Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 472 The Beginning of Friendship

Chapter 472 The Beginning of Friendship

"Why are you so cruel today?" Yuan Feiwu smiled.

"Isn't there Senior Fei Wu beside me, I finally mustered up the courage!" Chu Xia turned to Yuan Fei Wu and smiled.

That smile was mixed with Chu Xia's nervous and relieved gasps, as if he had finally let go of a big stone in his heart.

"Well, even though Brara's persistence is admirable, I shouldn't be affected by Brara's wrong persistence!"

"Well, well said."

"What's good?"

Chu Xia had already pulled Yuan Feiwu to the gathering place of Magic Class 2, and Vader rushed over to greet him, just in time to hear Yuan Feiwu's last words.

"Ignore Bulala, we can do whatever we want." Chu Xia replied instead of Yuan Feiwu.

At this time, they had arrived at the place where Nunora and the others were, and Nan Xi teased immediately when she heard it: "Yo! Fly... the boyfriend has only appeared for a long time, so you've been blinded so quickly?!"

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I have caused you a lot of trouble during this time." Nanxi's teasing was exchanged for Xia's serious apology, and the girls were stunned, and then they saw Chu Xia smiled embarrassedly, "I'm back Already!"

I am back.

These words were like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of the girls hard.

Seeing Chu Xia's expression returning to normal after saying all this, she shyly smiled and pulled Yuan Feiwu to sit next to them.

At this time, the girls came to their senses and felt like, yes, Chu Xia is really back.

The feeling that Chu Xia gave them now was the Chu Xia they were familiar with.Seeing her gradually losing her smile and vitality since she entered the beauty list, and becoming cautious in every move, they felt powerless.

But now, the quiet but lively early summer in the past is back.

Nan Xi turned her face away, and quietly wiped away the tears in her eyes. Others acted as if they hadn't seen it, and no one would expose Nan Xi's embarrassment.

Nunora also had tears in her eyes.

She recalled the memories of two years ago, when she was admitted to the Landis Academy of Magic, on the first day of class in Magic Class 2.

When the school bell rang, Nunora felt that her day had been tortured.She had already picked a relatively remote location, thinking that she would get a relatively quiet environment.As a result, at the end of the day, the two girls in the two seats in front of her have been discussing whether the wind element is stronger or the earth element is stronger, and the things they say are abstract and have no theoretical basis, like two little kids who don't understand anything. .Just after listening to a few words carelessly, Nunora wanted to roll her eyes.

Can Landis Academy of Magic even recruit such a person?There is no level of knowledge at all!Even if you are a beginner in magic, you should understand some common sense about magic in advance, right?

The classmate who wants the ground thorns to come out of other people's heads, your imagination is too wild!
Forget it all, Nunora sighed, the most troublesome thing for her was the girl sitting behind her, who was in a state of excitement from the beginning of class to the end of school!Can't you take a break and let yourself listen to a class?
It's so annoying!

Fortunately, the deskmate is a normal person who looks quite quiet...

"I say……"

With a bang, the normal person next to her slapped the table and got up!
It shocked people who hadn't walked around cleanly!
Nunora slightly lowered the huge hardcover book "Basic Use of Magic" in her hand, and pushed the black glasses on the bridge of her nose to hide her astonishment.

Is even a girl who looks like a good girl a psycho?It seems that I have to ask the teacher to change my seat for me...

"I said, let's be friends! My name is Chu Xia..."

After the violent momentum, there was actually a whisper that became softer and softer.Nunora couldn't help turning her face slightly, and a shy girl with a flushed face was looking at her.

"Friend?" Nunora frowned, "Me?"

"Well! And everyone!" The girl looked forward again.

Because the two women in front were startled by the sound of slapping the table, they paused the discussion and looked back.

"I... I'm more shy, but I want to be friends with everyone!" The girl seemed to muster up her courage again, and her face turned even redder.

This so cute...Nunora couldn't help curling her lips, and finally put the thick "basics of using magic" on the table.It has to be said that this shy teenage girl managed to steal her attention away from her favorite book.

"Hi, my name is Erma. Chuxia, you look so cute!" The girl in the blue robe and school uniform in front suddenly sighed.

"Do you want to be friends? That's great. My name is Nanxi. We are friends now!" The girl in the yellow robe school uniform also smiled. Her smile is very friendly and makes people feel very comfortable.

Progress so fast? !Is this how you make friends?

Nunora, who has been obsessed with various books since she was a child, has a serious and rigid personality and is much more mature than her peers. Looking at her immature peers around her, she has no intention of making friends at all.So withdrawn Nunora never had such a thing as a friend.No, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't know what a friend is. If a friend can get it by just saying "let's be friends" and "okay", isn't it too insulting for the word friend?
Now Nuo La watched these three people establish a good friend relationship in a few words, and it was a bit ironic.Her rationality would not let her think that a few words like playing house can be called "friendship".

"Nanxi? Ahaha! In our hometown, Nanxi means poop! Your name matches the color of your clothes! Ahahaha..."

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter from behind, and Nan Xi was unhappy when he heard it.Why did my name suddenly become poop?

Then a head poked over from behind, his eyes stayed on everyone's face for a while, and he said with a smile: "My name is Vida, we are friends now! Let's go have dinner together!"

This... It seems that no one said that the game of "find, find, find friends" has her share, right?
In Vida's excited state for a day, to be honest, even Nan Xi and Alma, who were separated by a table, could feel the pressure from her!But the other party came so cheeky, they didn't know what to do!

"Okay... okay...then... what about you?" Chu Xia looked at Nu Nuola.

It seems that this little girl is really not a person who knows how to say no, and she obviously rejects Vader, but she still can't say "no"...Nunora sighed, and something seemed to melt in her heart, producing a Something called "protective desire".

"My name is Nunora. If you want to go, hurry up. I have to rush to the library after dinner." Nunora took the lead in packing up the books and stood up.

"The boring! Why don't you go to the campus? I heard that there are many handsome guys in the Landis School of Magic!" Vader obviously had an inexplicable resistance to the library.

"We came to the solemn and sacred place of Landis School of Magic to learn knowledge and magic, not to see handsome guys..."

"Hey... the handsome guy is also very important..."

In the voice of Nunora's preaching, the five people became friends for the first time, and it was carried out in discord.

Unexpectedly, this small group with different personalities would develop an unbreakable and precious friendship, which has remained to this day.They also believe that it will last forever.

Thinking about it, it was Chu Xia, a restrained guy, who made it possible for them to get together.
Really, thank Chu Xia very much, thank her that day, muster up the courage, and open up the road of friendship for them.

Fortunately, Chu Xia who did not know where he got the courage to pat the table to stand up, but was shy when he spoke, is finally back!
Because the smile on Chu Xia's face now is exactly the same as the smile that everyone showed when they set off together that day.No matter how noisy everyone is, she is the one who silently smiles.

This smile is also an incomparably precious part to them.After a lapse of nearly a year, they finally won Chu Xia's smile again, and at this moment their hearts were full of excitement.

"Thank you, Senior Feiwu." Nunora sniffed to hold back tears, leaned close to Yuan Feiwu's ear, and whispered.

Nu Nuola will never forget that it is not they who really did this, but the reinforcements they invited over!

"You're welcome, it should be."

Then the bright smiling face that turned around also exuded incomparable warmth under the sun, as if it had sprinkled the most beautiful congratulations for their happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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