Chapter 420

So what should he do?
It is too difficult to choose between the unfettered and stable life of the Wingless God and his own personal ambitions.

Just as Vulcan wanted to use his divine power to block out the noise around him and think about it quietly, he heard someone calling for the game to start.

The game has actually started TM!

Vulcan wants to cry but has no tears, so he can only fight first!

After the five elders shouted at the start of the game, they seemed to be transformed into arrows and flew straight towards the angels with great momentum!The only thing that makes the picture more discordant is the figure of Vulcan who is a few shots behind, who was obviously stunned for a while after the game was called to start.

The angels at the other end were already lined up. When Hania saw the other party rushing over, she was so excited that she wanted to go out, but Yulier called to stop her.

"The formation can't be dispersed, this is a team battle." Uliyer said lightly.

There is a gap in strength between each other, and Juliel intends to use cooperation to smooth out the gap in strength!

While talking, the opponent is already close. Although the formation cannot be dispersed, it does not mean that it cannot attack, right?The military angel Kamal didn't need to be reminded, he took a step forward first, raised his giant sword and slashed forward fiercely, a huge divine power flew forward as if it was physically piercing through the air!
The battle between gods is sometimes so simple and rough, there is no singing, no fighting spirit, the most direct and simple divine power is the energy to destroy the world!

Kamal's strike seemed random, but the elders at the scene could feel the power of that divine power best. It was clearly a fully prepared blow.

No one dared to resist Kamal's divine power with all his strength. Even the Beast God used his feet to jump aside like a spring.

"It's messy." Kamal couldn't help but said.

His divine power is very magnanimous, enveloping the five opponents, and the five wingless gods are very pure in thinking, since they dare not confront them directly, they should dodge.

The questions flashed and there was no tacit understanding at all!

The Beast God flicked forward obliquely, showing an obvious desire to attack; the Goddess of Ice and Snow and the Thunder God of War dodged to one side, which was quite satisfactory; So he has to fly out of the universe to dodge; the God of Light is even more cowardly, it's fine if he doesn't advance, but he retreats, dodging while retreating, so cowardly that he can't even look at his opponent.

"It's really messy." Even Haniya couldn't help frowning.

The angels turned their backs on it, but they didn't stop working hard and made moves one after another.

Haniya followed Kamal's shot and swung his sword to chop out divine power, and dozens of divine powers swayed gently like golden waves.Seeing this, Edith imitated the example, waving several divine powers mixed in, and the thick divine power immediately destroyed the beauty of the wave pattern's divine power, which was a disastrous sight.

Raphael didn't draw out his saber, but just pushed forward with his hands open, and a burst of divine power flew out, which was no less powerful than Kamal's giant slash.

These attacks came from the front, seemingly enveloping everyone, but in fact there are priorities, the focus is on rushing to the forefront and already out of touch with teammates!
"It's just not enough to watch." The beast god smiled freely.

Then I saw him flying through the impenetrable divine power attack!The divine power attack that seemed to have no gaps, but the beast god just jumped left and right to sweep away all the attacks with his hands and feet, and the empty divine power caused earthquakes on the ground. If it weren't for the special blessings on the ground here, it would have been shattered. up.

"As expected of the Beast God!" Zhen Shan shouted and screamed in shock, he was quite self-aware, he could not dodge so many attacks so lightly!If the opponent can do it, it means that he is strong!
The audience outside the arena had already been amazed by the Beast God's performance and were speechless!
"As expected of a beast god, you don't even have to guess what's going on in your mind." Uriel said softly, "Kamal is attacking head-on, and Hania and Raphael are taking advantage of the situation to attack, and they are bound to inflict heavy damage before the others respond. .”

"Okay." The others nodded silently, only Haniya insisted on saying something.

