Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 521 What is there to be afraid of the great magister?

Chapter 521 What is there to be afraid of the great magister?

The opponent's formation changed rapidly.

It's a subconscious move.This kind of behavior is the most reflective of a person's true thoughts.

They stared at themselves, showing vigilant expressions; they turned their faces outwards, and their hands touched their weapons; on the side facing them, even if there was no place or space, they would huddle together without leaving any gaps.

If you fly into the sky and look down, you can clearly see their formation, tight inside and loose outside.

Obviously, it is guarding something.And the one guarded in the middle is naturally the black-haired student. He is smiling without any tension.

These teachers, as well as the students, all subconsciously protect the black-haired students.Even the magician who was supposed to be protected stood in front of him, covering the black-haired student with his body, as if this person was more important than their lives.

Their mixed army of teachers and students couldn't have cooperated before, especially the teachers.It's incredible that they all trust and support that black-haired student so much after spending a whole morning together temporarily.

While being baptized by the vigilant eyes on the other side, Lin Beck looked at this group of people, and his first feeling was jealousy.

To be trusted and supported unconditionally by others, no matter who they are, they should be envied.

And him?Fortunately, he seems to have a group of partners who are willing to trust and support him unconditionally, right?

Lin Beck turned his head slightly, looking at the iron-blooded mercenaries beside him.

They had all assembled, and they were looking at Lin Beck with contempt.

As if to say, I wipe it, the boss is so shameless!Not admitting defeat and wanting to bully the children as a great magister, I can't do this for myself... I don't know him, I don't know him...

Well, Lin Beck looked back, no wonder he felt jealous, the comparison between the two sides immediately made Lin Beck feel that he had accepted a group of fake boys.

"Cough, what should I do?" Ophelia gently tugged at Yuan Feiwu's sleeve.

Lin Beck looks quite young in appearance, but the pressure revealed is very heavy.

"Don't worry, the great magister has nothing to do with us." Yuan Feiwu turned around and smiled.

Only then did Ophelia realize that she was getting too close, and Yuan Feiwu's high-definition, uncensored beauty instantly magnified infinitely in her eyes!This feeling of happiness, like stuffing a mouthful of honey into her mouth very abruptly, caught him off guard and his heart beat too fast!
But that smile that always reassures her, as long as she sees it, can make her feel that the sky will fall and she will not be afraid.

"Yeah!" Ophelia turned her face away, and nodded lightly on her bright red face.


Well, your sister!

Silas couldn't help but want to complain!

He was dead, dangling outside the line like a lump of rotting seaweed.

He can't help him no matter how the situation develops on the field, but if Brother Wu says that he doesn't pay attention to the great magister, you have to be so fascinated that you will nod and say yes!

Great magisters, you need to swear not to participate in wars between countries, because their participation is likely to lead to the tragedy of human extinction, and they are taboo perverts beyond the power of the country!

Just singing with one finger can kill you all!

Wake up, hello!Be sensible!
The faces of the three great magisters at Lin Beck's side also changed, because although Yuan Feiwu didn't speak loudly, he didn't deliberately lower his voice.Not to mention their great magisters, even the iron-blooded mercenaries standing farther away must be clear about it!
This is a bit pretentious...

Even Douglas thought so, let alone Lynbeck and Livia.

"Hey, Feiwu, don't talk nonsense!" Yuan Feiwu couldn't help but turned around and said, a warrior teacher wearing a mage robe in women's attire directly in front of Yuan Feiwu.

This action of his made Douglas Lynbeck and Livia subconsciously notice him. This was unbelievable, and it formed too strong a contrast with Yuan Feiwu behind him. It was not in the same style at all!Who approved you to wear short skirts? !I rub it, it seems that it is not a short skirt, but a long skirt that is too in the way and is rolled up!I can't watch it anymore, the leg hair will glow under the hot sun, it's so magical!
"Don't panic, if we fight with live ammunition, we will definitely not be the opponent of the great magister. But now they can only use ketchup to eliminate us. Do you think you can lose if a great magister holds ketchup and kills you? Teacher , you are actually stronger than you imagined!"

"Eh... this..." Not only the teacher, but everyone around him looked at Yuan Feiwu in disbelief with expressions like they could stuff an egg into their mouths.

Because what he said was so fucking reasonable, they were speechless!Thinking of Lin Beck holding two tomatoes to deal with them, the scene was a bit weird, but they didn't think they would lose!
There is a chance to fight!The last sentence of chicken soup, we are willing to do it first as a respect!

In just a few words, the mood of the group at Landis Academy of Magic suddenly changed dramatically. From the despair when Lin Beck said he was going to make a move, he became eager to give it a go!

It's no wonder that making people willingly gather around him, this kind of ability to infect other people's emotions as if the Star Luo Continent is going to be destroyed is only a trivial matter, even Lin Becker can't do it so effectively.This kid is so interesting.

"You'll have to try it out if you can." Lin Beck laughed and pulled out his staff.

Of course, he couldn't go up to trouble someone with two tomatoes, use magic to control his opponent, and then slowly smear tomato sauce on him. Lin Beck is still confident that he can do this.

"Grand Magister Lin Beck, I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to make a move too?" Seeing that Lin Beck really planned to make a move, Yuan Feiwu finally spoke to him.

Sure enough, this kid led everyone's thinking to a wrong path just now, just trying to relax everyone's emotions.In a real fight, he also knew that he had no chance of winning.Lin Beck wants to use magic as an assistant to smear you with ketchup. There are probably tens of thousands of ways.

"Why is it inappropriate? Am I not a member of the Jagged Mercenary Corps?" Lin Beck showed a sly smile.

"That's true." Yuan Feiwu still smiled, and Lin Beck always used a relaxed expression in the face of everything to make others unable to understand what was in his heart, but now he found that he had met an opponent, and he couldn't see through this person , "Then you have to worry about yourself, I am afraid it will not be easy to win."

"I'm afraid it won't be easy for me to win?!" Lin Beck was surprised, did this guy really think he was going to fight them with two tomatoes?
Isn't that smile unfathomable, but purely silly and sweet?
"That's right, one great magister is facing two great magisters, and among them is the great magister of light who is known as the head of the four great magisters. It will be very difficult for you to win."

"Hey, boy, don't beat me and then find foreign aid." Lin Beck frowned.

While talking, how did Douglas and Livia get involved.

"I didn't find foreign aid. You are the leader of the Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group, so aren't they the principals of the Landis Academy of Magic? Soldier against soldier, general against general, it's only natural."

Um? !When the people around Yuan Feiwu heard it, they thought it made sense again!
He, Lin Beck, could make a move shamelessly, but couldn't their headmaster make a move?Why didn't they think of it? !

Two great magisters against one great magister, no loss at all!

Not to mention that they didn't expect it, in fact, Douglas and Livia also forgot that Lin Becker really wanted to bully the big and the small, and they could move their bodies a little bit.It's not a shame to spread the news about Lin Beck.

(End of this chapter)

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