Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 467 Training formation, Milton is very confident!

Chapter 467 Training formation, Milton is very confident!

The samurai class on horseback is equivalent to waiting while walking, so they run slower.

It didn't take long to be thrown off by the carriage party in front.

But behind them, the students of the warrior class gradually got on their horses and followed the group.

Soon, nearly [-] double-riding horses ran on the road in order. Under the leadership of the leading teacher, they gradually walked out of Lantis City and ran towards a wider road.

This road was previously opened up for the imperial army to travel. It is actually a long road for inter-city travel. Usually, few people take it.

Sure enough, they are all arranged. This kind of road is really suitable for novices to learn the queue arrangement when riding a vehicle.Even the formation of the warriors on horseback guarding the carriage can be considered. Anyway, the road is big enough, and now is a more appropriate time.

Silas took a few sixth graders to the rear of the team. Their task was to be the first to find and take care of someone who was left behind.

Silas was thinking about this teaching opportunity as he rode the horse.When his mind is free, he likes to think about these opportunities, which is why he was discovered by Yuan Feiwu, and he taught him the tactics of team battles.Love to analyze and love to seize opportunities, these are all necessary elements for a strategic thinker, and he obviously possesses all the necessary elements, so he shined fiercely in this aspect in the exchange competition.

"I'm going to practice the mixed marching formation of horses and carriages in a while, please keep an eye on it." The head teacher of Class 5, the big bald warrior who arranged the grouping just now, walked last, and he suddenly said to several sixth graders .

"Oh, yes." Several sixth graders nodded quickly.

Sure enough, Silas knew that Landis Academy of Magic would not waste this teaching opportunity.

Under the leadership of the teacher in the front row, the speed of the knights on horseback gradually increased, and some other teachers and seniors scattered in the team observed the formation of everyone running at high speed from time to time.The formation of the third-year samurai students who have learned theoretical knowledge and mastered riding skills is actually not chaotic at all, so the teachers can feel more at ease.

In fact, it is not too difficult for them, but it is difficult for some students to run in the queue for the first time and make mistakes in their busy schedule.Once someone makes a mistake in the running queue, it is likely to cause the people behind to brake too late and hit them, leading to a series of accidents. This possibility makes the teachers have to be careful.

Seeing that worrying was unnecessary now, and no one made such naive mistakes, the teachers continued to lead everyone to speed up, and after a while, they slowly caught up with the carriage team.

Milton has been depressed!

In the queue of galloping horses, he is the leader at the forefront of the team, but the disgusting thing is that he is running alongside him with a magician!

The order of this queue is naturally arranged according to the order of departure. The unknown magician and Chu Xia are the first to pick a good horse, so of course they will be at the forefront!
But why is this magician not left behind?Can you still keep up with the rhythm?

In other words, it can still carry the rhythm correctly!

Because the teacher who leads the team will adjust the distance quickly and slowly so as to observe the overall formation in front, back, left, and right. In this way, it is the knights in the front row who really drive the overall rhythm of the entire team. Uniform speed.Otherwise, following the teachers to change speeds and driving hundreds of horses behind will cause extremely powerful damage to the formation.

This requires a bit of judgment and riding skills from the leading knight.

Milton, who wanted to wait to see the joke, felt more and more disappointed the longer he waited. A magician can control the speed of the rhythm, which shows that the speed is not fast enough!

Speed ​​up again!The dignified number one samurai in the third grade is actually on par with a magician on horseback, what does he look like? !Continue to speed up, and he will be satisfied only when he mentions a speed that can show the gap between them!

Because of his father, Milton had the opportunity to get in touch with war horses since he was a child. Of course, his riding skills are better than that of warriors of the same level, and he is not much worse than his sixth-grade seniors.But if he observes carefully, he will find that this speed is enough to make the equestrian victory between them.

Yuan's flying horse was like walking on flat ground, so stable that Chu Xia felt as if she was sitting in a carriage, and gradually the strangeness and fear of horses gradually dissipated.Sitting on the horse, Chu Xia enjoys the current feeling very much, sometimes facing the wind and feeling the breeze, sometimes stroking the horse's head to cheer for it, happy and forgetful.Now she finds that riding a horse is not as scary as she imagined!Very interesting!
Instead, Milton's horse kept bouncing violently.Horses are sensitive creatures, no matter how docile a horse is, it will be infected by the emotions of its owner.Milton must be feeling anxious now, and the horse under him must also become anxious. He has been anxiously trying to let go of his pace to vent his anger, but unfortunately, he was suppressed by his master, causing the pace to be very choppy.

It was the first time for Brara to ride a horse with someone else. She didn't expect the romance she expected at all. Instead, she almost vomited, and she didn't even have any interest in continuing to focus on Chu Xia.A samurai actually fainted, and he felt embarrassed to say it!
"Okay, everyone is doing well. Now everyone is optimistic. The front is the carriage on which the magicians ride. If you are on the battlefield, it is absolutely impossible to let the carriage go ahead alone and take risks. As a warrior, as long as there are magicians by your side, We must always think about covering and protecting them! Now let's practice the formation of mixed advance!" A teacher who took the lead on the warrior's side shouted to the rear, making sure that every student heard it, and then continued, "Yes If you are sure of your riding skills, follow up and practice the cover formation; if you are not sure, stay behind and watch, and refer to the actions of the students in front to get familiar with the feeling!"

After the teacher finished speaking, he took the lead and rode into the queue of carriages ahead.

In the carriage queue, a relatively spacious space has been reserved between each carriage, and it can be seen from a glance that it is specially reserved for the warriors to enter on horseback.

I have to say that this training is still relatively rudimentary. First of all, the space between the carriages is quite spacious, which makes it easier for the samurai to enter these positions on horseback.If you are really on your way, let alone whether there is such a wide road on the route, it is impossible to increase the distance between the teams so much.

Secondly, the speed is also slow, the speed of the carriage has not been brought to the extreme at all, which makes it easier for the warriors to control the horses to reach the cover position.At the same time, once a mistake occurs, the rear team has more time to react and avoid it.

Of course, Milton didn't think so deeply. When he heard the teacher's instruction, all he thought in his heart was: Here comes the opportunity!
This is the moment to test the level!
The magician next to him who had been keeping pace with him actually accelerated faster than him!

Very confident!A mere magician wants to do what a samurai does!

Milton sneered, then sped up, rushing into the carriage formation in front of Yuan Feiwu, shuttled left and right quickly and flexibly.His performance made a large part of the unconfident samurai students stunned and envious.

See, this is my strength.

Milton really wanted to just tell the magician so indifferently, but when he looked back, he didn't know where he was dumped.

It seems that I rushed too fast, and I couldn't appreciate the terrified appearance of the magician and Chu Xia's admiring gaze.Milton showed a triumphant smile, and continued to move forward, planning to reach the front first and then wait for them to arrive slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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