Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 504 Declare war!bring it on!

Chapter 504 Declare war!bring it on!
Knock knock knock?
This sound is the window, right?Want to climb a window?There was also the sound of footsteps, very lightly, walking towards the window... The other party was a little level, there were almost no footsteps, and it was hard to tell how many people there were.

The masked man immediately made a gesture to the people beside him, telling him to inform the two people on the other side of the window to get ready, as reinforcements by the way.

Flipping the windows...on the face of it is a good choice.But the areas outside the staff building are all monitored by their scattered people, even if they can escape, they can be caught by others in an instant.

Unable to escape, the masked man felt indifferent after grasping the opponent's direction.

At the same time, suddenly the door exploded with a bang!
"Shaking Mountain Dou Qi · Breaking Mountain Fist!"

The masked man with his ear was too close, there was no way to react, and he was knocked into the corridor by the door!

And the masked man who was gesturing upwards at the edge of the corridor just now had a little distance to give him a reaction, and easily dodged away, otherwise he would be hit hard by his own people and the big wooden door! .

As one of the elite members of the Jagged Mercenary Corps, there is absolutely no parallel importer. Even if the masked man on the side of the corridor dodges in a hurry, it is also purposeful. He is now in a position where he can The clearest place to see what's going on inside the house.

When he opened his eyes, saw that the sawdust was flying and covered his eyes, there was a thick-eyed student wearing the sixth-year samurai uniform of the Landis School of Magic standing at the door, blocking his view into the room.

He was retracting his fist, and the transparent grudge on that fist was still moving back and forth, crystal clear.

Let your grudges out!Earth Warrior!
The masked man who saw the opponent's movements clearly put away his contempt in an instant, he was only a warrior of the earth, and he was not qualified to underestimate the enemy!

The students in this room don't seem to be simple!

After withdrawing his fist, Lester held his head high, looking at the masked man outside the door with a defiant peripheral vision.

He really wants to see who dares to make trouble at Landis Academy of Magic!
Not long after the start of the sixth grade, Leicester has also broken through the level of land warriors.This is considered a very good result for the sixth grade.But these six years were too monstrous. Before that, there was a sky warrior with a three-line elemental physique, and a magister who was an ice element elf and an exchange student who was a sky warrior with dual cultivation in magic and martial arts.In such a comparison, just breaking through a land warrior is really not worthy of a high profile.

Leicester also became a land warrior in a low-key manner.But the power of the mountain-shaking grudge can be considered to be reflected from the warriors of the earth!
Keep calm and wait for reinforcements!
Seeing this scene, the masked people immediately made up their minds, but a puff of white smoke suddenly floated from the student union office that lost the door, instantly covering their place and severely obstructing their vision.

The opponent wants to create chaos and escape!

Stand back and block the escape route!The two masked men made such a move almost simultaneously.

But when the two masked men stepped back, they realized that the things in front of them were not as simple as white smoke. These things that looked like white smoke carried a biting coolness!It's not white smoke but snowflakes!Ice fog made of snowflakes!Even their figures were affected, a little slow.

A figure rushed out of the ice fog and rushed towards the door. The two masked men saw that it was the earth warrior guarding the door!

Naturally, the masked man behind the door could not be knocked down with a single punch. As soon as he pushed the door open, he was immediately attacked by Leicester, and he was immediately at a disadvantage.

Great timing!

The masked man who had been hiding by the door originally planned to run away, but at this moment he could only turn over and come back to rescue him, but suddenly he found that he couldn't move his feet.

He didn't know when his feet froze into ice!
Amidst the white mist, a tall figure appeared in front of him with great oppressive force. The other party threw a punch casually, and he fell unconscious.

Seeing this situation, the masked man at the other end said he couldn't stay, so he turned around and ran away.

Just as he turned around, he saw a palm reaching out, pinching his cheek, and slamming it hard against the wall!

It was only at the last moment when he lost consciousness that he finally understood that the opponent made some ice fog not to escape, but to attack!The fastest attack to eliminate them silently!

The masked man behind the door was already injured, and Lester couldn't hold on after a meal, and was beaten to the ground.

"Why keep alive?" Lester barely resisted the idea of ​​kicking the opponent's head, and asked back.

If you dare to attack them, you must be mentally prepared to die!

"Ask first. In any case, the first thing you want to do is to learn as much as possible about the situation. This is the importance of intelligence. But I don't think there is any need to ask."

Yuan Feiwu walked out of the dissipating ice fog with a smile, followed by everyone, he reached out and took out a red scarf from the trouser pocket of the masked man who had fallen in front of Lester.

"Red scarves? Are they... the iron-blooded mercenary group?" Lester immediately thought of it.

Of course, he has heard of such a famous mercenary group as the Special Blood Mercenary Group, and their characteristics must have spread all over the world along with their prestige.

It's just that being so famous has pros and cons.

The downside is that too many people know about it, so there are so many fakes.

Many young people like to wear a red scarf, pretending to be a member of the iron-blooded mercenary group, which can scare many people.Because many people know that the iron-blooded mercenary group always wears a red scarf as a token, but not many people know what the red scarf looks like and what kind of material it is made of.

As a result, many thieves pretended to be iron-blooded mercenaries, and they wore red scarves of all kinds, including silk ones, square ones, round ones, and some embroidered with a small red flower.The red scarves that many of these fakes were exposed when they were caught have become a joke among the public after dinner.

Lester also understood this, and immediately said, "Isn't it fake? Why did the Jagged Mercenary Group attack us for no reason?"

"It's very easy to tell the truth from the false." Yuan Feiwu took the saber from the man on the ground, drew it out of its sheath, and threw it for everyone to see. "The Iron-Blooded Mercenary Corps really won't hurt us for no reason."

"A sword without a sharpened edge?" Silas took the long sword and found the problem at a glance.

If it's really a gangster, it's impossible to carry out a terrorist attack with an unsharp sword, right? !
"So this is probably a little joke played by the Jagged Mercenary Group on Landis Magic Academy." Yuan Feiwu laughed, "A rehearsal for an attack?"

"Ah, so suddenly?" Ophelia asked in surprise.

"Very good, isn't this very interesting!" Nangong Feng was excited. The name Iron-Blooded Mercenary Corps sounded quite murderous, and he was very interested in making a foray.

Then he patted Yuan Feiwu's shoulder very seriously: "You are not allowed to make a move, otherwise it would be so boring."

"Of course, you are enough to deal with it." Yuan Feiwu smiled, and walked back into the student union office, "Come on, let's ambush the other side's reinforcements. Now, officially declare war!"



Silas followed the high-spirited everyone, and walked silently back to the closed student union office, tears streaming down his face.

Although your tone is very calm, Brother Wu, every word in your sentence reveals your disrespect for the special blood mercenary group!

What do you mean by "you are enough to cope"?Doesn't the second largest mercenary group in Xingluo Continent not have enough weight for you to make a move?

Why did the others walk back without thinking there was a problem, and complain with him!

(End of this chapter)

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