Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 441: First Appearance of the God King

Chapter 441: First Appearance of the God King
The gap in the heavens was repaired by several archangels for two days and two nights before it was closed.

It was originally intended to be used as a gap for the heavens to harass the demons, but now it was used by the demons, causing the angels to suffer unspeakably.Yulier has never been a proud person, and when he found that he couldn't play with others, he decisively gave up this gap and completely repaired it.

In this way, this gap is the same as other parts of the heaven, and if you want to invade from here, you must destroy the barrier from the inside to the outside of the heaven.

Once they move to this enchantment, they will definitely know it, and they can gather their hands in time to fight against foreign enemies, and they will not be so passive like this time.

After dealing with the gap, the five archangels returned to the temple without stopping.

Because the God-King rarely summoned them.

The five archangels half-kneeled in front of their own seats, their proud heads bowed reverently, facing the throne above the hall of the temple.

The god king hadn't come out of the retreat yet, and there was no one on the throne, but the solemn voice of the god king still came from that direction.

"If you lose the 'Prison of the Forbidden God', you will lose it. But who approved you to ask the Wingless God for the master-servant contract?!"

The voice of the God King was just a kind of sound transmission. In fact, there was no sound at all in the temple, but the slightly angry voice was accurately transmitted to the ears of the archangels.

"Master God King, it was my idea. The purpose is to fundamentally resolve the relationship between our two races." Ulier said.

"To solve the problem, sometimes we still need to be considerate of each other's emotions. The relationship between our two races should be harmonious coexistence, not that you die or die. This, Michael, as the head of the Archangel, why are you not doing what you should?" judgment?"

"Sorry, I didn't do well enough."

This choice was actually guided by Michael silently, and he was very happy to see Uliyer take the initiative to take the blame. Unexpectedly, the king of God changed the subject and scolded himself.After all, you still have to be trained!
"Michael, you must reflect on this matter carefully. As the leader of the angels when I was away, you need to be cautious in any judgment you make."

"Yes!" Michael was upset, and he felt better when he heard that he was still the supreme leader when the God King was away, "But from the performance that day, the Wingless God seems to be very different from that Demon King An ordinary relationship."

The actions of the Wingless God disgusted him, and this was also the thing he was most upset about.

"They helped the Demon King deal with us?" The God King's voice was a little surprised.

"Didn't fight us directly, but..."

"No war? What do the other archangels think?" The God King interrupted Michael suspiciously.

"No, the Wingless God is still helping the chase!" Of course, Haniya helped the Wingless God to speak, "They were finally put together by the Demon King and tied together. The scene is super funny!"

"I didn't see it either." Kamal said this, because he had received a thunder from Thunder God of War, and the power was not like releasing water at all.

"Where are Raphael and Uriel?" The God King asked the other two.

Raphael was the one who felt the atmosphere of the Wingless Gods most directly, and he had a very clear judgment in his mind. He hesitated for a while, and finally shook his head: "There is no problem with the Wingless Gods."

He didn't say that the Wingless God didn't help the Demon King, he just said that the Wingless God had "no problem".

"I feel that there is a problem. The Wingless God's pursuit is not working hard, and he is suspected of covering the retreat of the Demon King." Yulier is also the one who feels the atmosphere of the Wingless God, and his judgment is very clear, and he is rational He will not favor any side, "But the Wingless God should have no dissent. Otherwise, when the demon world mobilizes a large army to enter, and the Wingless God responds to the internal and external attacks from it, our angel army may have been destroyed."

The other archangels gasped after hearing this. It turned out that they almost experienced a crisis of genocide that day!

At this time, they had to marvel at Ulier's calmness and wisdom again. At that time, they only thought that the Demon Realm wanted to join forces with the Demon King to attack, but seeing the army of angels assembled very quickly, they just flaunted their power for a while before running away.

I didn't think about it further, if the Wingless God made an agreement with them against the angels, that day would probably be the day when the angel family would perish!
Thinking about it later, I am horrified when I think about it carefully, because the Wingless God has some complaints in his heart for handing in the master-servant contract. If the devil world promises to help the Wingless God destroy the angels, then let the Wingless God become the ruler of the heavens It is not surprising that the Wingless God agrees to cooperate with the Demon Realm!

I don't know if Juliyer already had a remedial strategy at that time?The importance of Juliyer is particularly obvious at this time.

"The Wingless God is suspected of covering the retreat of the Demon King, but it is only a personal emotional behavior. According to the investigation, the Demon King has been active in their stronghold for a long time, and the two sides seem to have a lot of communication. But these covers are optional, no The decisive factor for being escaped by the devil. Because the devil can mobilize the eight demon gods through the gap at any time, and even more strength, these strengths are enough for his retreat."

"So you mean, can the wingless gods still be trusted?" asked the God King.

"Yes, if we can't be trusted, we have already encountered a huge crisis. But if we can sign a master-servant contract, we can be completely at ease."

"There is no need to mention this matter again. Forcing other tribes to submit to me, what is the difference between this move and Hades in the demon world?" The voice of the king of the gods was a little angry again.

"Yes. But the demon king of the demon world has changed. It is a young man named Yuan Feiwu." The name of the new demon king, Yuriel, has been found out from the Wingless God, but he has not been able to find out whether it is true or not. , but now it's just a code name for explanation, it doesn't matter.

"Yuan Feiwu? It seems that my cognition is a little behind." The king of God was surprised, very surprised.

"And he can escape from the Prison of the Forbidden God, and he can tear through space transfer." Yulier said again.

"This is impossible." The God King said in surprise again, "This matter must be investigated carefully."

For a moment, the temple fell into silence.

"Master God King, how should we deal with the relationship with the Wingless God?" Raphael was more concerned about this point. Seeing that the God King had already opposed the proposal to continue tossing about the master-servant contract, he asked quickly.

"Ulier, what's your opinion?" The God King named Yulier without thinking.
In any matter, big or small, Juliyer's opinion is always the most important.

"I think the ceremony should be completed. All the angels swear to the Creator God to be equal to the Wingless God, and they are not allowed to think of themselves as superior to others."

"This..." Michael frowned. The master-servant contract of the Wingless God didn't come into his hands in the end, but did he still want to make a promise to the other angel?

"The other party has handed in the master-servant contract, and the ceremony is considered to have completed the part that the Wingless God needs to do. It is actually our fault that the master-servant contract cannot be signed." Uriel turned to look at Mi Caleb, "and showed the generosity and sincerity of an angel, which is enough to mend the emotional rupture caused by handing in the contract. After all, the possibility of losing the master-servant contract is too low to be regained. It is better to use friendship to strengthen the relationship between each other. .”

"That's a good proposition. Michael, what do you think?"

"Very good, let's execute it like this." Michael said quickly.

You old man, the king of gods, has already agreed, but as an archangel, can I still say no?

"Okay, I will leave everything to you to preside over. I will continue to retreat and understand the revelation of the Creator God. As for the matter of the Demon King of the Demon Realm, my avatar will go to investigate, everyone first handle the matter of the Heaven Realm."


(End of this chapter)

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