Chapter 492

"Tell me about your plans for aggression."

Yuan Feiwu's question awakened Livia's contemplation, and when she opened her eyes, the monster's eyes looked hollow, probably controlled by Yuan Feiwu's hypnosis.

"Destroy all creatures one by one, and then change into their appearance, continue to infiltrate and destroy creatures in other regions." The monster murmured emotionlessly, "Finally destroy this world, and get the energy after the world collapses and loses balance. We will use this The energy is called 'destruction energy'."

"How far have you achieved so far?"

"All the fishermen and tourists in the fishing village have been wiped out, including the six tourists before you came this morning. That's all."

Livia couldn't help but gritted her teeth. If they had come one step earlier, they might have been able to save those six innocent people... How hateful!

"Didn't any of you get out of here?"

"No, Lord Qin Mo's order is to stay in the fishing village for the time being."

"So all of you are dead now?"

"Not yet, I'm the only one left." The monster suddenly moved its mouth, and its whole body began to shake violently, as if it was about to get out of control.

It seemed that the fact of killing them all also made his mood fluctuate greatly, so much that his consciousness was rebelling against the control of this source flying.

"Then go die too!" Yuan Feiwu and Livia suddenly roared.

It was Silas, who slammed his long sword into the monster's chest!
He had already walked around, and came back with unforgettable anger, just in time to hear what the monster said last, and couldn't help but draw his sword!
Yuan Feiwu knew that Silas had drawn his sword, but he didn't stop it.Because they have already got the answer they are most concerned about, this monster has no meaning of existence.

Just let him vent, what happened today is too depressing for him.

After dealing with all this, the three began to return to the camp of Landis Academy of Magic.The wreckage of the fishermen and tourists here can only be dealt with after returning to the academy to inform Douglas.

The other side of Lake Spanley.

All the third graders got up and moved around freely on the shore of the lake.The teachers and the sixth graders watched the students frolicking by the forest, but they were very anxious.

Because Principal Livia and Yuan Feiwu Silas went out to investigate the situation at night, but there was no news from them all night.

As the night got darker, they became more and more worried. As a result, they didn't feel safe all night, and now it was dawn.

By this time in the morning, it was supposed to be time for the teachers to go on another hunt to prepare lunch ingredients.But the three of Livia didn't come back. They didn't go hunting again as planned. A great magister went out all night and didn't come back. How could he be in the mood to hunt?There was even a lot of controversy over whether to arrange personnel to search for the three of them.It was also for the same reason that the great magister didn't come back all night. If something happened, wouldn't they be sent to die?But it’s okay to ignore it!
Anxiety, everyone is very anxious.

After being anxious for half the morning, the three of Livia finally came back.Livia's pale face made everyone feel relieved, but at the same time, they also felt that something was wrong.

"Go back to school now, and the lunch at noon will be cancelled." Livia waved her hand to indicate that she was fine, reassuring everyone, and then gave the order to go back to school.

Everyone didn't say anything, and quickly informed the students to pack up their belongings and go back to school immediately.

"Why did you just leave?"

Brara stomped her feet when she heard the arrangement. She wanted to pull Milton to play in the lake!
The water of Lake Spanley is notoriously clear, it's a pity that I couldn't play in the water!

But Milton was not in such a good mood. He noticed that Livia entered the forest last night, and he took Silas and the unknown magician there!
Seeing Livia's hurried expression, Milton knew that Livia was going to work, and it was normal to bring Silas as a helper, but why did he bring that unknown magician?Could it be that he has performed better than other sixth graders?

He calmly came to the vicinity of the teachers, just in time to intercept the figure of the unknown magician returning to the team.

"Hey, where did you go last night?" Milton didn't have a good tone for him.

In fact, Milton really didn't want to talk to this person after being compared with him in many ways yesterday. As soon as he met him, he felt superior to others and immediately seemed to be a head shorter.But Milton couldn't suppress his curiosity!To be able to go out with Livia Silas all night, what kind of virtue and ability does this guy have?Going out to work in the field with the principal is the qualification for the most outstanding students in the Landis Academy of Magic!Because it means that they are no less powerful than ordinary teachers!

"Me?" The unknown magician shook his head and looked around, making sure that Milton was calling himself, and then smiled, "Principal Livia was going out to do something last night, and I volunteered to help, but was rejected Take it with you."

"Volunteered to help Principal Livia? You, a third grader, are very courageous in order to show off!" Milton was angry and funny.

A mere third-year student actually ran to the principal to volunteer for help. How shameless and lawless courage did it take to do this?Milton thought that he would not be so ignorant. He volunteered to help hunt and clean up the prey. He wanted to go out with the principal to do errands when he was only in the third grade. It would be no wonder he was not despised to death!

"Anyway, he's a high-level warrior and an intermediate magician. Of course he has to contribute if he can." Yuan Feiwu said calmly.

Milton was stunned when he heard it. Fuck, I'm so righteous!What a senior samurai!But Milton felt heartbroken!
Livia staggered suddenly in the distance, scaring the other teachers into thinking that something was wrong with Livia.She is a majestic great magister, so of course she can hear Yuan Feiwu's words at such a distance!

Senior Samurai? !Intermediate magician? !Your sister's battle qi can be twisted into silk in an instant to use, let's not talk about this super-high level of control ability, just releasing the battle energy is at least above the level of the earth warrior, okay?There is also that hypnosis, this kind of magic that can control people's consciousness is absolutely impossible to be a low-level magic, and this kind of magic has high requirements for the controller, and it must be much higher than the spiritual power of the controlled person to be successful , Seeing how he easily controlled the monster, could he be an intermediate magician? !

It is because of Yuan Feiwu's ability to lie openly that Livia is often so angry that she wants to vomit blood!Look at him so disgusting!

She hurriedly called Silas, explained a few words, and then Silas trotted over.

"Captain, Principal Livia told you and her to go back to Principal Douglas first."

In private, Silas joked with Yuan Feiwu that Silas called him "Brother Wu". After contact during the exchange match, Silas is more used to calling him captain or Feiwu for short.

"Okay, I got it." Yuan Feiwu didn't care, he thought it was okay to call Silas whatever he wanted, anyway, it was easier to accept than Athena's calmly shouting "Xiao Wu", "But Principal Livia didn't follow Team, are you at ease?"

"Don't worry, there's me too!"

"Your level is not up to the point where I can rest assured..."

"Your sister! Do you know what is in your heart? You can only keep it in your heart and not say it. This social etiquette! Can you still chat!" Silas clutched his chest, the chest that was aching from Yuan Feiwu's stimulation, without any words. He rolled his eyes angrily and walked away.

Then Milton next to him was stunned for a moment, and then he was stunned again.

(End of this chapter)

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