Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 45 The Devil's Bento Dishes

Chapter 45 The Devil's Bento Dishes

"Huh? Is this my dog ​​collar?"

Athena looked at the thin belt in her hand in disbelief.


Yuan Feiwu would not give Athena any chance to fool around.

"Then you can put it on as a bridle for the time being, and don't grab the rein. I'm not very used to riding."

As Athena spoke, she rummaged through her backpack again, and then took out a riding whip. This time, even Ophelia, who was looking for a chance to interrogate Lester, seemed preoccupied, was startled.

"I'm sorry, I don't know how to wear a horse bridle or not, so give up."

Yuan Feiwu didn't change his face, and said with the same smiling face.

"Hey, let's wear it, you must be cute when you wear it! Don't you think so, Ophelia?"

When Ophelia was mentioned by Athena, she imagined the picture in her mind.

A black collar was put on Yuan Feiwu's delicate and smooth neck, and the end of the rope on the collar was held in his hand. Yuan Feiwu looked at him pitifully, bit his lower lip lightly, and said slightly: "Master, don't..."

"Wear it, you will wear it for the rest of your life! Wahaha... Be good, be obedient, I am your master! Wahaha..."

Ophelia couldn't bear it and threw her fist at Lester. This time Lester learned how to be smart, and when he heard Ophelia's crazy laughter, he immediately dodged to the side, letting Ofelia Ya's fist waved empty, otherwise there would be several fractures on his body in minutes.

"Ophelia, you think it's cute too, don't you?"

Ophelia came back to her senses after being questioned by Athena, and said, "Ahem, it should be good, why don't you try wearing it once. If you feel shy, you can secretly wear it for me to see, cough cough .”

"Hey! Ophelia is too much, I suggested it, but you want to monopolize it!" Athena said dissatisfied.

"sorry Sorry!"

Ophelia quickly apologized. Thinking about it this way, it seemed that it was indeed her fault. After all, Athena thought of this kind of taboo play, hehe.

"As an apology, let Ophelia go behind your back. After all, you are a princess, and it would be inappropriate for me to carry you behind my back."

Yuan Feiwu ended the matter with one sentence, whether it was about the collar or carrying the princess.

"Oh, that's right." Lester and Ophelia reacted immediately.

The body of a princess who is a daughter of gold, if a man carries it casually, it will make others gossip.

Ophelia is also a straightforward person, as long as the other party is not a man, Ophelia is very kind, and she carried Athena on her back very neatly.

"Thank you for your hard work, then... Ophelia, do you want to wear this?"

Out of gratitude, Athena waved the dog collar in front of Ophelia's eyes.

"No, thank you for your kindness."

Ophelia suddenly felt a chill, she seemed to feel how helpless Yuan Feiwu was just now.

"Oh. Why don't you wear it?" Athena resolutely danced towards the smiling old god Yuan.

"It's not me you're riding."

"But you can also wear it! It seems good to let you go!"

"Give up. If you don't hide it well again, I'll make a small report and ask the head teacher to confiscate your dog pen."

"Devil! Xiao Wu, you are a devil!"

"This set is useless to me, if I don't put it away, I will call Principal Livia!"


Athena pouted and put the dog collar and whip back into the backpack.Leicester and Ophelia were very surprised. They didn't expect Athena to be so dark in private, and it seemed that she would only show such a side in front of Yuan Feiwu. Usually, what they saw was the dignity and generosity of Her Highness the Princess.

It took more than three hours for the entire fourth graders to finally reach their destination, one of the mountains in the Lani Mountains.This mountain is very vast, with a wide wilderness of rocks and dense forests not far away, it is indeed a place suitable for outings, no, it is suitable for outdoor practice.

Yuan Feiwu looked into the distance and felt a sense of familiarity here. After a few more glances, he realized that when he came from the Demon Realm to the Mortal Realm, he just appeared on one of the hills in the distance!Unexpectedly, this is also the place where Landis School of Magic performs outdoors.

The people gathered and rested in the wilderness as a base.Livia waited for everyone to arrive, let everyone sit down and rest, and explained what to do when a magician and a warrior act together. No matter how unaccustomed a warrior is, they should slow down and cooperate with the magician instead of forcing the magician to adapt. Samurai speed.

Then came the lunch break, everyone took out the bento they had prepared to deal with it, and Yuan Feiwu was flipping through his backpack, and beside him sat three people with hopeful eyes, like a hungry bird cub finally waiting for his mother to return with food.

