Chapter 63
Congratulations on your further advancement in your career, tonight at the same time and place.

After Rupert read the note, it turned into powder.This is a small magical effect often done by magicians who convey information, and Rupert is not surprised.

That night, as usual, Rupert was in a certain dormitory, playing dirty and slightly dirty jokes with a few captains who usually come and go.Not long after, he found an excuse to sneak out of the dormitory, covered his breath and ran out of the palace, to a desolate hillside near the city.

Blue light armor, a majestic orange cloak on the back, and a huge sapphire on the saber at the waist. This should be a high-spirited look, but at this moment Rupert's face is heavy.

"Here we come? Why are you not happy about becoming the youngest vice-captain since the peaceful era?"

Opposite Rupert, suddenly appeared a rickety black shadow shrouded in black shadows, silently, if Rupert's Sky Warrior-level strength had no strong sense of the surroundings, he would definitely mistakenly think that he has always been At this.

"It's just the deputy captain, what's there to be happy about?"

Rupert said coldly, but his body subconsciously gave a knightly salute to the crooked shadow.

"I almost forgot, you are the man who is going to be the commander-in-chief of the human race, jie jie jie jie..."

The black shadow's laughter was like a crow being strangled by the throat, eerie and terrifying.

"It's not funny."

"When Alexander was going to promote you, didn't you look grateful? I thought it was something to be happy about, don't get me wrong." The crooked black figure said hastily, shaking his hands.

Rupert's heart skipped a beat. There were only him and the king in the palace. How did he know what was going on inside?

When Alexander promoted himself at that time, he really felt a sense of gratitude in his heart, and even had a feeling of enthusiasm, intending to die in allegiance.

This passion filled his head before he saw the little note, which was the pride of the Royal Guards of the Northway Empire.

So, is he here to wake himself up, lest he be overwhelmed by the blood?

Rupert suddenly recalled the past with these guys.

That was when Rupert was still an Earth Knight in his thirties, not long after he became a squadron leader.

But he couldn't feel the joy of being a new official at all. The discussion around him was that he, the second generation official, was promoted again by relying on his father's relationship.

Rupert wanted to refute, but couldn't.

His resume is useless.

Rupert thinks he is not a second-generation waste official, but he has the noble blood of the Coffey family flowing in his body!The Kofis, young and old, are all members of the Royal Guards. Grandpa is the head coach of the Royal Guards, and his father is the first captain of the Royal Guards. It can be said that the Kofis are the confidantes of King Alexander!

The blood of the Coffey family is definitely not useless!Not to mention the second generation of officials who depend on relationships!

So Rupert works harder and harder than anyone else, and he wants to prove to others that he can stand on his own!
The hunched black shadow came to the door just when he regained his energy.

Just like tonight, on a pitch-black night, this crooked figure appeared in his dormitory silently.When he was about to draw his sword to attack, he spoke in his deep voice.

"You will never be able to surpass the achievements of your grandfather or your father in your life. At most, you can only reach the same status as them. Even so, you can only be covered by their light. Can your name be remembered by others? A joke, people will only say that this is the successor of the giant of the Coffey family, that's all."

The words of the rickety shadow hit Rupert's inner fragility hard, and that was what he was most worried about.

The chief coach of the Royal Guards, the chief captain of the Royal Guards, his own achievements are nothing more than that.

They are the founders of what the Coffey family has achieved today. People will remember their names, but they are just inheritance.

"I don't want to! I want to create more brilliant achievements than them!" Rupert shouted frantically.

"Of course, for example... the commander-in-chief of the human race, what do you think?"

"Human Commander?" Rupert asked doubtfully.

"After the three countries are unified into one country, the commander-in-chief of all soldiers. Of course, it is not your turn to be the king, but it is not bad for one person to be under one person and above ten thousand. Note that it is the one under one person in the entire human race. He is above people. Is he more prestigious than old Coffey, the head coach of the Praetorian Guards?"

The tone of the rickety black shadow was extremely gentle, as if it was tempting Rupert's heart.

"Hmph, give up, I won't betray my country." Rupert snorted coldly.

"Oh, no! No one told you to betray your country! You are so naive and cute! Isn't the person who most wants to unify the three countries the most respected King Alexander of the Northway Empire? But he has ambition but no courage, We must help him create some courage and start the first step of the great unification!"

"Nonsense! Even if the human race is unified, when will the commander-in-chief of the human race get my turn?"

"If you are willing to assist us, the human commander will certainly be your turn..."

The stooped black figure suddenly took off his cloak and hat, revealing his frighteningly wrinkled and pale face.

Rupert was frightened back a few steps, covering his mouth with his hands to prevent himself from shouting, his pupils trembling violently.

"Old... Your Majesty the old king! You... Didn't you die?"

Hearing this address, the rickety black shadow grinned, revealing his broken and black teeth, making him look even more eerie.Then quickly put on the cloak again, covering the whole body airtightly.

"I'm just tired. I asked you young people to inject fresh blood into the Northway Empire. Unfortunately, I don't think the effect is very good. Alexander is capable, but his character is not decisive enough to kill. He needs some external stimulation. Light the fuse, and then, boom! The human race is united! With me here, do you think I can't let you be the commander of the human race after the Northway Empire rules the entire human race?"

"of course not!"

Rupert finally woke up from the shock, and hurriedly knelt down on one knee and performed a knightly salute to the crooked shadow.

Although the old king is no longer a king, if he comes out and gives any decree, Alexander must implement it.

It's not that the current king respects the old king and is willing to obey the old king's orders, but because of strength!The strength possessed by the old king cannot be resisted by the current king!
A part of the retired military officers above the sky warrior level will choose to live in a secret valley in the Northway Empire, where they will try to break through the level of the God of War or the Holy Spirit, and go to the heavens to become a god through the void.Although they no longer intervene in the affairs of the Northway Empire, they will belong to the abdicated kings of the past, and once the Northway Empire encounters a crisis of extinction, they will break through.

As a result, the Northway royal family gave them a title - the Shield of Northway.

Although the retired old officers are not young, they are at least above the level of sky warriors, and there may even be a few sword masters or great magisters who are not known to the outside world, and their strength cannot be estimated.

With Northway's shield as the backing, the old king let alone let Rupert be the commander-in-chief of the human race, even if he asked Alexander to abdicate to the virtuous, it was just a matter of one sentence.

"Of course, you are only one of the candidates. Whether you can become the commander-in-chief of the human race depends on your contribution. Are you willing to abandon the benevolence of the world and serve the unified human race of the Northway Empire? What you do will be extremely dirty and darkness, my forces will escort you."

"I am willing! For Northway!" Rupert excitedly said.

The rickety black shadow laughed strangely in satisfaction, and left as silently as when he came.

From that time to the present, Rupert was ordered to do many things in secret that could not be seen in the light. At this time, he was called out by the rickety shadow again, and Rupert even resisted a little.

He was slightly shaken by the decision he made at the beginning, but he had no chance to turn back.

(End of this chapter)

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