Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 437 Raphael and Michael's Counterattack

Chapter 437 Raphael and Michael's Counterattack
Angel's Chinese elite squadron was wiped out almost instantly, but Raphael was a little surprised.

These big demon gods didn't kill them.

Although the angels who were knocked down were seriously injured, none of them died. It was obvious that the great demon gods were merciful.

Is this... the meaning of not wanting to break face with the heavens?

But is the bloody feud between the heavens and the devils less than dozens of lives?
Raphael couldn't figure it out, and Juliyer couldn't figure it out either.

The mercy of the Great Demon Gods is based on absolute obedience, absolute obedience to Yuan Feiwu.

Yuan Feiwu said that they were a tourist group that came up for sightseeing, and they came up cheekily to rub against the little unicorn. If the devil didn't say anything, they would never dare to kill.Such a high degree of obedience was completely impossible when Hades was the devil.And they also never imagined that the Great Demon King of the Demon Realm would not want to kill any angels.

The reason is actually very simple, no matter how hard the ants make it difficult for the elephant, the elephant doesn't bother to argue with the ants, but the elephant may still think these little things are very interesting.It's just that the ant has never thought of itself as an ant, and the other party is an elephant so huge that it regards itself as an ant.

Raphael will soften his heart, but he will never stand idly by when his partner is attacked.He, who was far away, hurriedly flew high, stretched out his left hand and clenched his fist, and a huge golden light spread out from his palm, forming a bow handle along a slightly bent width.Pulling his right hand back, a huge arrow formed by a bundle of divine power has been formed in his hand, and the sideways swing of his body forms a very graceful curve.It was not until the handle of the bow formed by the light was pulled to the full moon that it seemed as if he was reluctant to let go of the arrow!

"Destroying Demon and Slaying God Arrow!"

The golden arrow dragged out a brilliant golden light, and struck with a terrifying momentum.

"I'll go, I'll make a big move as soon as I come!"

Beelzebub yelled loudly, and had already swung the arrow towards the source of the plague.

Don't look at Beelzebub who seems to look down on this demon-killing arrow, but in fact, the fly hand is sweating.

Assi!Don't point this arrow at him!He will never go up to resist!
The source of the plague waved anxiously a few times, and a thick layer of dark green smoke swept up, turning into a skull and hitting the golden arrow straight.

However, after the golden arrow and the skull briefly touched, there was only a slight pause, and the castration was still unabated, but the golden light was slightly weaker.The skull was immediately blown up, the poisonous mist scattered, and the elite angels of the Chinese army who were lying on the ground before they could escape immediately suffered secondary injuries.

Beelzebub's skeleton is vulnerable to a single blow, there's nothing he can do about it, he's only exerting his strength temporarily, even if the opponent is the weakest of the six archangels, he doesn't necessarily have to be weak!Having said that, it goes back to the original question. You fucking shoot Samuel who bullied your law angel, you fucking shoot Lucifer who defected from your family, shoot me for making wool, I’m just a cute dog mascot!

What?Little unicorn?die!

Beelzebub saw it when Raphael made the move, but no matter how hard he thought about it, he didn't run ahead of time because he shot himself, and it was too late to dodge at this time!

Fortunately, the other great demon gods still had a little sympathy, and they all made moves to support them.The demon-slaying god arrow fully blew up the attacks of the five great demon gods before it shattered into golden light and drifted away with the wind.

"The timing was good. I just realized now that your scheming is no worse than Juliel's." Lucifer smiled.

The other great demon gods thought that Lucifer was sick, and they didn't know who they were mocking, but soon they knew who Lucifer was talking about.

Because Michael didn't know when he had already flown to the sky, holding up the holy sword with a huge sword glow, shining golden, like the tenth sun hanging high in the clear sky.How could demon gods like them not feel that tyrannical divine power!

