Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 367 The end of the retreat

Chapter 367 The end of the retreat
"Good luck." Douglas smiled.

When the initial bucket balloon was the largest, it spun horribly, like three behemoths breaking into a small village and destroying it everywhere. Just moving their buttocks could knock down a large area of ​​the village.

But as long as it works and the dantian is not completely rotten, it will gradually get better.

Nangongfeng's dantian was in a precarious situation, his fighting spirit began to shrink, and the crisis was basically resolved, which is why Douglas said that Nangongfeng was lucky.It was just a little short, and the dantian was about to be squeezed and split into two halves!If this is the case, Douglas can only take action to destroy the grudge.

Fighting Qi or magic, if you want to achieve compressed density, that is what all practitioners want to do.

The compressed vindictive energy or magic power can be stored in the body more, purer and more powerful!
Douglas discovered Nangong Feng's three-element physique, breaking through the Sky Warrior would be courting death, but if it could be done, who would have the perverted conditions of his three-strand fighting energy squeezing each other and compressing the fighting energy with external force?
Wealth and wealth are in danger, and after crossing this gate of hell, what lies in front of Nangongfeng is a broad road that is more magnanimous than the talents of the three elemental physiques!

It took an unimaginable amount of time for the three fighting balloons to finally compress and be able to be accommodated by the dantian.But it keeps spinning head to tail, like the blades of an electric fan.

The grudge of Nangong Feng's dantian can only be kept in this form forever and continuously compressed, otherwise as the cultivation progresses, the dantian will still be squeezed.

Never stop.

Nangongfeng smiled and opened his eyes.It never stops, he loves the tune.

"It's done, you can consolidate, let's go back and rest first." After Douglas relaxed, great fatigue swept over him.

For seven days and seven nights, I have been doing fine work with super high concentration, and the great magister can't stand it!
There was a knock on the door.

Douglas walked out shaking his head, Yuan Feiwu had been waiting outside the door early in the morning.

"Teacher, are you alright?"

Yuan Feiwu said that the teacher heard Douglas's heart bursting with joy, and immediately his legs stopped hurting and his waist stopped hurting.

"It's okay, take care of your second senior sister, she's exhausted." Douglas waved his hand, and ran directly to the balcony and flew away.

Douglas rarely flies around the academy, which shows that he is really eager to rest.

Yuan Feiwu walked into Nangongfeng's room, where Nangongfeng was meditating.He had obviously gone through a long period of disaster, but his face was ruddy and shiny. It seemed that the benefits to his body of successfully advancing to Sky Warrior made the damage not worth mentioning.

"Student Athena, wake up, go back to sleep?"

Athena was indeed exhausted, lying on her side in the corner of Nangongfeng's bed, the corners of her clothes were all wrinkled, revealing a trace of her white belly.Yuan Feiwu walked up to gently wake her up.

Seven days and seven nights of high-intensity work, if you fall asleep, you don't know how long you will sleep, and it is already evening, and you may sleep through the access control time of the boys' dormitory as soon as you sleep.

"Huh? So sleepy..."

Athena struggled consciously, but found that she still couldn't get up, so she simply changed her posture.

But that hazy and sleepy expression made Yuan Feiwu hesitate for a while.

When Athena is not doing bad things, she is still very cute, like an angel, um... her figure is like a devil.

"Can't sleep for a few hours. I'll ask Ophelia to take you back."

"No, you take me back, or I won't leave."

Athena changed her posture again, lying on the bed and grabbing the edge of the bed with her hands, as if the sky was falling and she would not leave.It's really hard to say how much of her consciousness has recovered, and she can still act like this.

"Hmm." Yuan Feiwu let Athena succeed once in a while.

He picked up Athena easily, and ran to Athena's dormitory when the students were all eating and there were least pedestrians on the road.

Before going out, of course, he also greeted Xueyue, Xueyue was still expressionless, but his joy could be seen from the somewhat chaotic footsteps when going up the stairs.

Even in Yuan Feiwu's arms, Athena didn't intend to open her eyes, she just rubbed her head against Yuan Feiwu's body.

"Are you sleeping or not?"

Yuan Feiwu couldn't laugh or cry.


It got tighter.

Forget it, Yuan Feiwu smiled silently, quickened his pace, and sped along the road like a black lightning bolt.But Athena in her arms didn't feel the slightest jolt.

When Yuan Feiwu returned to the dormitory, Ophelia and Tarena were already there, and Xueyue was also resting on the sofa.

Everyone probably knew that Nangongfeng was consolidating his cultivation, so he didn't go in to disturb him.But now it's not as undisturbed as it was when it broke through before, and it doesn't need to protect the law anymore. After Xue Yue breathed a sigh of relief, she also showed some fatigue on her face.

"To celebrate Nangong Feng successfully breaking through the sky warrior, Yuan Feiwu cooks dinner!" Ophelia said happily when Yuan Feiwu came back.

"Okay." Yuan Feiwu of course didn't care.

"Wait a minute, that..." Tarena hesitated, but continued, "I made something, why don't you eat these. You're tired too."

Ophelia was startled when she heard this, then lowered her head in embarrassment, and secretly glanced at Yuan Feiwu.

That's right, these two people haven't rested in the past seven days, so they must be tired.How could I have the nerve to ask Yuan Feiwu to continue cooking?


Yuan Feiwu looked at Ophelia to ask for Ophelia's opinion, and it happened that Ophelia was still sneaking, so she felt even more embarrassed.

"Okay, okay." Ophelia's voice was as small as a mosquito.

Xue Yue is even more indifferent, and many times he finds that his opinions are generally ignored.

Tarena tried her best to suppress the tension in her heart, and pretended to calmly take out the cooked chicken and bread from the storage space.

She tried her best, but she was really not very good at cooking. The chicken was only cooked briefly, and the seasoning didn't dare to be messed up for fear that it wouldn't even be edible.Not to mention bread, buy it now and simply heat it up.

Looking at the white chicken, Yuan Feiwu was not picky, and ran into the kitchen to take out the sauce he made himself.

Tarena finally settled down. With these sauces, no matter how ordinary her chicken is, she can still eat it.

"It tastes good." Yuan Feiwu took the lead and picked up a piece of chicken with bread, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Seeing this, Ta Lena let go of her heart, and breathed a sigh of relief, the corners of her mouth under the mask could not help but rise.

It's funny how nervous I am.

In fact, there is nothing to worry about, the other party is Yuan Feiwu.No matter how unpalatable he makes it, he will stuff a little sauce into his mouth, and then tell you with a smile that it tastes good.

"As long as you can eat it."

Tarena held back for a long time before she uttered such a sentence. The interval was so long that Ophelia couldn't remember the first bite of bread. She couldn't react when she heard Tarena's nonsensical words Come.

It was only later that I figured out, oh, it turned out to be Huiyuan Feiwu's phrase "It tastes good".

Ophelia and Tarena left quickly after eating, without delaying Yuan Feiwu and Xueyue's rest.

Tarena returned to the dormitory, refused the servant's kindness and threw a large bag of chicken into the trash can herself, which was the masterpiece of the past few days.

During this period of time, every day she silently made chicken and bread and kept them in the storage space. She also studied for several hours for this.

But it's really nice to have it come in handy!
Tarena was happy from the bottom of her heart, recalling that "it tastes good".

Richardson, who happened to bring the ointment himself, sat slumped on the sofa and watched all this silently, rolled his eyes and said, "Tsk tsk, it's hopeless."

(End of this chapter)

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