas couldn't find anyone in the academy who he could completely trust.

"Principal, my strength is limited."

Yuan Feiwu didn't expect that Douglas would resort to trickery in the end. You say you, a great magister of light, pretend to be a lonely old man here, who can you lie to?At least the Lord Demon King in front of him will not be able to deceive.

"It doesn't matter, you don't need to be too powerful, I think you are enough. Okay, let's make it clear first, I will contact you again if there is something to do. You are very talented in mastering fighting spirit, and you have not given up on the practice of magic. If you If you don’t understand something, you can consult me.”

Douglas couldn't wait for Yuan Feiwu's consent, so he simply agreed for him.

"Don't let me refuse and ask me what to do?"

Yuan Feiwu shook his head helplessly, separated from Douglas, and went back to meet Athena.

Yuan Feiwu rushed to the alley, but the three were still standing at the entrance of the alley.Ophelia walked around depressingly, while Leicester and Athena, as expected of the royal family with Northway blood, stood gracefully aside, watching Ophelia walking around, as if watching The clock swings normally.

"Sorry, I was away for a while just now."

Yuan Feiwu appeared in front of them silently with a smile, startling them a lot.

"Xiao Wu, do you know who you let you wait here for most of the afternoon? Let me help you count, a king's daughter, a legion commander's daughter, and a prince's son!"

Athena was the first to react, and directly grabbed Yuan Feiwu's face, she was not as reserved as outsiders when she treated Yuan Feiwu.

"Yes... I'm sorry!" Yuan Feiwu immediately raised his hands in surrender, "Just now when you were away, you happened to meet Principal Rodney, and he strongly 'invited' him to be a guest at his home, and we got along 'friendly and harmonious' for a while, It took me a long time to find a chance to escape and find you. That guy is very reluctant for me to leave!"

"Principal Rodney is sometimes very enthusiastic." Lester, as the prince's son, of course Rodney treated him with great enthusiasm.

Including Ophelia and Athena, Rodney must have stopped chatting and couldn't escape after being seen by Rodney, so they believed in Yuan Feiwu.

"Why are you two here, are you also out shopping?" Yuan Feiwu asked suddenly.

"Yes... yes! What a coincidence, we met Athena and chatted for a while." Lester blushed even more when he saw Yuan Feiwu, whose hair was loose and bubbling, and couldn't speak.

"Why doesn't Ophelia speak?" Yuan Feiwu asked curiously.

Say your sister!Ophelia saw Yuan Feiwu at close range, and she had the same problem as Lester. Yuan Feiwu's appearance with black hair slanted down was not within her range, and her face turned red and her heart beat faster when she took a look at it, so she He simply kept looking away, lest he couldn't help but stuff Yuan Feiwu into his arms.

In this case, how can I have the energy to speak!


happy mid-Autumn Festival!
During the Mid-Autumn Festival, let's reunite with family members!If you can't get together, make a phone call!

(End of this chapter)

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