Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 601 You Have a Night Attack Plan, I Have a Separation Plan!

Chapter 601 You Have a Night Attack Plan, I Have a Separation Plan!
"Fei Wu? Ahaha, Fei Wu is a very nice person, and he looks great. He is the mascot of our group!" Ya Nongjing said proudly.

"Feng'er seems to like him very much, is there such a thing?"

Nangong Min simply opened up and said, because the head of the group seemed a little dazed, and clearly couldn't understand the euphemistic words!
"Of course there is such a thing, not only Feng, we all like him very much!"

Ya Nongjing continued to play the role of the silly leader, and when these words came out, these people in the Nangong family didn't care about etiquette, and they all rolled their eyes.

It's hopeless, the head of the team is so useless, he can give up the treatment directly! !

What they were thinking was that luckily Nangong Feng had returned to Nangong's house now, if they continued to go out with this kind of leader and monsters in the future, who knew what would happen!

Seeing that there was no way to get any more useful information from this silly regiment leader, several members of the Nangong family exchanged glances silently, and decided to go back and report to Nangongchuan before making plans.

When they were about to leave, Ya Longjing looked at their hurrying backs and smiled slyly, and threw a bombshell at them: "Oh, by the way, I met little Beibei outside just now, and I kept yelling at him. No response. But he kept nagging, as if he was going to sneak into Nangongfeng's room tonight and cook raw rice or something... I think your Nangong family will have a happy event after tonight!"

plop plop...

Several members of the Nangong family were old and young, and they all fell to the ground like children, with even more anxious expressions on their faces, wishing they could use their hands and feet together to be faster!
The biggest gain from chatting with this useless team leader this time is knowing the perverted tricks of that dead shemale!It can be regarded as a great harvest!

Now he stopped talking nonsense with Ya Nongjing, got up from the ground and hurried to Nan Gongchuan's room.

At this time, Nangongfeng had already left Nangongchuan's room and didn't know where he was going, and everyone saved the time to deal with Nangongfeng, locked the door behind them, and talked around Nangongchuan before explaining the matter clearly.

"He dares!" Nangong Chuan was furious after he understood the matter dizzily, "What kind of regimental leader is that! The relationship between subordinates is messed up, so it's fine if you don't persuade them a few words, and they are still helping you out! Waste!"

"Father, don't be angry, it will be even worse if you get angry and ruin your body. So our top priority is, should we tell Nangong Feng to be careful tonight? Or just talk to that monster about it?" Nangongxiu hurriedly stroked Nangong Chuan's back made him calm down.

"This matter... Feng'er may not be able to handle this matter. If he can make that monster give up, how can he be entangled all the time!" Nangong Chuan quickly calmed down under Nangong Xiu's persuasion. Reason is what he is good at. , "Go directly to that monster now, will he recognize it? If you plan to do such a thing, will you recognize it!"

"Uh...Father, I think that monster will probably admit it." Dudmi whispered.

Although the volume was very low, it was like taking a knife and stabbing everyone present in the chest a few times.

It makes sense, I'm speechless!With that monster's thick skin, it is very likely that he will really admit it!And he admitted it with a proud face!
But so what?Can you dissuade me?Or find someone to give that ladyboy a little color?
If this matter gets serious, maybe both sides look bad, and this person is also a good friend of Nangongfeng, so I am afraid that Nangongfeng also has a big opinion.

This rough approach does not seem safe.

"When can our mine start?" Nan Gongchuan suddenly said after everyone was silent for a while.

Didn't he talk about Nangong Feng, why did he suddenly talk about Xuanzi Iron Mine?
There were doubts in his heart, but Dudemi still said truthfully: "As soon as tomorrow, we can start, because we have not transported the black purple iron ore for a long time, and the demand for Arthur's side is relatively large, and this time we will load a little more. , and it took a little longer to prepare.”

Arthur is the person in charge of the largest forging factory in the Tost Empire, the husband of Nangong Min, and a reliable confidant of the Nangong family.

"It doesn't matter, let the mercenary group lead the team to set off the day after tomorrow. There is still some time, as the head of the family, go to discuss with that unreliable group leader and ask them to accept the commission to help transport this batch of Xuanzi iron ore." Nan Gongchuan nodded as he spoke, as if he was very satisfied with his decision.

"Father, it's not that I look down on Nangongfeng's mercenary group, it's just that their mercenary group's strength is really not good. I'm afraid it won't be useful to follow them." Du Demi smiled wryly.

Especially when recalling the scene in the main hall in the morning, Nangongfeng and others were laughed at by the mercenary Bruce who had been invited back.

"It doesn't matter, just pay as you like, just treat them as money to invite them to leave. To drive the little devil away, you still want to pay nothing at all?" Nan Gongchuan said with a smile.

"Father, you mean..."

"Although they are good friends of Feng'er, it's impossible to live here forever, right? Now that Feng'er is back, he can return to his roots and start to inherit the Nangong family's business. It's impossible to accompany them to wander around, right? Amicable parting in this matter, isn't it good food?" Nan Gongchuan saw that the children hadn't figured it out yet, so he had to slowly understand.

That's why he admired Nangong Feng with admiration. Nangong Feng, who was only ten years old, had enough savvy to understand his meaning and purpose.And these sons and daughters are sincere and hardworking, but they just don't think things through.Even Nangong Min, who is more eager and talented, is just a little clever, without the ability to see the overall situation.

It seems that Nangong Feng is still good!
"As soon as they leave, any entanglement between the monster and Yuan Feiwu in Feng'er can only be resolved at this point! This method is good, and it will not cause conflicts between us and Feng'er's friends!" Du Demi said happily.

"What if Feng'er wants to follow them?" Nangong Yang said suspiciously.

"Impossible, you don't know your son's character? As long as my illness is not cured for a day, he will not leave for a day. He has a more sense of responsibility than any of you think." Nan Gongchuan said proudly.

"Okay, let's do it like this. I'll carry out the tasks I entrusted to their mercenary group, but what if that monster wants to sneak into Feng'er's room in the dark tonight?" Dudemi said.

"You guys keep an eye out outside Feng'er's house. You must stop that monster from entering! It will take two days of hard work to guard it. After two days, they will all be gone, and the world will be peaceful!"

"Understood!" The members of Nangong's family all worshiped, as long as Nangong Chuan is around, it seems that there will always be a backbone so that they will not panic.

Before dinner, Du Demi found Ya Longjing, and asked their mercenary group to entrust them with the excuse of being uneasy.

"Of course no problem, Nangongfeng's family is my family, it's a trivial matter."

Yalongjing readily agreed, letting Dudemi, who was worried that there would be twists and turns, heaved a sigh of relief, but he didn't see the weird smile on Yarongjing's mouth.

"But...Feng'er may not leave with you, he will stay and inherit our ancestral business, I hope you can understand." Dudemi continued.

"Understood, of course I understand! The rules of our regiment are that there are no rules. If he wants to follow us, it's fine; if he doesn't want to go with us, it's fine!" Ya Nongjing laughed and said, as if his own mercenary regiment had such weird rules. How worthwhile to be proud.

Seeing Dudmi wanted to roll his eyes again, there are no rules, no wonder your mercenary group is so chaotic, and no one takes you seriously as the head of the mercenary group!

After the matter was settled, Du Demi didn't want to talk nonsense with this useless leader, so he hurriedly bid farewell.

Looking at the back of Du Demi hurriedly leaving again, Ya Longjing heaved a sigh of relief.

The genius magister Lin could he predict everything the other party would do?With such an opponent, the Nangong family is really unfortunate.

(End of this chapter)

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