The purpose of the Beast God is too easy for them to see through.There are many attacks, but they are not powerful. The purpose is just to block the momentum of the Beast God. The Beast God can smash them to pieces with just one blow.However, if this is done, the Beast God's actions will inevitably be slowed down. The Beast God is notoriously "crazy", so of course he doesn't want to stop!
So shuttle in the attack, this is not dodging, but attacking!An attack that doesn't want to delay even a second!
If you think about attacking one-sidedly, it is bound to be counter-used by Juliyer!Since they dared to come forward alone, they wouldn’t be Juliel if they didn’t seize the opportunity to pay a heavy price. Their tactics were originally intended to cut each other up, forming more local fights to make up for the lack of combat power. Now it’s good, they don’t need to die The brain cells are cut first by themselves.

Uriel named all the archangels and assigned tasks, but Edith didn't hear what he was going to do. At this moment, he felt a sense of being left out of the matter, so he quickly asked.

There was a loud bang without thinking.

A huge white light descended from the sky, and an extremely wide beam of light didn't make a deafening sound until it hit the ground!

This is... the divine power of the light attribute!

The Beast God is unstoppable, everyone's attention is on the Beast God, there are still ten meters, eight meters, and five meters... Everyone outside the field is anxiously counting the distance between the Beast God and the angels, The moment of preparation for hand-to-hand combat is absolutely wonderful.

Unexpectedly, the first attack from the Wingless God's side was not the beast god who took the lead, but the divine power of light attribute!It turned out to be the God of Light who fell at the end!
This beam of light was quiet and silent, and it was too fast for people to react.

However, the angels in the arena are not ordinary people. When the beam of light gathers divine power, they will notice it. Although the speed is very fast, Juliel is faster, and quickly said a word: "Scatter!"

Of course, the other angels also noticed it. They were prepared and scattered in a timely manner.

The angels watching the battle were surprised to find that their Archangels had nothing wrong with them, and they all applauded for their performance. Even the applause was elegant and tidy, completely different from the wingless gods. Crackling applause.

The beam of light hadn't dissipated yet, and everyone was running in different directions because of dodging, so they hurriedly changed places to meet up.

"Is this the opponent's cooperation?" Hania first asked in surprise, this blow was a bit beyond his expectation.

"I don't know. Maybe I just saw that the beast god was out of touch with them, and I was afraid that he would fall, so I had no choice but to attack." Ulier analyzed.

"Sure's messy enough!" Haniya also found out.

Because for this attack, the distance between the God of Light and them has not shortened at all, which means that the team of the Wingless God has become the Beast God alone at the front, the Goddess of Ice and Snow, the God of Thunder, and the God of Fire are in the second echelon, and the God of Light is far away. Falling behind, the formation is too scattered.

Wait, after such a toss, the second echelon should have almost arrived...

Juliyer will not forget that the other party has a guy who is very good at long-distance attacks!
At this time, there was a whistling sound of rapidly breaking through the air!
Looking up, he could see Vulcan floating in mid-air, his whole body bursting with red divine power, his robe fluttering without wind, and in front of him, countless flaming meteorites were born and smashed down!

The range of the flame meteorite is very large, including all the angels. For a while, no one can say a word whether it is flash or resistance.

"Is this... also their cooperation? It seems to be well-organized!" Haniya said helplessly.

The beast gods attracted attention, and the two wingless gods who were born as magicians and were good at long-range attacks bombed them. It was completely coordinated!But why does it look completely out of place in the first place?It's more like an attack that happens to be matched!Because it didn't look like a trick, even Uriel couldn't predict the other party's movements.

In fact, they judged well, this is definitely not a negotiated cooperation!
Vulcan floated in the sky, looking very chic, but actually burst into tears!
He floated up just to flash Kamal's long, wide and high divine power, and then the angels below ignored him.Then the opponent was frightened by the beam of light emitted by the God of Light in desperation in order to disrupt the formation of the angel who wanted to pinch the Beast God. He couldn't recover, and the Vulcan subconsciously made a move.The opportunity is really good, the body automatically sends out the move!

It took a big move to realize that he still looks like a spy, right?The shot was so taken for granted that he couldn't help but burst into tears!
(End of this chapter)

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