Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 612 Traveling to the Northernmost Point

Chapter 612 Traveling to the Northernmost Point
"Hmph, you guys are so lucky, I don't plan to pursue it anymore." Lin Beck stood up, clapped his hands as if he had touched something dirty, "Today, and what happened before, especially what happened to me, if it is passed on Get out, you can figure it out."

Lin Beck's actions still have his meaning. If they spread out that he has something to do with the Nangong family, the Nangong family will receive unnecessary attention, which is not what the Nangong family wants.

"Today? And before? What happened? We don't know at all!"

Ya Longjing was amazed by Bruce's ability to pretend to be stupid, but he didn't expect this guy to be a little clever.

Lin Beck was amused by them, and shook his head as if he had talked about this matter.Seeing that Lin Beck didn't make things difficult for them anymore, Bruce stood up flatteringly. He thought that they had passed Lin Beck's level, but unexpectedly Lin Beck stretched out his hand again, and spread it flat in front of them with the palm facing up.

"What, what's the matter, Great Magister Linbeck?"

Bruce really wanted to reach out and hold it, but his brain hadn't entered the water yet. At this time, the other party didn't give him some color, so he was grateful, and he still expected to shake hands?

"Money." Lin Beck rolled his big eyes, "Who will solve the big trouble you encountered just now for the cargo you escorted?"

"You, you!" Bruce said quickly.

"That's right, what did you guys do? I did all the troublesome things for you, and you don't want to pay me? Not much, I'll just hand over what you collected from Nangong's house."

"Ah... this... your mercenary group also accepted the mission, to protect the goods? This, this seems to be your duty too?"

"It's not me who took over the mission. Is the mercenary group I belong to called Wufeng Nongyue?" Lin Beck sneered.

Bruce was taken aback for a moment, and it was the mercenary next to him who reacted quickly and elbowed him, and then he recovered and took out an exquisite card.

"No, of course not! I'm sorry, I have troubled the great magister Linbeck, this should honor your old man!"

This kind of card is a common currency storage card in Xingluo Continent. There is an identification circle inside, which can be used to withdraw money from the bank. In many more developed places, the card can also be used to pay directly.

"Be careful with the next delivery. If there is any problem, I will come to trouble you. It will not be solved by money." Lin Beck put away the card and did not forget to turn around and threaten him. Demeanor!

Ya Nongjing went up to meet him and said angrily, "I'll give you this little money. Why are you saving it for the Nangong family? It's not good for your image. Nangonghua is not short of this little money."

Ah? Nangong Hua, who was at the side, just ordered his servants to make preparations for the journey again. He also witnessed the whole process. He didn't expect this matter to be related to him, so he had to take a few steps forward.

"Whoever saves them, this is what I deserve. I don't want to ride a horse when I go home later, so I must get some money to buy a carriage." Lin Beck said proudly.

Well, Nangonghua backed away silently again, and implemented the three-no policy of not seeing, not listening, and not thinking about the extremely stingy behavior of this tall man.

Bruce and the others also changed from flattering expressions to vague contempt.

Ya Longjing can only admire him so much, he really deserves to be Lin Beck, who can provoke a lot of black fans wherever he goes!
"He was being rude to us before punishing them. His behavior was just a little childish." Nangong Feng came over to talk to Ya Longjing.

He can ignore what outsiders think of Lin Beck, but Ya Longjing already regards him as one of his own, and his own people should not misunderstand Lin Beck.

"Okay." Ya Longjing shrugged. In fact, he guessed it too, but he just couldn't see Lin Becker provoked so many black fans.

The great magister himself doesn't want to image himself, so what else can he say.

What happened later, Nangonghua took people to find the mine that had been robbed before, and let Bruce and the others continue to be bodyguards, marching towards the Tost Empire in a mighty way.

After these things, Yuan Feiwu and the others did not follow any more, separated here, and continued walking to where they were going.

Lin Beck really went to find a carriage and asked the groom to take him back to Muduo City.

This search took him almost a day, because when he got in the car, he asked the groom if he could swipe his card?

How can there be a carriage that can swipe a card!
All the people who greeted him said that they would not let him get in the car.

In the end, Lin Beck didn't make a difference, and simply said that he would send the card to whomever he sent himself to the destination.Anyway, he was unhappy if he didn't spend the money, and Ya Nongjing almost thought that his personality was split. Before, he wanted to be tolerant of the world in his heart, but he didn't expect to be the most annoyed.

It's a pity that no groom is willing to accept the business after sending the card out. Who knows how much money is in the card!Ask Lin Beck, Lin Beck himself said he didn't know, who would dare to accept such a business!
This is what greeted him.