Yuan Feiwu took out a big box, it was actually made of wood, without any paint, but it looked unusually delicate, and the three of them were dumbfounded.Taking out this big wooden box, Yuan Feiwu's backpack immediately curled up, the big wooden box is mainly contained in the feelings.

"Sorry, I don't have a big box, so I went to find the desks and chairs thrown away by the school as materials and made one myself. Don't worry, it will definitely be cleaned." Yuan Feiwu explained patiently.

The three of them didn't say anything, but the image of Yuan Feiwu's ingenuity was deeply rooted in his heart.

The lid of the wooden box fits perfectly with the wooden box, making the inside a vacuum to keep fresh and keep warm.Yuan Feiwu opened the wooden box, and there was a mixed smell of meat and bread inside, and the three of them could even feel that the contents inside were still warm. It seems that this homemade large wooden box has a good heat preservation ability.

Yuan Feiwu took out a round object wrapped in paper from it, gently peeled off the paper towel, Athena and Ophelia moved their heads towards it at the same time.

They all know what it is when you look at it separately, bread, vegetables, fruits, beef, eggs.But put them all together, and they turned into question mark faces, which were completely different from the bento they were used to.

"It's called a hamburger. It's sandwiched between bread and fried steak and eggs, and you can eat it directly. It's convenient, tasty and layered. It's a good fast food."

While talking, Yuan Feiwu distributed one to each of them.These are hamburgers specially made by Yuan Feiwu according to the food intake of the people here. The portion is very large, one is enough for one person.

Without any hesitation, Ophelia opened her mouth and took a big bite. The aroma of the bread, the tenderness of the beef, and the embellishment of the egg, a rich compound aroma erupted in Ophelia's mouth together. , Ophelia was stunned for a moment.

She has cooked all these things and eaten them together, so how come there is no such complex aroma?

"Hey, why does it taste different from the beef bread and eggs I usually eat?"

Ofelia couldn't help but asked.

"Because of the sauce, the hamburger is sandwiched with grilled sauce, otherwise these things would be dry and tasteless." Yuan Feiwu laughed.


Ophelia nodded half-understanding.

It's the sauce again!Ophelia thought to herself, in fact, Yuan Feiwu's cooking skills are similar to her own, they just cook things well, the difference is these strange sauces, it seems nothing special.

"Very delicious! Yuan Feiwu, your cooking skills are very good!"

It was the first time for Athena to eat something made by Yuan Feiwu. She had never seen this strange taste since she was a child, but the taste was surprisingly good.

"Thank you for the compliment." Yuan Feiwu smiled slightly.

"But why is Lester's burger different from mine?" Athena asked.

After being told by Athena, Ophelia turned her head to look at the burger in Leicester's hand. The ingredients on the top were the same, but the color inside was a little different.Her and Athena's burgers were golden sauce, Lester's was milky white.The four of them sat in a circle and got closer together, Ophelia and Athena could even smell the sour smell of Leicester's hamburger.

"No! Hey, it was agreed not to be made for Lester! He is not entitled to eat it!"

Ofelia immediately focused on the key points.

"Your ones are roast sauce, mine is sweet and sour salad, of course they are different!"

Lester acted like Ophelia was the air, showing off the burger in his hand, as if he was holding the highest honor trophy in his life.

"How do you know so well?" Athena asked in surprise.

"Of course, I let him try the hamburger I made in the Leicester dormitory yesterday. He said he likes the taste of sweet and sour salad, so I reserved this flavor for him today." Yuan Feiwu smiled and said to Rice special explanation.

"Yuan! Fly! Dance! Why did you go to the Leicester dormitory to make burgers! He is not a good person, I warn you not to associate with him!"

Ophelia's hair exploded all of a sudden, as if one of her favorite toys was suddenly taken away by someone else, and it was still taken away by a wretched, foot-picking man!
"Because there is no kitchen utensils in my dormitory, it happens that there are complete equipment in the Leicester dormitory, so I borrowed them."

Yuan Feiwu explained with an unhurried smile.

"Why don't you come to my dormitory, my dormitory also has kitchen utensils!"

Ophelia roared, and the roar scared even the students who were a little further away, and they looked this way.Then, being stared at by Ophelia, she quickly turned back to eat her dry food, as if nothing happened.

"The girls' dormitory has access control."

Ophelia felt a heavy blow to the head, and her machine crashed.Unexpectedly, the condition of the girls' dormitory was actually the biggest reason for losing to Leicester!
(End of this chapter)

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