Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 494 The Confused Silas

Chapter 494 The Confused Silas
Seeing this somewhat out-of-control scene, Silas felt very guilty.

Could it be... that he leaked his words just now, which caused Yuan Feiwu to be exposed?It's just calling the captain... Well, it seems to be quite obvious!Subconsciously...

Forget it.

Anyway, Silas really likes the feeling of being ignored. Now that everyone is discussing Yuan Feiwu vigorously, he, Silas, lost all attention all at once, how wonderful.

"Almost screwed Yuan Feiwu, this guy is so dark-hearted!"

"Yeah, yeah, why didn't I think of this trick? It's great to see Xiao Wu being besieged and begging for mercy!"

Beautiful, but not perfect!Someone is still paying attention to me!And they are the two most troublesome guys!Those two people's cynicism kept pricking his conscience like sharp arrows!

Damn, don't care!Silas took the measure of ignoring, ignoring, and ignoring. I can't beat you, can't I just hide? !
There were no accidents on the return journey. The breeze and the fragrance of birds and flowers all the way revealed peace and tranquility everywhere.

But after experiencing the previous scene, Silas was particularly disturbed by the tranquility in front of him.Under the surface of peace, what kind of unimaginable torrents and undercurrents are hidden?How long can that peace last?

Looking at the childish and carefree faces of the third graders, Silas sighed.

I have been used to peace, so it is natural to be carefree. When I feel that peace is about to disappear at any time, I strongly understand how precious peace is.

To protect all these ah! !
Silas suddenly clenched his fists and roared secretly in his heart.

Two days later, Yuan Feiwu went to and from school as usual, and he didn't look like he had just saved the big crisis in the mortal world.

It's so panicky, Silas has been panicking for several days since that day, unexpectedly, after Yuan Feiwu went to the principal's office for a day, he went to school as usual the next day!Why don't you help the Great Magister of Light to maintain world peace!It's such a time, and you still have to learn a lot!

That night, finally, Silas couldn't bear it anymore, and quietly touched the inhuman house.

Silas is a popular guy, but he is also a relatively withdrawn person.It's easy to make friends with him, but there are very few who can get away with it, so he's so unrestrained.Later, after Fei Yue took her heart away, she finally had someone close to her.

So this is the first time he visited other students' dormitories during his nearly six years at Landis Magic Academy.This behavior makes him feel all kinds of unnatural, as if he is a thief.

Later, when I walked to someone's yard and climbed over the wall, I realized that I was here to visit, not to be a thief!

Cough cough, let’s forget about entering the courtyard door, it seems silly to climb out and knock on the door again, so let’s start from here.

Silas knocked on the door of the Inhuman House.

The guy who opened the door for him was a guy with brown eyes that kept rolling around. No matter how he looked, he looked like a gangster with malicious intentions. Silas wanted to call the police.

Be calm, this uncle may be Yuan Feiwu's friend... Looking down, he is holding a set of maid clothes in his hand, folding them skillfully...

Well, it's better to call the police.

"What's the matter?" The man looked down at Silas with impatience.

Of course he was impatient, he was arranging his clothes until he climaxed, so he was naturally unhappy when he was interrupted.But it is not easy to cultivate clothes as a hobby.

"I'm here to find Yuan Feiwu, and I want to talk to him about something..."


The door was slammed shut, and there was a complaint from inside: "Fuck off! Don't delay my climax, my forehead is wrong, don't delay my finishing the new batch! I don't even look in the mirror, I don't have a green hair without a little unicorn One tenth of the cuteness dares to confess, where does the courage come from...Of course, the best mascot must still be Lao Tzu, the flies are so cute, the Lord Demon King must be good at this..."


Although I don't know what the little unicorn is, what the devil is, my appearance can barely be regarded as upper-middle level, and the flies are definitely not cute at all, and there are a lot of slots, but from this kind of stranger, I feel that it has nothing to do with gender. Judging from the fact that he came to express his love, he should have found the right place.

Silas knocked again.

"Fuck me, don't you understand human speech? Master Yuan Feiwu is very busy!"

The door was quickly opened again, and the maid outfit in the hands of the person who opened the door had been changed into a dark black suit, which looked very handsome at first glance.

If this set of things is put on by Yuan Feiwu, tsk tsk, incredible...

Well, distracted again, Silas smiled wryly, there is no way, sometimes the mind just turns too fast.

"I'm not here to confess. I'm his classmate. It's really urgent to find him."

"Are you sick? Who in this academy is not a bronze beard? Every idiot who comes over says there is something urgent, so don't think about it. Mr. Yuan Feiwu only likes big beauties with hot, bright and coquettish bodies! Your kind The silly X who eats lotus root goes home and looks in the mirror!"

I wipe it!Does the captain have such a strong taste? !The beauties around him... Ophelia has nothing to do with her hot body, right? !Athena is just dark-bellied, and her elegant appearance is definitely not coquettish...

ah! !No wonder they haven't succeeded yet!It turned out that it didn't match Yuan Feiwu's taste! !

Damn, Silas suddenly felt as if he knew some terrible secret...

"My name is Silas, Yuan Feiwu's classmate! Nangongfeng also lives here, right? I can always find him!" Silas was afraid that the other party would close the door again, so he said quickly.

"Are you looking for Nangongfeng? Tell me earlier. It's a waste of my time. It's on the third floor."

In such a short time, the man has neatly combed the suit and hung it on the hanger in his hand, looking very smooth.Then he ignored Silas, walked into the house, and closed the living room door on the first floor.

Is this the attitude of looking for Nangongfeng?

I don't know why I suddenly want to mourn for Nangongfeng for three seconds...

Trembling and running to the third floor, Silas poked his head in. The person he was looking for was in the living room on the third floor, and he saw it as soon as he poked his head.

As the uncle downstairs said, Yuan Feiwu is really busy, very busy...

"Why are you here, Silas? Let's have dinner together?" Yuan Feiwu was sitting in a circle with Xueyue Nangongfeng, and there was a big pot in the middle of the table, eating really busy! "We are playing hot pot, celebrating Xueyue's success in breaking through the magister and sky warrior."

"Ah? Xueyue successfully broke through?! Congratulations..." Silas originally wanted to hurry up and ask Yuan about the flying monster and leave as soon as possible.

After all, it was too unaccustomed for him to be a guest at someone else's house.

But Yuan Feiwu said that, if he didn't sit down and eat a few bites, it would seem like he was not giving face to Xueyue!Don't look at Yuan Feiwu's understatement, the one who broke through is the magister!It was the Sky Warrior who broke through!And at the same time!
This kind of exaggerated age has become an exaggerated sky warrior plus a magister, a super pervert with dual cultivation of monsters, and this is not even mentioning Xueyue's physique of an advanced element such as ice element, which is still at the level of an elf!It is a big event for the whole world to celebrate this news!It is not an exaggeration to call it the pride of Star Luo Continent!

What now?Damn, just sit down, have a hot pot and eat some noodles to celebrate!Silas was so low-key that he didn't know what to say, and he felt a sense of depression that he wanted to be excited but had to suppress.

Uh, but the noodles are still quite delicious, worthy of Yuan Feiwu's craftsmanship...

(End of this chapter)

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