Chapter 369

The cooperation of three people attacking together is naturally the most perfect, and it can save the most money.

All the shops in the market have basically recognized these three guys with outstanding looks.Some people happily welcome their arrival and discounts, while some are helpless but willing, so conflicted that they don’t even know whether they are happy or hate them for coming.

The efficiency of grocery shopping is very high, and soon they returned with big bags and small bags in triumph.However, Yuan Feiwu didn't have much money left, and he didn't go to the library to help out for more than a week, and his money was a little tight.

While discussing the shortage of funds, the three of them had a great time discussing even such a small problem that was actually easy to solve, and at the same time walked to the most remote part of the road with the least number of people back to the academy.

This is a shortcut by the river in the city. It is the fastest way to go back to Landis Academy of Magic after coming out of the market.

But at this time, the riverside, which should have been pitch-black, was brightly illuminated by a mass of red light.

The red light was just the effect of someone's slightly released magic power.

"Who? Standing there like a red lantern?" Nangong Feng approached and took a look, but the man didn't intend to get out of the way, so he said immediately.

Red Lantern?
Before the man could react, Yuan Feiwu laughed first.

This description is really vivid.

But to describe a great magister as a red lantern seems a bit inappropriate, right?

It was none other than Sabo's master, Arnold, who was stuck there!

Yuan Feiwu met him once, so of course he knew him.

"The ignorant child uttered wild words, and it turns out that arrogant people are mixed with arrogant people." Arnold sneered, covering up the anger in his heart.

If a young and unknown person is so angry that he loses his composure, it will make people laugh out loud.

What's more, he came here in a sneaky way, and he specially asked someone to watch outside the school. When Yuan Feiwu came out, he rushed over immediately, and he could only find such a place where no one was there.Unexpectedly, the other party is also very cooperative, and specially chooses this kind of path where no one is around, so that it is convenient for him to come to trouble.

That's right, Arnold himself didn't want to admit it, but his majestic great magister just came to trouble a young man, so how could it be shameless to say it out.So he also came secretly, looking forward and backward for fear of being seen by others.

"Long time no see, Grand Magister Arnold, are you here to buy groceries too?" Yuan Feiwu smiled and waved his hand to greet him, as if he happened to meet some neighbor.

But is it possible that the great magister ran out to buy groceries?Xueyue and Nangongfeng are not careless, looking at each other intently, they are here to ask for trouble.

The corners of Arnold's face twitched, obviously irritated again.I thought that his appearance would scare the shit out of this kid whose name he had forgotten, but he was so calm, and kept pretending to chat with himself.

No, chatting about homework? !
Arnold suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed long. He was almost blinded by this little trick.

This is a plan to delay the attack!
Want Douglas to the rescue?That's really ridiculous. Although it's very close to Landis Academy of Magic, he can turn Douglas into ashes before he arrives!
"During the exchange match, it was you and Livia who conspired to deceive my apprentice Sabo to destroy his meridians, right?!" Arnold still didn't want to make trouble, and immediately pointed to Yuan Feiwu among the three and went straight to the point.

Xueyue and Nangongfeng immediately heightened their vigilance, this person is the master of that arrogant magister that day!
How could Arnold come to find Yuan Feiwu for no reason, of course it was because of his useless precious apprentice!
After listening to Sabo's tearful talk about the exchange match that day, Arnold immediately guessed that Yuan Feiwu and Livia's marriage proposal had colluded, otherwise who could guarantee 100% that the magister would break through the great magister?The Grand Magister isn't that cheap!This stupid apprentice of himself foolishly went up to give away the head, and ended up losing all his integrity.

Although it must be Sabo who provoked the trouble, he certainly knows the character of his apprentice, but the other party's deception is quite shameful!

This black-haired one is Douglas's disciple, not to mention Livia, after thinking about it, Arnold suddenly realized that everything was set up by Douglas!The purpose is to destroy the disciples he carefully cultivated!

What a vicious heart!

Arnold made things more and more complicated. His defense was even more unreasonable than Livia's. As long as it was his person, even if there was a mistake, it must be someone else's design.

"Has Sabo fulfilled his promise?" Yuan Feiwu asked curiously like a normal person.

Play your sister!
Arnold tried his best to calm himself down, and then said: "You cheated my apprentice, I can forgive you a lot. Now you apologize to my reflection circle, and admit that you set up a trick to cheat Sabo. What happened before We're clear."

If it weren't for this kid still being a Douglas disciple, he wouldn't be too lazy to talk so much nonsense, and he would have done it long ago!
After hearing Arnold's words, Xueyue and Nangongfeng looked astonished. They always thought that Sabo was shameless enough. It turns out that a mountain is still as high as a mountain!No wonder he is a master, the shameless level is also the level of a great magister!

"Impossible." Xueyue's body was getting colder, and the faint white mist engulfed Yuan Feiwu and Nangong Feng.

It is obvious that Sabo wanted to step on people in public and was stepped on, so why did he turn his head and become Yuan Feiwu's fault?What's more, Yuan Feiwu got involved that time because of Xueyue!
"Don't rely on you being juniors so I won't dare to do anything. I won't give in to you insidious villains, even if Douglas comes!" Arnold's words were true.

If he dared to come, he had prepared the possibility of meeting Douglas face to face, but if Feiwu didn't get rid of this source, Sabo wouldn't be able to show up again for a day!
Because even he, the great magister, was discussed behind his back by the lowly commoners, he was fed up with it!
"Feiwu, Feng, you go first."

Xueyue took a step forward and was about to make a move, when suddenly she held him down with one hand.

Looking back, it was Nangong Feng.

"If you want to be the empress, I, the sky warrior, should be the empress!" Nangongfeng smiled, "Hurry up and find Principal Douglas!"

After finishing speaking, Nangong Feng shot out like a sharp arrow!
The speed was much faster than before, Xueyue knew at a glance that she was no longer Nangongfeng's opponent!

But Xueyue's reaction was also very fast, Nangongfeng just started to chant magic, and the three ice cones came first!No matter what, you have to harass Arnold, otherwise, how could a great magister let a warrior approach rashly.

"Ice elemental magic? Isn't that guy in the exchange match a student of Xuefeng College?" Arnold was also taken aback.

"Lava waterfall!" I didn't see how he chanted, it seemed that a pool of magma appeared out of thin air, and it suddenly poured down on his head.

The magma immediately formed a waterfall, and the ice cone melted after falling on it with a few squeaks.Nangongfeng's momentum was also stopped by the lava, and he took a few steps back.

A simple five-level magic, which is just right for both defense and offense, Yuan Feiwu also tilted his head slightly. The great magister is worthy of being a great magister, and his experience of magic and the grasp of combat details are already extraordinary.

"I don't know how to live or die." Arnold said coldly.

"I seem to have been underestimated." Nangongfeng turned his head and threw the vegetable bag back, emitting a blue light all over his body, and slowly rose into the air.

(End of this chapter)

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