Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 489 The Desperate Fact

Chapter 489 The Desperate Fact

Yuan Feiwu seemed to have eyes behind his back, and suddenly rolled sideways.His movements were as quick as a cheetah, but he landed lightly and silently. Even such a movement that should actually be embarrassing, he made a picture-like feeling.

Livia's spirit locked on Livia's Lianzhu fireball, but Yuan Feiwu's dodge happened to catch the last moment, and it was too late for the fireball to change direction. It just slightly changed its arc, and passed Yuan Feiwu.

Damn it, the direction of the empty shot is the crowd!

Livia used all her strength to manage the four fireballs avoiding the crowd and leading them towards the sky.After such an episode, those people became even more flustered, as if they were running away from the end of the world.

No, it's too dangerous to use magic like this, and it's easy to hurt innocent people!
Livia had no choice but to pick up the soul-killing burning flame that turned into a flaming spear, soar into the air and fly towards the source!

"Wait, Principal Livia!" No matter how Silas yelled, he couldn't call Livia, and he was extremely anxious. "Damn, why do we feel like we have been sowed!"

Of course Livia's flight was faster than Yuan Feiwu's, but Yuan Feiwu didn't care about it. He swung his sword while walking unhurriedly, splitting all the passing tents with his sword.

Livia glanced out of the corner of her eye and stopped immediately.As a great magister, she has strong mental power and can detect the situation inside the tent.But having the ability doesn't mean you can mess around, and you can't offend other people's privacy at will.But she suddenly discovered that there was actually a barrier inside those tents, and her mental strength could not detect the inside at all.

But now, she can already see the scene inside without detecting her.

She walked to a tent, and there was a stench coming from inside. All kinds of human limbs and broken arms were scattered inside. Livia, who had seen such a big scene, couldn't help retching.

The taste, as well as the sight, are disgusting and uncomfortable.But Livia couldn't avoid it. After retching, she forced herself to step forward and observe carefully.

The remains of these human limbs, and even broken bodies and internal organs, have traces of being bitten by wild beasts, as if the beasts had eaten leftovers.

Why are there so many wrecks? !
Livia raised her head, her eyes filled with confusion.At this time, she saw that those terrified people did not run away, they all stopped and looked at her coldly.

"The humans here have all been killed, they are not humans."

At this time, Yuan Feiwu retreated to Livia's side, and faced these people together with her.

Yuan Feiwu already knew the situation here. When he got the memory from Qin Mo's brain, he had a careful understanding of their progress in the mortal world.

These people are subordinates brought by the Qin Demon, called phantom lizards, advanced creatures conquered in a certain world.The number brought by the Qin Demon is not large, but they have a strong reproductive ability, and they can reproduce once every few days.Their strength is not worth mentioning compared to the Qin Demon, but they have a terrifying ability. After eating someone else's nerve center, they can obtain that person's memory, and learn the values ​​and common sense in an unfamiliar area from it.Then it can change into any creature it has seen, imitating its existence anywhere.

They are the main force of the Qin Demon. Every time the Qin Demon conquers a world, he likes to take them with him.Use them to wipe out creatures in an area, imitate them, and blend into the world.They can become the leaders of this world and create a world war to make this world kill each other until it is destroyed; they can also slowly devour all creatures area by area, and finally achieve the goal of destruction.

Even if their strength is not strong, they can always succeed in sneak attacks by changing into a character who can make the opponent relax. A strength as strong as Livia almost caught their way just now.Basically, Qin Nu took them out, and she only needed to deal with the masters who couldn't even deal with their sneak attacks. It was extremely easy.

Yuan Feiwu felt that since they said they didn't believe it, it would be better for them to see this fact for themselves!Even if Livia didn't come at the other end of the lake, Yuan Feiwu would come.

"Do you know what happened here?" Livia grabbed Yuan Feiwu by the collar, his eyes were bloodshot.

"I hacked the guy who used the piano sound and asked something. These guys are all monsters from other worlds. I am afraid that the people here are all killed. But they can simulate those people living here, slowly Expand their domain until they destroy the whole world." Yuan Feiwu said lightly.

"Why didn't you tell me!"

"I said before that the guy who uses the piano sound is from another dimension, do you believe it?"

Livia let go of her hand, she really didn't believe it...

Livia believes that no one will believe it!
But now, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not.She looked at everything in front of her, but she didn't have any anger.She only felt panic in her heart, even more desperate than seeing the scene of the other party massacring the city when the demons invaded!
The small fishing village on the shore of Lake Spanley was wiped out without a sound!Such ability is hard to guard against!Anyone who appears in front of him now may be disguised by these things!Thinking of this possibility, Livia felt like a solitary boat floating in the wind and waves, being swallowed up at any time!It was an unspeakable fear!

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes today, Livia couldn't believe it at all!
What should she do? !

Silas in the distance was still staring at the long and thin tongue found on the ground, when a girl came to him.

"Why do you kill people! Are you bad people?"

Silas looked up and saw a timid young girl looking at him warily.

bad guy?
Silas smiled wryly, but silently drew out the long sword.

He is different from Livia. When he saw this weird tongue, he guessed about it.With the evidence in front of him, he only believed in the evidence because that was the truth.On the surface, he can be rational enough.

Silas, who had been prepared for a long time, raised his sword to block the girl's sudden attack, and the huge impact knocked him back several steps.

Such a strong strange force!

What did Silas say in the training before the exchange match, he had already been trained by Yuan Feiwu to have a lot of actual combat experience, and he slashed with his backhand before his body could stand still.

At this time, the girl no longer looked like a girl. Like the fisherman before, she had a flat lizard head, bat ears, and a layer of granular brown skin covering her whole body.

Silas didn't say that he was determined to win this sword, but the opponent didn't dodge or dodge to meet him head-on, which surprised him a little.

In the fight just now, he has judged that the opponent is only about the strength of a high-level warrior... Oops, did the opponent hold back his strength just now?
There was another sound of metal knocking.

Silas felt the huge shock coming from the sword, which made his jaw go numb!

Only then did he see clearly that the monster on the opposite side blocked the blow with his arm!On the monster's arm, there were inverted triangular fins, which were so hard that they knocked Silas' long sword aside!
The other hand has already chopped off with a fin!
It's hard to deal with!Silas backed away hastily.

Now Silas really wants to go up and chop them down while the other party is still pretending to be like Yuan Feiwu!This monster after revealing its true form is too difficult to deal with!
(End of this chapter)

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