Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 59 The Cause of Lucifer's Leaving the Heavens

Chapter 59 The Cause of Lucifer's Leaving the Heavens

"Ms. Mapel finished the second half of the history of the formation of the Demon Race in the last class. Next, I should talk about..."

"Have you finished talking about the history of the formation of the demon clan? Let me see what the history of the formation of the demon clan in the mortal world says."

Before a classmate could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Mr. Phil.

Phil opened the history book textbook he brought, which was left to him by Mr. Mapel.

Find where the label is, that is the course that should be taught next, about the history of the various races before the Second World War in the heaven and the devil world.

Flipping forward, turning to the history of the formation of the demon clan, Phil frowned and began to read the textbooks of history books.

"Lucifer once commanded all the angels as the archangel, but one day he betrayed the heavens, gave up the name 'Phil' bestowed by the god king, changed his name to Lucifer, and brought a third of the angels who were willing to follow him, a riot broke out It was a bloody, dark and long battle, and in the end the God King led the remaining six Seraphs and other wingless gods to suppress the riot launched by Lucifer and drive them out of the heaven."

"Huh? Is it called a riot?"

"It was at that time that Lucifer and the angels who followed him changed their beliefs and believed in rage and anger as power. The divine power of light became the divine power of darkness, and they went to the abyss of depravity. Lucifer and the fallen angels who were driven out of the heaven Unable to return to the heavenly realm, he came to the mortal realm, that is, the northeast continent where the demons live, and lived for nearly a thousand years."

"After another attempt to counterattack the heavens, the battle angel Michael saw through his intentions in advance, brought the wingless gods and angels from the heavens to the mortal world, and attacked Lucifer and the fallen angels. This time Lucifer and his fallen angels The legion suffered heavy casualties, and Lucifer was severely injured by Michael, and finally fled to the Demon Realm, where he took refuge in Hades, the Demon King of the Demon Realm..."

Phil tore a few pages of two brick-thick history textbooks and threw them to the ground. The expression on the fierce-looking Phil at the moment can make children cry immediately when they see it.Yuan Feiwu even dared to bet that if Phil ran into the street with his current expression and casually stopped passers-by, the passer-by would definitely offer all the rupees on him without saying a word, without any hesitation.

"What nonsense! What nonsense!"

Phil was angry on his own, but the classroom was very quiet, and no one bothered him.

Of course, fear may be one of the biggest reasons.

After a while, Phil smiled evilly again, kicked the history textbook on the ground a few meters away, and said to the students below the podium with the most friendly expression: "The chapter of the history of the formation of the demons is wrong. Too many, the teacher is going to say it again, listen carefully."

But that forced smile still looks scary!When no one is smiling, the eyes are still so fierce, okay!
"First of all, the part about Lucifer's betrayal of the heavens is completely distorted in the history books. This is a story from a long, long time ago. In the first battle between the heaven and the devil, Lucifer brought the center army of the Angel Legion, from the front of the middle road Facing the army of the demon world, a fierce battle broke out in the wasteland of the demon world. That battle still makes my blood boil! I led the angels in a straight line all the way, and defeated the two demon gods, Azazel and Belial, invincible... "

"Teacher, how do you say that you are leading a team to fight?" A student asked tremblingly.

"I'm more devoted to the lectures, as long as you can understand them, if you talk too much, get out and stand for punishment!"

Phil glared at the student, seeming annoyed at being interrupted.

The student quickly lowered his head, never daring to look at Phil again.

"But after repelling the two demon gods, Lucifer also suffered serious injuries. When he successfully entered the enemy's hinterland, he finally encountered the elite troops led by the demon king Hades himself. It was even stronger than Lucifer. Some strenuous."

When Phil said this, a student raised his hand, which was a gesture for a student to ask a question.

After all, I am a teacher, and it is not good to ignore the students' questions. Phil nodded reluctantly, and the student dared to speak.

"Mapel said this part in class. Lucifer may have been defeated by Hades in that battle, and Hades planted the seeds of pride in his heart, which led to Lucifer's betrayal..."

"Bullshit!" Phil snorted disdainfully through his nose, "I still can't get out of his hands!"

"Teacher, you have substituted yourself again!"

"Don't pay attention to the details! Let me popularize the facts!"