Later, it was still a broken carriage that hadn't received business for a long time, and was willing to fight for it once, so Lin Beck got into the car.Lin Beck gave him the card when he got in the car, and said, congratulations, you can change to a new carriage.

Fortunately, the groom held back this time and didn't call him crazy.

After saying goodbye to Lin Beck, the Wufeng Nongyue mercenary group set out on their own path again.This time they plan to visit the place where they started, Northway.

There was no rush on the road, starting slowly from the southernmost tip of the Bagal Empire and heading towards the Great Abyss of Stunled, the northernmost tip of the Star Luo Continent.

Walking and playing like this, more than half a year has passed, and I have encountered many different situations in the world on the road, which has precipitated everyone's xinxing.

Half a year later, they set foot on the northernmost tip of Star Luo Continent.

The city here, the closer it is to the north side of Northway, the more desolate it is.

Perhaps due to the natural hostility towards the orcs and the demons, even profit-seeking businessmen are reluctant to stay and operate so close to the demons and orcs continent, which shows how difficult the living environment here will be.

Ropa City, a city with little vitality, a city with not many residents, is the last city in the northernmost part of Star Luo Continent.After leaving the city and walking north for a few hours, you will arrive at the most famous landmark in the mortal world-Stonled Great Abyss.

It is rumored that standing on the edge of the Great Abyss of Stonley and looking down, you can only see endless darkness. Many people came back after seeing it and said that it is like an interface connected to the devil world, as if there is a devil world immediately after one more glance The demon god drilled out from inside.

But many people can't see all this.

The city wall to the north of Ropa City is towering, the city gate is closed all the year round, and is heavily guarded by soldiers, prohibiting all people from entering or leaving.If you can't go out from here, you won't be able to reach the Great Abyss of Stonley.Of course, this refers to ordinary people, sky warriors or masters above the level of magisters, who can fly around unimpeded wherever they want. In theory, there is no place in the world that they cannot go to.

These people are exceptions.

Northway blocked the exit of the north city of Ropa City. This behavior is understood by all human races. Firstly, it prevents spies from reporting among the three clans. It is also guarded by heavy soldiers, so it will not be broken in a single stab.

Yuan Feiwu and others came to the north gate of Luopa City to watch it for a long time with great interest. Finally, when the guards felt suspicious and prepared to question him, they left, and Ya Nongjing was in a cold sweat.

He was afraid that these guys would be interested, so he wanted to rush over to have a look!
Although Nangongfeng and Xueyue can fly over, they can figure it out with their buttocks. Aren't the beast race and demon race on the other side of the abyss worried that Xingluo Continent will send people to attack them?There must be heavy guards over there. If you don't have full confidence and understanding of the situation, you may fall into the opponent's way.

Just like his own side of the Great Abyss of Stonley, there are also various surveillance circles monitoring 24 hours a day, and it is not easy for anything to sneak over.

Unless...unless you know the distribution of the surveillance array very well.

This unless is a problem that the whole human race is worried about.But this exception only fell on Nuo Siwei's head, which made Ya Longjing very helpless.

As the first guardian of the demon or orc invasion, if you don't do well, you will be the first to destroy Northway. If you do well, that is a must.At the end of the Great Abyss of Stonley, we must strictly guard against the invasion of the demon spies. If you do well, you should do it well.

It's really a thankless place...

A few people found a hotel and planned to have something to eat in the restaurant on the first floor, but the sky darkened.For accommodation, I decided to stay upstairs here.

Apart from them, there were only two or three other tables of guests in the restaurant, and Xiaoer was so busy that he was almost playing professionally.

After finding a place to stay for the night, the few of them ate without any hassle. While eating, Ya Longjing complained about Northway's bitterness of guarding the Great Abyss of Stonley all these years.

Even the Xiao Er, who was beating the flies, felt the same way and came over to respond. It was rare for an outsider to come, and the Xiao Er also wanted to get closer and chat with everyone.

It happened that someone called for the bill, so Xiao Er reluctantly ran to pay the bill.He didn't really want to get close to the guests at that table, they were all wrapped in black cloaks, looking gloomy.But he had to pay the bill, so he had to say hello.

"Now it seems that Nuo Siwei has suffered a lot. But if the demons, beasts and humans get along well and open trade, Nuo Siwei will benefit the most from Star Luo Continent, right?" Source Seeing that Ya Longjing was interrupted by someone else's bill, Fei Wu said leisurely, "There may be a matching opportunity hidden in a huge crisis. It depends on how you turn the crisis into a good opportunity."

The two people who paid the bill were wrapped in cloaks. After paying the bill, they happened to walk to their table and paused when they heard this.

The slender one looked back at Yuan Feiwu, a pair of purple-purple eyes on his fair face met Yuan Feiwu's black pupils.

Both of them were amazed at each other's purely beautiful eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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