Those wingless gods who flew up to the sky are not easy to stop Michael, even chasing and blocking them from the sky will definitely break through, anyway, Michael is not going in the direction of Yuan Wu so let him go.I didn't expect that Michael could make such a big battle when he flew so high in the sky!
It was really terrifying, with that terrifying momentum, all the wingless gods and angels under the sword light might be doomed!
Michael sneered, and the sword glow fell!

"No!" Raphael shouted, besides a large number of wingless gods and angels shrouded by the sword light, not to mention that Juliel was also under the sword light!

But Yulier didn't speak, instead he mobilized all his divine power, intending to entangle Samael and prevent him from escaping from the sword glow area.

Samuel immediately realized what Lucifer often said, the terribly rational Juliel!This guy even wants to entangle the other big demon gods, and come with a super cost-effective gift package!His own life is just one of the things that can be thrown out under the best interests. This kind of rational Samuel can't understand at all!

"Run!" Even the Thunder God of War and the Goddess of Ice and Snow were frightened by Michael's blow that seemed to destroy the world, and hurriedly greeted everyone.

Thunder God of War and Goddess of Ice and Snow may be able to withstand this blow, but it's hard to say for other wingless gods with lower cultivation levels!
"Don't be afraid, there is brother Lucifer." Yuan Feiwu looked relaxed.

Everyone frowned. Michael's move had already revealed his terrifying strength. Seeing the Thunder God of War and the Ice Goddess, they knew that they could not defeat Michael. His strength was indeed stronger than that of ordinary Archangels and Wingless Gods. The Elder is above.And Lucifer, whom Yuan Feiwu trusted, was stronger than Michael back then, but I heard that after the fall, the transformation of light divine power into dark divine power has been depleted, and his strength is not as good as before.

Where did Yuan Feiwu get his confidence to be sure that Lucifer could deal with this blow? !

But Yuan Feiwu really didn't dodge or dodge, and flew slowly, turning around to enjoy the beautiful scenery of St. Yale Square from time to time.If he doesn't flash, the Wingless Gods really don't flash anymore. This is their unconditional trust in their companions, and it is also something that Yuan Feiwu tried hard to repair and is worth cherishing.

Lucifer said before that Michael was a scheming BOY because he used Raphael's Demon Slaying Arrow to attract everyone's attention, and hurriedly flew high into the sky to accumulate energy.

But Lucifer's voluntary fall was not for nothing. After so many years in the Demon Realm, he slowly thought about the many strange things in "Twilight of the Gods" back then, and he guessed all of them, so when he stepped on Edith, he didn't Take your attention away from Michael!
He is no longer the Lucifer who thought he was invincible. There are many times when arrogance is equated with ignorance.

"Go to hell! Go to hell!" Michael shouted hysterically. If his sword can severely injure all the strongest in the demon world, so what if some sacrifices are made? !
Edith was still at Lucifer's feet. He watched the broad sword light fall with disbelief on his face.Will Michael, whom he worships and serves, be destroyed along with him? !
Just when the sword light was about to fall to the ground, Lucifer clenched the broken sword, Star of Morning Glory, as if hitting a baseball, and swung a big black ball gathered by the dark divine power neatly!
Lucifer, who has been paying attention to Michael, how could it be possible that Michael is accumulating energy, and he is not ready yet?

The shape of the big black ball is really ugly, compared with the shining sword light, it is simply a lump of filth.

But the solid black ball just sank into the sword glow, like a black glass bead going upstream, trying to climb up.In the sword light, several times the black ball seemed to lose energy, as if it was about to be shot down, it struggled to swim upstream.

After several efforts, it actually swam from one end to the other using the sword light like a stream, and the sword light disappeared everywhere it passed.

But the big black ball was also consumed and became transparent, obviously not as solid as it was at the beginning.

This side of the creek is the peak of Jianmang; the other side, of course, is Michael!In the end, the big black ball met Michael's blade, the shining blade of the real holy sword, which would shatter at the touch of a touch, making it look so vulnerable.

But the scene is full of people who know the goods, so of course they will not be so one-sided when looking at things.

The fact is naturally that Lucifer completely destroyed Michael's very confident blow!

(End of this chapter)

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