Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 614 Isn't the weird behavior really a 2nd disease?

Chapter 614 Isn't the weird behavior really a secondary illness?

The frolicking here at Wufengnongyue was over, and the few of them casually strolled around Ropa City, taking in some bleak night scenes, and returned to their guest rooms to rest.

The guest room is just above the restaurant where they had dinner. This hotel is old, and many of the wooden floors have decayed. They can already feel the shaking of the building when they go up to the fourth floor.

Hmm, dangerous building.

Yuan Feiwu gave a very pertinent evaluation.

The four of them lived in a guest room. Anyway, everyone has a good relationship, and they can squeeze in just one night.

As soon as he entered the room, Nangong Feng asked Yuan Feiwu, after meeting someone else at dinner, he became dazed, did he feel like he was in love?What does that person look like?It can't be a man, can it?If so, how can you embarrass that tsundere little beauty?
That is to say, Nangongfeng is more concerned about Yuan Feiwu's love life, always thinking about how to make him open up about his own affairs.

"Only your wild thoughts are rippling. I'm thinking about something, about the scenery." Yuan Feiwu said.

"Me? It's none of my business?" Ya Nongjing was about to say that he would attack himself in groups whenever he chatted on weekdays, but it was rare to attack Yuan Feiwu at the beginning of the game tonight. This was a pretty good start, and then Yuan Feiwu turned the gunfire to himself.

"A great thing, a thing that makes you famous through the ages. I hope you can become the king of Northway, the king of the entire human race, and fight against foreign enemies. You have been able to take charge of yourself. It is time to tell you something. Understand. Of course, this is only based on your personal wishes, but we will do our best to assist you by your side."

"Don't say it so exaggeratedly, we are all brothers, don't say whether to support or not. Why did the atmosphere suddenly become so serious! Also, what kind of foreign enemy?" Ya Longjing felt it for the first time in Dancing Wind and Moon. to such a depressing atmosphere.

Yuan Feiwu felt that it was time to talk to him about the bastard's dominance, and suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

Xue Yue frowned suddenly, and stared down: "They are below."

This lousy hotel is so dilapidated that even Ya Longjing can easily sense the scene below.It's just that they generally obey the rules and don't easily explore the privacy of people in other rooms.Moreover, in the design of general hotels, each room will have a shielding circle independently. The hotel here belongs to the negative five-star level, and it is already very lucky not to collapse.

"It's not good to look at other people's privacy casually, right?" Ya Nongjing said honestly.

"something wrong."

Xueyue is not a person who likes to pry into other people's privacy, but he paid attention to the subtle movements of the two cloaked men during the previous dinner.When he saw them going up the stairs, he probably lived in this hotel. After he moved in, he explored a bit, but he didn't expect that they were just downstairs.After exploring, they found that there was something strange about them, which made everyone pay attention.

Xue Yue's tone didn't sound like a joke, the others didn't take it seriously, they all lay down and held their breath, Yuan Feiwu hastily set up a shielding circle.

At this time, Ya Longjing sensed the situation downstairs regardless of whether it was impolite or not.

The taller cloaked man in the house had already taken off his cloak, revealing his long gray hair falling over his shoulders.Wearing light black light armor on his body, half-kneeling on the ground and looking up in one direction, with one hand resting on his knee, the other hand hangs down naturally, like a lifelike statue of a general, which is daunting.

"Is he holding some strange ceremony?" Nangong Feng asked softly.

"I don't know, it feels like I'm praying." Yuan Feiwu also had something he didn't know, "But everyone, be careful, this guy is very strong."

Very strong, this is Yuan Feiwu's definition for him.

If Yuan Feiwu only used the strength of God of War in the Mortal Realm, it would take a little effort to subdue this guy, and it was hard to guarantee that it would not cause a huge sensation.Ropa City is heavily deployed here. If there is a big trouble, he will probably be driven to the Demon Race as a spy of the fallen angel, right?
Nangongfeng and Xueyue frowned a little when they heard this, it was the first time they heard from Yuan Feiwu that the other party was very strong.

You must know that when he mentioned Douglas, the great magister of light, he just said "not bad"!

Ya Longjing, on the other hand, has been distracted by the question of whether he is strong or not, because he always feels that he has seen this scene somewhere.After thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly raised his head when he thought that Nangongfeng and the others felt bored and planned to ignore this person.

Nangongfeng was startled when he saw that Ya Nongjing suddenly turned pale, and quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

"Fallen angels!" Ya Longjing felt a little parched, "It's fallen angels! No wonder I feel like a picture! When I was young, I heard my parents tell about some little habits of fallen angels. Once the wings are out, they will no longer lie down to sleep, squat down, or bend over to breathe, because that will lower their heads that they think are noble. When resting, they will only half-kneel on the ground and face up reverently. West, to express the high respect for Lucifer, the ancestor of the fallen angels. These are the behaviors and behaviors that the fallen angels are proud of, and ordinary people can’t learn it! After listening to their introduction, I had a fantasy in my mind at that time past that scene."

"He looks like this now..."

Ya Longjing took a few breaths, trying to calm down his beating heart.

Why do fallen angels appear in Ropa City!How did he escape all the monitoring circles set up by Northway!

Xueyue and Nangongfeng were also shocked. If this is really a fallen angel, then there are many hidden problems.

Yuan Feiwu was not surprised at all, he knew who the other party was from the first time he met at dinner, but the fallen angels existed differently in his eyes and in the eyes of mortals.In the eyes of the human race in the mortal world, they are demons; in the eyes of Yuan Feiwu, they are just a part of the mortal world.

The human race and the demon race are hostile, but Yuan Feiwu is not hostile to them.His purpose, on the contrary, is to help all the races in the mortal world become stronger and unite, so as to contribute to the fight against the Chaos Lord in the future.

The master of chaos, in fact, even Yuan Feiwu is not sure that he can deal with it. The lack of information can only make Yuan Feiwu gather all the power that he can't use.Like Athena, he trusted the Creator God in every possible way, but Yuan Feiwu couldn't do it. The experience of growing up in Yuan's parents made him not trust a person he had never even met. He would consider making good use of his own Strength, that is real.

And the one downstairs, with his strength, will inevitably occupy the main position in the future forces against the Chaos Lord in the Mortal Realm. Of course, it is impossible for Yuan Feiwu to see him appearing in a place where the human race will scream and kill him.

But his appearance here is probably not good news for Yuan Feiwu who wants to unite the three clans.

It's just that Yuan Feiwu is the first time to hear that the fallen angels of the Demon Race still have these strange habits, and even the real fallen angels of the Demon World don't have so many troubles.Those fallen angels in the demon world should lie down and fall down, but they are indeed more narcissistic and arrogant than other creatures.How these fallen angels in the mortal world have formed such a more ritualistic habit over the years is really unknown to Yuan Feiwu. When I go back, I wonder if Lucifer will despise the descendants of these fallen angels.It sounds like I have suffered from the second-degree disease of direct vision!
And most importantly, although Lucifer is the ancestor of the fallen angels, it is normal for them to believe in Lucifer, but the word "West" in Lucifer's name does not mean that Lucifer lives in the west!Can you really convey your respect to him by paying homage to the west?
Yuan Feiwu smiled wryly.

(End of this chapter)

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