Chapter 365
"Who the hell are you?"

The three sword masters put away their smiles and looked serious.

Gradually, the luster of their fighting spirit emerged from the three of them.

Even Xueyue below the third floor felt the coercion that made him unable to move!
Is that the momentum of the three great sword masters showing their power together!Xue Yue gritted her teeth secretly, angry at herself for not being able to live up to her expectations, her lack of strength could not even resist the aura of others!

"I'm Nangong Feng's classmate and roommate, a class of fifth grade warriors, senior warrior Yuan Feiwu."

Yuan Feiwu still smiled, unmoved by the aura erupted by the three sword masters, and told about his identity in the mortal world.

He knew that these three sword masters were Nangongfeng's mentors, and they had no intention of harming Nangongfeng, but now is the time when Nangongfeng, Douglas, and Athena should not be disturbed. A way to become useless.

For the sake of Nangongfeng, it doesn't matter if he fights with the Juggernaut, Yuan Feiwu doesn't mind exposing some things that he doesn't want others to know.

For example, he is an elf envoy of dark elements, or he knows the magic power of dark elements.As for divine power, it's not enough to deal with three Juggernauts.

"Hmph, can there still be a fifth grade student like you?" The three sword masters looked at each other tacitly, ready to attack.


A shout came from a distance, and the three sword masters drifted away vigilantly, and immediately noticed the person coming.

The coming man is like a comet, with a long tail of fire in the air.After standing firmly in the air, the flames all over his body dissipated.

"Ah, Livia, you have broken through the Great Magister, congratulations!" The three sword masters were surprised for a moment and hurriedly said.

"Senior Tuo Tuo, Senior Jinbro, Senior Mu Leiden, I haven't seen you for a long time, I'm making you laugh."

"Livia, you're joking, at least you have a smile on your face! It's so perfunctory!" Kimbro couldn't help but say.

In fact, they also know that Livia is such a serious person who doesn't joke much, but it doesn't matter if you don't joke, and it doesn't matter if you are serious.

"Take back your magic, if you accidentally scratch us, we will have a hole in our body."

Tuo Tuoou had the illusion of being discovered by the teacher for doing something wrong, and the teacher even came over with a f*cking whip, directly planning to punish him on the spot.

Livia's arrival, but a shield of fire feathers in his left hand and a burning wand in his right hand transformed into a huge spear of fire.And recently, she has made new breakthroughs in her magical attainments. She is covered with a layer of armor made of raging fire, and the scales on it are vivid, just like real armor.It seemed that she insisted on going down this indomitable fighting style.

It is directly from the strongest state of the great magister!Is there such a way to welcome seniors to visit?
"Sorry, Principal Douglas has explained that if the seniors don't follow the rules, they can use force at any time." Livia betrayed her teacher very honestly.

The three sword master Khans, Douglas should have joked about this, but according to Livia's temperament, he probably took it seriously.

Tuo Tuo was guilty, and Kim Bro was also guilty, but Mu Leiden was not guilty, and instead raised his fighting spirit: "Livia, come here, let me experience your new understanding of the great magister! You This domineering outfit looks much more interesting than those guys who like to hide behind and shoot cold arrows!"

Mu Leiden's pole knocked all the other four veteran great magisters into the water.

What Mu Leiden said is of course unreasonable. The great magister is good at magic attacks, and his body is not as strong as a warrior. Of course, he hides behind and casts magic!You can't use your own shortcomings to head-on the enemy's strengths!
"Wait a minute, Lao Deng, don't make a fuss." Kim Bro held on to Mu Leiden, "Let's see how Nangongfeng is."

"Oh, yes, business matters." Mu Leiden said hastily.

They came this time to observe the degree of fighting spirit of Nangong Feng.

Originally, according to their idea, Nangongfeng should have a great time studying magic at Landis Academy of Magic, especially since he is still a magician of three departments, and he is even more busy with three departments of magic to learn.

But recently, even old guys like them who live in seclusion have heard rumors that there is a perverted best student in the exchange competition, who is actually a three-element physique.

The word three-element physique made them have to notice, after all, such a physique couldn't be sold on the street selling Chinese cabbage, it can be seen everywhere!

The three elemental earth warriors of Landis Academy of Magic, if there are others besides Nangongfeng, the three of them are willing to eat their sabers in their stomachs!

After hearing the news, all three Juggernauts were full of anger. They have good physiques of the three elements, but if they don't learn magic well, what kind of grudge are they practicing!Is that guy Douglas crazy? Instead of teaching magic well, let him practice grudge!

If Nangongfeng heard this, he would definitely complain to them to death. Wasn't it because they captured his three-element physique to practice grudges, and they didn't even give him a chance to resist!

Moreover, he also played on behalf of Landis Academy of Magic, so he gained a lot of actual combat experience, which will speed up his breakthrough into the sky warrior!

So the three of them couldn't sit still anymore, they came up to see if there was any change in Nangong Feng, it would be terrible if they reached the point of breaking through the sky warrior.

It's a pity they came a step late.

"Livia, we'll talk about your matter later, we have an urgent matter with Nangongfeng." Mu Leiden grabbed the back of his hand vigorously.

Mu Leiden is a militant, at the beginning he was aroused by Xue Yuebing's double cultivation of elemental physique and magic, and there was a black-haired boy on the balcony whose killing intent could affect the sword master, which already made him want to move.In the end, a great magister, Livia, appeared like a female warrior, which completely made him itchy.

The itching in the heart manifested itself in the itching of the hands, and he scratched the back of his hands twice to suppress the fighting spirit in his heart.

"Three seniors, Nangongfeng is now at the right time to make a breakthrough. He is retreating in the dormitory. You must not disturb him."

Livia spoke politely to the three senior Juggernauts. Except that the full body armor seemed a bit incompatible with the tone of the speech, everything else was fine, really.

"No, Nangongfeng can't break through anymore!"

Nangong Feng is already breaking through!
Now even Tuo Tuo couldn't calm down.

That would kill the brat!

"Don't get excited, the three seniors. We have already discovered Nangongfeng's problem. Now Principal Douglas is helping him to break through. It is a critical moment and we cannot receive any interference." Livia explained nicely.

However, the three Juggernauts could see that Livia's eyes and mental power were all locked on her body. If they were not obedient, they would definitely do it!
Damn, you really took Douglas' joke seriously, this junior!How could a hypocrite like Douglas accept such a stubborn and honest apprentice? I really don't understand!

But if Douglas is inside to help Nangongfeng break through, does it mean that Douglas has a way to solve Nangongfeng's problem?
Even the three sword masters couldn't solve the battle qi compatibility problem, and a magic practitioner solved it. How embarrassing it is to say it!Forget about saving face, but I am very curious about the method!

But as Livia said, if Nangongfeng is really in the process of breaking through now, it must be extremely dangerous. The situation of Nangongfeng, the three of them who have practiced fighting qi for almost 200 years, must understand better.If they really broke in just now, maybe it would really lead to an irreparable big mistake!

Thinking of this, the three of them are in a cold sweat!
(End of this chapter)

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