Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 514 Terrible Disguise

Chapter 514 Terrible Disguise
"That's right, so they're going to grab some trouble?" After Polly suddenly realized, he fell into a new mystery.

"The samurai will grab the point first. It will take some time for us to attack by force. Don't forget the magister Xueyue. After the other magicians arrive, the ambush point will be completed. Do you think we should continue to attack or switch to magic?" Master? The other side can't send the magician to us for free, and the magician may have set a trap... No!" Li Keke suddenly discovered a big problem!

This time, he didn't ignore this flash of ominous premonition!
Because the opponent kept changing positions, they also had to leave manpower to guard the previous position to prevent the opponent from killing a carbine. As a result, their manpower had gradually been dispersed.Now in their team, counting the two deputy captains, there are only six sky warriors left...

"Grass, that's how it is!" Li Keke shouted happily, and then sent a voice transmission to Lin Beck.

"What's the matter?" Perry asked anxiously.

"Damn it, I thought we were in control of their rhythm. Didn't you realize that it's the other way around now? We're being led by the other side! Maybe the purpose is to disperse our troops, maybe consume two more ambush points, they Dare to take advantage of the terrain to attack us head-on. Don't forget that there is Nangongfeng watching from somewhere, if Nangongfeng takes the opportunity to attack us, we may suffer a lot!"

"Damn it, it turns out that you have such a wicked heart! You dare to come at us, you are not a coward! Then what should we do?"

"The boss is indeed the boss, I thought of this a long time ago..." Li Keke laughed and arranged Lin Beck's sound transmission, "One more ambush point will be consumed, and the distance between their warriors and magicians will be shortened to A distance that is difficult to respond to each other. Now the people guarding the last point rush up to attack their mages, and what we have to do is to hold down the opponent's warriors. The idea of ​​trying to consume all our people at the ambush point is a bit How naive! We just need to guard the nearest ambush point to prevent the return of the carbine!"

"That's right, they're going to be in bad luck!"

As they talked, they arrived at another ambush point. The Jagged Mercenary Group still arrived first, but the Landis School of Magic was not too short of time.The black-haired student didn't even stop this time, turned around and left.

Li Keke snorted coldly, the opponent still has a few high-level warriors holding back in terms of speed, even with the terrain advantage, the speed is still a little behind them!Now, it's the turn of Landis Academy of Magic and they are exhausted!
Behind the team of Lantis Academy of Magic, the mages were struggling to shuttle through the woods.

Their physical fitness is also better than that of ordinary people, and they can't bear to rush like this for a long time, and it can be seen that their speed has slowed down a lot.

The masked man who stayed at the ambush point before received the order to pursue him, and set off without saying a word.But the left-behind points are far and near, and the first wave to arrive is naturally the nearest group.They were not completely close, and they started shooting arrows from a long distance away.

These arrows are all processed by them, the sharp point of the arrow has been cut off by them, and a lot of tomato paste has been applied.Being shot by an arrow on the battlefield, even if you are not dead, your combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, so it should be counted as elimination here.

It depends on who is unlucky and gets shot in ketchup!
But no matter how well their arrows pierced through the trees, there were too many obstacles in the woods, and the effect of the arrows was not high.

The actual effect is not good, but the effect on the psychological level is quite obvious. Those tired magicians felt the arrows being shot, and all ran away in a hurry.

The masked people laughed, the opponent is already at the end of their battle!

With a tentative intention, they approached a little closer. At this moment, a white light shot rapidly, which was particularly dazzling in the woods!
Boom boom boom!
The white light passed through three big trees in a row, leaving three holes in the trees, and the castration still didn't stop!

It's a pity that although the white light is fast, the distance is a bit far, and the time it takes to fly close is enough for the masked man to dodge.All masked people flashed past this white light.

It's just that when they dodged, they all trembled a little, this power is too overbearing!Wouldn't it mean to be blasted to pieces after being hit a few times? !
They were careful not to hurt each other, but the other party didn't seem to have that intention!

Later, there will be another area magic, and the undead will have to peel off their skin!
"Light magic, it's Princess Athena! Even the princess has been left behind, they are really ruthless!" said the sky warrior who led the team, "Go ahead, the other party may have sent a signal to the front troops, the machine Don’t miss it! It’s just a magician, let’s charge first, and it’s a dish if we get close! But everyone, pay attention to safety, the other party seems to be a bit heavy!”

Is it "somewhat" heavy?The other masked men couldn't help but roll their eyes at their captain.

After the sky samurai finished speaking, he had already taken the lead to rush forward. He planned to use his own strength to hold back the main magic attack for his companions.

The distance that the arrow can attack, for the earth warriors and sky warriors running at full speed, is shortened in a moment.The blasting magic was indeed attracted by the sky warriors, and the earth warriors behind did not hinder their stride forward, and almost rushed to the magicians together with the sky warriors.



The iron-blooded mercenaries who rushed forward stopped in horror, with tens of thousands of alpacas galloping in their hearts!

The magicians from the Landis Academy of Magic in front suddenly turned around and confronted them aggressively, but the members of the Jagged Mercenary Group still couldn't recover from the shock.

No, very wrong!
What happened to the magicians in the middle? !Is there a magician who is as strong and muscular? !The mage's robe is almost torn apart!

And what is the lower body?skirt!It's a skirt!The scruffy beards of these strong men, coupled with the deformed mage robes and elegant long skirts, really made them so disgusted that they didn't want to talk!I'm afraid I'll spit it out!

The other party seemed to think that the scene was not ferocious enough, so they lifted up their skirts one after another to make it easier for them to take a step. A pair of thick hairy legs and the hem of the skirt had an extremely bad chemical reaction, which was as powerful as an atomic bomb.This move seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel's back. The iron-blooded mercenaries, who had never seen such a scene, unexpectedly retreated subconsciously.

"Oops, I fell for it!" The sky warrior didn't know it was a trap, and was about to lead people to retreat, but a little cold light seemed to kill him.

How could the sky samurai ignore this cold light, block the opponent's stabbing sword with his sword, and for a while, the fighting spirit splashed with light, and the person retreated back by the impact.

Then he heard a rattling sound, and the sky warrior's legs froze. When he looked down, the place where his legs were standing turned into an ice field, and his legs were frozen.

It's time-lapse magic!
The other party just bent over and hunched over, and stopped to take a breath from time to time, it was all fake, how could these warriors be so tired?It's all faked!The purpose is to set up time-lapse magic right under their noses!There is also that thunderous light magic, in order to dispel their worries and put pressure on them, sounding the horn of impact for them!
It is also the clarion call of failure!
Looking up again, Xueyue, who was covered in a faint white mist in front of him, was wearing a magician's robe and rushed towards him coldly.

Even Xueyue is here, they are going to be in trouble!
(End of this chapter)

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