Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 627 The Appearance of Dark Cuisine

Chapter 627 The Appearance of Dark Cuisine

"Yes!" The team leader quickly responded, and then gave some instructions to his subordinates, and he personally brought Captain Belun into the city of Yoma.

As soon as Belun and his men entered the city gate, the guards at the city gate immediately deployed several more teams of soldiers because of his arrival.After all, Bielun was the head of the Tianlong Army and one of the pillars of the First Army. Such a leader must be more careful when he comes to such a dangerous place.

But it is impossible for Belun not to disturb others, at least the deputy head will definitely come to greet him.The team leader ordered his subordinates to call the deputy team leader quickly.

"Captain Belun! Why didn't you notify us in advance so that we could send someone to respond when it's time? There are raging fires nearby, it's too dangerous for you to bring so few people with you!" Lead them to a house that was prepared early in the morning.It was a large courtyard with several single-family villas, enough for all of them to live in.

"The commanders of the Second Army Corps have personally led the troops to station outside the city to prepare for the battle. As a regiment commander, don't I take the lead? When I come to the front line, I need someone to pick me up. So when I go to the battlefield, do I have to build a few human walls? Protecting you? You are troublesome. When I was born and died with Commander Marens on the battlefield, you didn’t know where to play with your crotch. You need someone to take care of such a trivial matter? Cowardly like a bitch, no wonder you are being picked up by others Beat the crap!" Hearing what the deputy head said, Bielun really lost his temper.

A long time ago, when the demons and beasts were not stable, and there were small frictions between the three kingdoms from time to time, these soldiers were full of enthusiasm and fearless. When encountering a little bit of war, the officers rushed faster than the soldiers, and the generals rushed faster than the soldiers. The official is quick, there is no one who is greedy for life and afraid of death.Up to now, these years of peace have made these soldiers under him become unemployed.What I think about is not how to fight a good war, but how to please the leader, how to flatter, and make some fake things.

"Yes!" What else can the deputy head say, the head can scold him as much as he likes, "Boe Lun, you have worked hard all night, I'm going to ask the leader to prepare some food for you."

"I've already asked people to call. If you go, you will definitely trouble the gang leaders to make a big show in the middle of the night. I will let them make something casually. You go back and rest. Tomorrow, call me all the soldiers and senior generals, and open it once." Operation meeting." Belun took off his cloak, sat down on the sofa, and breathed a deep sigh of relief.

Bie Lun's expression was a little sluggish, and he felt a little tired even if he was a high-level land warrior.

Those who are headed or not, don't necessarily have to be above the sky warriors.Some warriors are powerful, but that doesn't mean they are good at leading troops. Like most regiment leaders or legion leaders nowadays, their practice is nothing more than land warriors or great magicians.

"I'm not tired, I can't sleep anyway, let's chat with you here." The deputy head said quickly.

Tired and can't sleep!Who knows if the head of the group will be dissatisfied for a while, and he will be charged without even a chance to explain when he is not there.

"Can't sleep? Okay, if we can't sleep, let's talk about it. Where did the big yard I live in come from? Are we here to enjoy life? We are here to fight! We live wherever you live, Do you want to live in a commoner’s house, where do others live?”

"Captain Beelun, you really misunderstood me, I'm not a robber!" The vice-captain was depressed, as expected, he would be attacked if he stayed, "This is the property of a relative of a certain royal family. Seeing the hard work of our garrison, we will open it to us for free. use."

"It's free for us to use? How can you be so kind and want to sell favors to ask for a relationship?" Bielun sneered.

"That's right, so you see, I didn't even say his name. You can take it for granted that you don't know, Captain Belun. I'll just take care of this favor. A set of courtyards wants us to owe you a favor, of course. No way!" The deputy head laughed.

The deputy head can become the deputy head, and of course he and Bielun have gone through life and death together, and they are also close friends brought out by Bielun.The head of the regiment couldn't help being happy when he heard the cunning of his trusted veteran.Anyway, those rich kids have a lot of money and a lot of property, so Bielun doesn't mind borrowing it for the legion to use.

"It's fine to lend us the vacant house generously. If you dare to ask the common people for the house, see if I won't hack you!"

