Chapter 50
Leicester's cooking is also between the general average.

For the cooking of survival in the wild, there are also teachings in the Landis Academy of Magic. The most basic thing is of course to cook the captured food.But the requirements are extremely low, as long as it can be cooked.

So no matter Leicester, or Ophelia, or Athena, or even others, the level is similar-can be cooked.

What is the seasoning? They are already used to the original flavor and have nothing to pursue.As a samurai or magician, you should focus on how to make your fighting spirit or magic go further.

But after Ophelia had eaten Yuan Feiwu's food with various flavors, her requirements for taste were no longer the original starting point.The moon mutton cooked by Leicester was tasteless, and Ophelia had no interest at all. In addition, she still had a grudge against Lester, so she gave up after barely eating it.

Ofelia simply walked aside and meditated with her eyes closed, and began to exercise the fighting spirit in her body.

Practicing the homework at night outdoors is exactly meditation practice.

It is rare to go out into the wild to feel the breath of nature. Everyone will sit down and meditate carefully, and maybe they can feel new breakthroughs that cannot be felt in dormitory meditation.

If you have just learned how to use fighting qi, it is very dangerous to meditate outside, but all the warriors here are already intermediate warriors, and they are already very proficient in running fighting qi. Case.

And there are eight class teachers and the magister Livia principal guarding the periphery, so it is very safe.

Several people finished eating the moon mutton. Lester originally thought that he was already in charge of the barbecue, and the work of cleaning up would be handed over to others.

But when he looked up, Feiyue was the guest who invited to light the fire, so it didn't make sense for such a little magician girl to clean up; Athena looked at him with a smile on her face, and Lester felt that if he spoke to her, he would definitely be courting death.The rest of Ophelia had a faint white light emitting from her body, this kind of white light would only appear when high-level warriors were running battle qi.

It is very impolite to be interrupted while running Dou Qi.

Well, Lester thought he was unlucky and neatly started picking up the after-dinner rubbish.Feiyue wanted to help but was dissuaded by Athena and asked her to go back to Silas to meditate.

Not long after, Yuan Feiwu came back with a smile on his face. Athena and Lester tacitly didn't mention the matter of Linda and the others. They knew that even if they mentioned it, this guy would definitely not take it seriously.

Everyone chatted casually for a while, and each started to meditate or exercise fighting spirit.

Ophelia's Dou Qi movement has become more and more smooth. According to the mentality line of her own cultivation, she ran happily for fifteen laps, feeling that she was about to break through the middle level of a high-level warrior at any time.


Ophelia was about to run lap No. 16, and her stomach made a loud noise.

"I'm so hungry..."

Dou Qi runs fast, and the body consumes a lot. Ophelia basically didn't eat at night, and the hunger immediately magnified several times to attack Ophelia.

Finding that she couldn't concentrate for the time being, Ofelia sighed and opened her eyes.

The air on the mountain was very fresh, and Ophelia, who had finished running her Dou Qi, felt that taking a few more breaths of air would fill her stomach.

Hundreds of students gathered around the wasteland to meditate and practice, but it was very quiet, only a small bonfire in front of them, and the crackling sound of burning branches from time to time.

On the opposite side of the bonfire, Yuan Feiwu, whose face was colored by the red light of the bonfire, suddenly opened his eyes slightly, and smiled at Ophelia.

At that moment, Ophelia suddenly felt that the stars all over the sky were overshadowed and could only be the embellishment of this person.


"Ah! You, you listen..."

He heard it!

Ophelia's face turned red in an instant. Just now, Ophelia thought that she was exercising battle qi and was in a state of looking inside herself, so she heard the grunt very clearly.

It turned out not to be!It was really loud!Even the guy across the campfire heard it!shameful!
"I heard you didn't eat dinner? Why?"

"I don't want to eat that rubbish grilled meat in Leicester!"

"Speak ill of him so loudly, be careful to make him lose his temper."

Yuan Feiwu showed a worried smile, glanced at Leicester who was not far away, and was relieved to make sure that the guy was concentrating on meditating and didn't hear him.

"He... hum."

Ophelia really wanted to tell Yuan Feiwu about the bad things Leicester did to him, but she held back.

Yuan Feiwu stood up suddenly, walked to Ophelia's side, and moved closer to Ophelia.

Ophelia didn't react right away, but after she did, the situation got worse. Yuan Feiwu's snort could lightly spray Ophelia's ears, making Ophelia's body soft like a puddle of mud. , Even the thought of struggling failed to arise in my mind.

"You...what do you want to..."

Ophelia, who always speaks loudly, now makes a small voice like a mosquito.

"Take it, don't let Athena and Lester know!"

Yuan Feiwu took out a hamburger wrapped in paper and stuffed it into Ophelia's hand.

This, this guy, turned out to be just for burgers!It was so close that I was taken aback!

Yuan Feiwu gave the burger and immediately left and returned to her original position. Ofelia didn't dare to look up at Yuan Feiwu again, her face was already so red that she was about to bleed.

Holding the hamburger Yuan Feiwu gave in both hands, Ophelia lowered her head like a chipmunk and slowly gnawed it off.

This time, she took small bites and finally tasted the taste of the burger carefully.Although the taste is not so fragrant when it is cold, the taste still makes Ophelia want to stop.

"Ahem, that, you did it...forget it, don't bother me, I have to concentrate on meditation!"

Ofelia still couldn't say the phrase "delicious", so she closed her eyes and continued to meditate.

Yuan Feiwu had a helpless expression on his face, as if he was arguing for her to practice, but after a closer look, she must have woken up from starvation, right?

I don’t know if it’s more efficient to meditate with a full stomach. The first lap of Ophelia’s vindictive energy running again felt that the meridians in the body expanded a lot. After two more laps, the meridian of vindictive qi running had two more branch routes. .

Finally entered the middle rank of high-level samurai!
Ofelia hastened to separate part of her vindictiveness, and began to develop two newly-appeared branch meridians, devoting herself to the practice, but she didn't notice that Athena opened her eyes slightly.

"Ah, classmate Xiao Wu, you seem to be very kind to Ophelia! You deliberately didn't eat any leftovers at noon, right?"

Athena looked at Yuan Feiwu and teased in a low voice.

"No way, she has a big appetite!"

Yuan Feiwu's expression didn't change at all, so that Athena couldn't see the feeling of successful molestation.

Fortunately, Ophelia concentrated on her cultivation, otherwise she would be so angry that she would vomit blood when she heard Yuan Feiwu's first evaluation of her so far was that she had a lot of food.

After everyone concentrated on practicing, Yuan Feiwu got up gently, patted his buttocks, and walked towards the edge of the woods.

Going all the way to the periphery of the wilderness, at the edge of the woods, Yuan Feiwu found a big tree and sat down beside it, then remained motionless.

Livia's heart skipped a beat, but her expression showed no change in her heart at all. She opened her eyes slightly and looked at the guy who sat across from her without saying a word.

The guy seemed to notice his gaze, and nodded towards him.

"What do you want to do?" Livia couldn't help asking.

"I'm meditating here, so you can feel more comfortable when you watch the night. Just think of me as watching the night with you."

Livia suddenly had a strange idea, this guy seemed to know that he had been devoting part of his energy to watch him, so he deliberately moved over so that she could watch him.

In this way, she can indeed save a lot of energy.

(End of this chapter)

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