Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 464 Young, the city is not young

Chapter 464 Young, the city is not young

"Princess Athena, is it from Class 2 of Magic?" Livia finally sighed, walked to Athena and asked.

All she could do was confirm it again.

"Yeah, did you handle the relationship problem well?" Athena said happily.

Livia immediately became dizzy for a while. Since breaking through the Grand Magister, her mental strength has skyrocketed. She feels so clear-headed and energetic every moment. She hasn't been dizzy for a long time, and now she can finally feel it again.

But I don't feel happy at all in my heart!
Handled well?That depends on which angle you look at it from.

At this time, Livia had to be convinced by her teacher Douglas's foresight early in the morning. The first thing Douglas worried about when he first entered the school was not the problem of the dark element physique, but how many female students would this guy want after he entered school? suffer!

From this point of view, the handling is really quite good!The original emotional problems must have been resolved, but what about the newly added emotional problems? !It's so annoying, why do I have to bother with all these things, isn't it just a simple trip to practice outdoors!
Livia finally shouted angrily: "Let's go!"

With the sixth grade students, they set off first.

The third-grade students at the back naturally followed the team in front one after another.

This kind of less-than-serious travel doesn’t require much of the queues, anyway, it’s enough to go one by one.

On the side of the first class of samurai, Brara turned around and said, "Milton, Milton? I didn't expect Chu Xia to look serious, but she is also a big slut in private! Seeing how she clings to that handsome guy, she is not reserved at all! "

Brara insulted Chu Xia to herself, but didn't realize that Milton was staring in the direction of Magic Class 2 in a daze.

Big slut!
Milton immediately came to his senses when he heard the word, that's right, it's a big slut!
Milton still remembered the indifferent look of rejecting himself before, which made Milton have to think whether Chu Xia took himself too seriously and considered himself too high!Looking at it now, there is still that look of ignoring boys, and even took the initiative to post to that so-called boyfriend, what a ghost!The anger and jealousy that Milton had suppressed for a long time were about to explode!

He is one of the top ten most beautiful men, his father is the commander of the second army, and his strength is also outstanding among the third graders. Milton can't figure out why he can't compare with that unknown magician?

Yes, silently and anonymously!I don't even know which class cat or dog it is, isn't it mediocre? !
It seems that if you are not allowed to see your own ability, you really don't take yourself seriously!A glint of haze flashed in Milton's eyes.

Looks passable, but to be honest, it's just his plaything.It happened that she seemed very dissatisfied with Chu Xia's showing off with Chu Xia every day, and it happened to make him more limelight, so she got involved with Brala.

What he really wanted was Chu Xia.And early summer, but only the third grade is pretty good, it's worth playing.His real goal is naturally not this kind of beauty with no background, it's okay to use this kind of wife as a concubine.The real target, of course, is Athena, or even Ophelia, that's the right match!
However, with his current strength, it might not be his turn to hook up with those two beauties, so he is not in a hurry.Seeing other nobles go up to show off foolishly on weekdays, Milton's heart is full of ridicule. Those two beauties who can be regarded as the best in the entire Northway Empire can be liked just by getting together like this?

Wash and sleep!

Of course, you must have the ability to match your status and strength, and then consider those unrealistic things!
When I have the tyrannical strength and I still have an outstanding status, even if Athena and Ophelia don't like me, King Alexander and the commander of the Marens Legion will have to look at me!

Moreover, the only prince of Alexander seems to have a personality that is not suitable for being a king. If he can get Athena and perform well enough, he might be able to become a king!On the other hand, marrying the head of the First Legion to further consolidate their position is also good.After all, the existence of the Second Legion is actually slightly lower than that of the First and Third Legions.

Milton set his own goals and plans at a young age, and planned to achieve them step by step, which shows that he is still more capable than ordinary people.

But the first small step in the plan was just to satisfy some selfish desires with a fancy beauty, and he failed.This is simply unreasonable in his eyes!

Why couldn't the incomparably perfect self in the third grade not be able to catch the eyes of a commoner girl with no background like Chu Xia? !

Can't figure it out!
Brara thought that Milton had listened to his words and vented his anger with him, and hated Chu Xia even more.Who knows that Milton is just sullen in jealousy and jealousy.

When Milton put aside the confusion in his mind again, he suddenly found that the team had stopped.

So soon to reach the destination?Impossible, walking like this for a while is probably not far from the gate of the college!
It wasn't far, and they stopped outside a very wide stable door. This is a stable that can be rented, and Milton is not unaware of it.

At the very front, you can see the owner of the stable coming out with grins from ear to ear, and said to Livia, "Everyone from Landis Academy of Magic, the horses and carriages you want are ready and ready to use at any time!"

This... is this to use transportation?

Not only the third graders, but even the sixth graders were in an uproar.

There are a lot of them in total, and walking is fine, but once they take transportation, they are likely to be chaotic, and the scene is a bit difficult to control!It's so exciting to play for the first time to go out for practice, isn't it good!
"Now, please listen to the arrangement clearly! Mage students who can't ride please ride in a carriage, and warrior students cooperate in pairs to ride a horse together. Let's practice how to move forward quickly and maintain a queue under the conditions of riding a carriage and horses! This time Actions are included in the usual results, please follow the command!"

The head teacher of Samurai class 3 is notoriously loud, and the students who were talking a lot became quiet when he yelled so loudly.

"Of course we are the same horse, right?" Brara turned around happily and smiled at Milton.

Thinking of how close they were to each other on the same horse, Brara couldn't help but feel weak.

But Milton ignored her and walked out of the class line quickly, and Brara had to keep up with him.

Unexpectedly, Milton walked through the students of Magic Class 3 and walked to the vicinity of Magic Class 2. It seemed that there was something that caught his attention.

And then sure enough, he saw something that caught his attention.

The five little ones surrounded the unknown magician again, chirping happily, and their bodies kept touching him. The somewhat ignorant physical contact with the girl was so refreshing!

They were obviously going to ride in a carriage together!

Milton was about to swear when he saw it!

How close Chu Xia and those girlfriends are, Milton has been paying attention to Chu Xia for a long time, of course he knows that this scene has always been the one he dreamed of!
With Chu Xia in his arms, there were four other girls surrounding him with winking eyes.In particular, one of the girls, Nanxi, is not inferior to Brala in appearance at all. After being with Chu Xia, she might be able to kill two birds with one stone.The other looks are mediocre but better than nothing, enjoy the blessing of being equal to others!

Now that the picture in his dream happened to someone else, Milton almost gritted his teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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