"Of course! I can't do this! I'll take you to see it tomorrow. All of us live in tents by ourselves. If there is a house, it's either left for us by the people who have escaped the chaos, or we rent it. The vacant house, absolutely do not bully the common people!"

"I don't dare to forgive you!"

While the two were chatting and laughing, Beelun's guard brought over a big bowl after a while.

"The gang leader works very fast." Beelun saw that it didn't take long, and the delicious food was served, "Don't you keep letting people make things and wait for me?"

"Of course not. What you know about the last general is that the chief soldiers are on duty in turn. We will never do extravagant and wasteful things!" the deputy head said hastily.

"It's hard work for them. It should be like this, just make some food, this time it will be good."

The deputy head hadn't heard praise for a long time, and he didn't expect to get a compliment from the head of the group by relying on the cooking of the gang leader, and he was a little bit dumbfounded.He is a soldier, so he should hear praise for his deeds on the battlefield!
Then when he raised his head, his face immediately darkened.

What kind of thing did Nima serve up!Some large pieces of bread were soaked in a puddle of unknown light yellow mud. He knew that it would be easier when he ordered the fire soldiers to make something for the regiment leader to eat, but it couldn't be done like this!
And even though Bielun spoke words of praise, his expression didn't seem to be very interested in the bowl of food in front of him, and the deputy head was even more angry!

"Commander Belun, don't eat that thing, wait a moment, I'll let the firehead soldier do it again!"

The deputy head said, and ran away in a huff, Bielun didn't even have time to stop.

"It's not easy for Huotoubing, I quite understand. You catch up and ask the deputy head not to embarrass the brother of Huotoubing. Also, whoever of you is so hungry that you are willing to eat this stuff, eat it. I don't see it. Appetite." Bielun sighed and said to the guard.

Looking at the disgusting bowl of stuff in front of him, he couldn't swallow it, but he didn't want to trouble the fire leader to keep busy with him in the middle of the night, so he planned to go to bed earlier.

"Captain Belun, before sending it over, my subordinates tasted a little bit, and it's actually not as bad as you imagined. And the Firehead Soldier has made a lot, and it's already been shared among everyone." The guard said suddenly.

"Haha, it's really embarrassing for you. You have to taste this scary-looking thing first! Besides, you are all my brothers, and you are afraid that the fire fighters will poison me to death!" Bielun joked, listening to the guards Having said that, I reluctantly poked a piece of bread into my mouth with my eyes closed.

The soft bread is a bit warm, and the saliva will melt away as soon as it touches the saliva in the mouth. At the same time, there is a strong peanut fragrance in the mouth.When Bielun swallowed the scent with some reluctance, bursts of light lemon scent invaded his taste buds again.

It took him a long time to take a deep breath, and felt that all the fatigue was gone after this breath.

"It's a strange taste, but it's good!" Captain Belun didn't need the guards to say anything more, and quickly used a fork to sweep everything in the bowl, whether it was bread or mud, into his mouth.

"It's a pity, if the bread is made with a crispy taste, it will definitely be better! It's soft and tasteless!" Bielun said after eating.

"I said the same thing at the time, but the fire leader said that it is better for us to eat softer food if we are fasting for a long time." The guard appreciated that the fire leader knew how to care about their health, and said quickly, "He said next time If there is a chance to make crispy bread again, let the group leader try it."

"Okay! In fact, the soft ones are also delicious! Haha! Is there any more, this is not enough!" Bie Lun laughed.

Being able to eat such great food in the middle of the night made him feel much more energetic and in a good mood.

"It's gone, it's all over. If you wait later, they should give me some left, and I'll get it for you..."

"Forget it, let's do it next time, next time I want to eat crispy ones! You go to the deputy head first and don't torment the firefighter anymore, go back and rest, and we'll talk about other things tomorrow!"


Seeing that the regiment leader was very energetic, the guard also smiled and retreated.

On the other side of the kitchen, the deputy head rushed in angrily, and saw the battalion commander Lyndridge, who was the firefighter, lying on a pile of straw in the corner, sleeping soundly, and just walked over.

"How dare you sleep with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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