Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 507 Is saving it for nothing?

Chapter 507 Is saving it for nothing?

The classroom was full of first graders whose hands and feet were bound, their eyes watering and tears about to burst from fear.

"Don't be afraid, we are here to save you."

Everyone guarded the surroundings, silenced the first graders, and rescued them.

Their teacher was a samurai, and the first graders didn't know these big figures in the sixth grade. As a teacher, it was impossible for him not to know them.As soon as he was unbound, he immediately exchanged information about the attack on his side with Yuan Feiwu and others. After all, their strength is no worse than ordinary teachers, and they can be on an equal footing with him.

"Huh? Practice?" Then the teacher was dumbfounded after listening to Yuan Feiwu's explanation.

I didn't expect such a sudden exercise!But if it's a drill, then everything makes sense.He once stood up and resisted, but when he was subdued, he only suffered a little skin trauma. If he really encountered a vicious person, he might have lost his life, right?
At the same time, Xue Yue poked her head out and looked out, her mental power was also released far away, but she really didn't notice that there was an ambush on the first floor.

"Let's go up first. Our main reinforcements are senior teachers and students," Silas said.

Asking the teacher to continue to rescue other students and teachers who were tied up, Yuan Feiwu and his group sneaked into the sixth floor again.

The process was so smooth that everyone was suspicious, and they didn't even meet a single member of the iron-blooded mercenary group on the sixth floor.It was as if their roles had been reversed, and they were the ones to pursue, while the Jagged Mercenaries tried their best to avoid them.

But after they rescued the students and teacher in the first classroom on the sixth floor, Yuan Feiwu immediately understood why the other party was defenseless.

"You're 'dead'. You're all dead." Yuan Feiwu said to the class teacher of the sixth grade samurai class six, who was screaming for revenge just after waking up.

"What... what?" No one would have a blank mind when they woke up and heard this for the first time.

"Touch your face." Yuan Feiwu shook his head.

The head teacher of the sixth class of samurai touched his face, and immediately felt his palm was wet. He looked down and saw blood on his hand!

Ah, could it be that I have really... woo woo woo, I haven't found a girlfriend yet to get rid of the title of single dog!How could he just die like this!

But why does TM's own blood taste like tomato?And if it is already dead, how can it still speak and act?

This... the feeling after death is too casual, right?It's the same as before!

"It's really weird that the other party uses ketchup to distinguish the eliminated personnel." Athena said seriously on the side.

"The person who came up with the method of cutting off hair is not qualified to call others weird, okay?" Lester couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help complaining about his cousin.

Thinking about those poor iron-blooded mercenary members with messy hair in the student union office just now, he thought it was too kind to smear ketchup or something!How wonderful!
"Isn't it weird? The ketchup will fall off as soon as you wash it off. Let's wash off the ketchup to ensure that the other party can't see anything! It's not enough to cut off the hair. It can't grow back right away, right?"

Athena's words actually left Lester speechless!

What's more, your sister actually wants to wash off the ketchup!Do you respect the rules of the game? !And the rules of this game seem to be thought up by you from the beginning!Said it was for fairness!

"It seems that our intention has been completely killed." Facing such a situation, Yuan Feiwu could only sigh.

Even the backbone was sighing, and the atmosphere of the team suddenly dropped to a freezing point.

"The opponent is too treacherous, just 'kill' everyone who can be beaten! How can we fight!" Ophelia couldn't help but cursed.

"It's not that simple. In addition to our trip in vain, we also paid the price of exposing our whereabouts." Yuan Feiwu said helplessly.

The opponent's move is really too clever.Not only grasping their whereabouts, but also avoiding fighting with them in the teaching building, it is estimated that what will meet them next is a very challenging breakout battle.

They continued to rescue the teachers and students in the teaching building. In fact, they could see the result from the first rescued classroom in the sixth grade.The teachers and students in the senior grades were all smeared with ketchup and belonged to the eliminated part.

Originally, they planned to rescue the senior teachers and students and become a great help, so that they would have the strength to fight head-on with the iron-blooded mercenary group.It's a pity that this hope was directly killed in the cradle by the iron-blooded mercenary group.

They rescued people from the upper grades to the lower grades. The more they rescued Silas, the more uncertain they felt. The remaining students in the middle and lower grades were really useless.

However, there have been many small episodes in their line of work. They were originally famous students of Landis Academy of Magic. They came to every classroom like a savior to rescue the teachers and students, and they added a lot of points to their popularity. .Although it was explained in great detail over and over again that this was just a practical exercise, they were almost overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the heat wave.

At this time, Silas felt more truly that he was as low as a dog in the team. He was like a bodyguard who blocked enthusiastic fans, blocked fans for the daughter of the first legion chief, blocked fans for the prince's son, and stood up for the princess. To block fans, to block fans for the cold and arrogant Xueyue, to block fans for the popular and handsome Nangong Feng... Fortunately, Yuan Feiwu is the most sensible, so he made a good fuss, and when the fans reacted, they basically dragged the teacher out to understand The situation has disappeared to the end of the world.Otherwise, he would not hesitate to give up blocking the fans for Yuan Feiwu, let's riot, he doesn't care!Because that would have allowed him to be trampled to death under the shove of an unstoppable crowd.

In addition to the ignorant freshmen who just entered the school, dozens of classes in the second, third and fourth grades came down, all kinds of sound waves and crowds, which made Silas almost die before he left, and he had not yet confronted the iron-blooded mercenary group. On the bar, I already wanted to smear myself with ketchup and commit suicide.

But there are still good episodes, such as the magic class 2 in the third grade, which impressed Silas the most.The five little ones who were closely related to Yuan Feiwu and the others actually used their petite bodies to block them, Silas was so moved!It was even more touching than giving Feiyue a head-to-head kill after rescuing Feiyue in Class 2 of the sixth-grade magic class just now!

"Senior Fei Wu really came to save us!"

"Yeah! So touched!"

"Senior Fei Wu personally saved us, of course we can't let these idiot fans mess with Senior Fei Wu again!"

"Oh, don't be crowded! You need to find this senior Silas for your signature! Senior Silas's signature is better than nothing!!"

Silas didn't know the reason why the five little ones silently used his small body to help him block people and what they said. If he knew, he might vomit a few catties of blood.Silas's signature is better than nothing... How about getting twenty Silas's signatures to exchange for one of Yuan Feiwu's signatures?

"It turned out to be an exercise." Mari, the head teacher of Magic Class 2 in the third grade, with a face full of ketchup, listened to Yuan Feiwu's explanation in the stairwell, "It's a pity that I'm already 'dead', so I can't help you. "

"Well, but I still need your help. Teacher, can you take off your clothes?"


Mari was taken aback, if it wasn't for Yuan Feiwu's angelic face with a harmless livestock face, if another wretched uncle said this, he would have already been slashed by a wind blade!
Undress?What do you want me to do for you!
Yuan Feiwu seemed to see Ma Rui's doubts, and leaned over to whisper a few words, and Ma Rui suddenly realized it!

"Okay!" Marie said with a smile.

In order to win this exercise at Landis School of Magic, what's the point of taking off your clothes!
(End of this chapter)

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