Yuan Feiwu sat up straighter, he was also very interested in why Brother Lucifer fell into the Demon Realm back then.

"The first battle of the demons, Lucifer and the deputy law angel Juliel led the central army, the battle angel Michael and the deputy army angel Kamal led the left army, the death angel Gabriel and the deputy charm angel Haniya Leading the right army, the healing angel Raphael is in charge of rescuing the wounded, and the god king Yafeier is preparing to face Hades. When the central army keeps breaking through to attract all the firepower, it is the time when the left and right armies cut into the enemy camp to catch the opponent by surprise. pity……"

Felton paused, his expression didn't change, but Yuan Feiwu could feel a little sadness from him.

Phil's sadness flashed away, and he continued to tell the story of the year in detail.

The first Heavenly Demon War took place in the Demon Realm, and the Celestial Realm controlled the battle in the Demon Realm space with an overwhelming advantage.The fact that the battlefield is controlled in the territory of the Demon Realm is enough to prove the superiority of the Heaven Realm.

The angelic troops of the heavens were invincible, and the battle was fierce until the Chinese army encountered Hades' elite troops.At this time, the angel of death, Gabriel, led the right army to circle around from the right side, and sneak attack on the back of the demon army, which caught the demon army by surprise.

But Zuo Jun was ambushed for no reason and sent an emergency signal for help.Seeing this, Gabriel, who was in good condition at the time, could only temporarily give up his advantage and lead the right army to rescue.

Losing the cover of the left and right armies, the Chinese army was hit even harder. They struggled hard to support themselves.

At this time, the healing angel Raphael sent instructions from the God King to retreat.

Retreat at all costs.

But how can I return it?

The left and right armies retreated successfully, and very easily.

However, the Chinese army was besieged by the elite group of the demon world, as if they were stuck in a swamp and couldn't move an inch. Every step back was accompanied by the fall of countless noble angels.

At the last moment, the God King took action and rescued the heavy casualties of the Chinese army back to the heaven. Lucifer couldn't even take away the corpses of those dead partners. The moment he left, he watched them become delicacies for the minions of the devil world.

The Heavenly Demon's first battle resulted in heavy losses for both sides.

The charge of the Chinese army's disastrous defeat was ultimately borne by Lucifer alone, and he was punished by the God King to confess in Lucifer's palace. It was not over until the nine suns went down at the same time.The moment when the nine suns set at the same time only occurs once in 1000 years.

Lucifer pleaded guilty, he repented piously, it was his audacity that caused the angels of the Chinese army to sacrifice in vain.

If he didn't arrogantly underestimate his opponent, if he waited for the left and right armies to reach their positions before advancing, if he didn't arrogantly insist on fighting the two demon gods one-on-one... the brothers in the central army would not have sacrificed in vain.

On the day of repentance, Lucifer didn't know the time at all.A few days later, or decades later, one day, Michael came to him.

"The King of God suspects that you secretly communicated with the demon world, causing the left army to be ambushed." Michael brought this sentence.

"Why?" Lucifer couldn't figure it out.

"The Chinese army fought fiercely, the army suffered heavy casualties, and the deputy law angel Yulier was seriously injured. Only you, retreat easily."

"Hahaha! What an easy retreat!" Lucifer gritted his teeth and said.

When the battle started, he charged at the front to cut through thorns and thorns; when he announced his retreat, he resisted at the end rather than die behind.How easy?
"I believe you, Archangel Lucifer will never do this! But the King of Gods, decided to conduct a review of all the angels in the army who came back alive... If the inner ghost cannot be found out, it can only be conducted once Great cleansing, the heavens absolutely cannot allow any impurity to exist."

"We were born and died for the heavens, and came back after a narrow escape. What did Yafeier do? Why only blame our Chinese army! I don't accept it!"

"I will try my best to avoid the purge, you can repent at ease." Michael left Lucifer's palace worried.

After that day, Lucifer's heart became more and more chaotic, confession, what kind of confession?In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore, and he canceled the unexpired punishment of confession and left the palace. He summoned the angels who belonged to his army at the beginning, and some angels who were willing to support Lucifer, and went to the palace of the god king to express his grievances to the god king. .

And the God King seemed to have made arrangements long ago, a group of angels and wingless gods surrounded Lucifer and the angels outside the palace.


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