Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 634 The Side Effect of Losing Lord Demon King Begins

Chapter 634 The Side Effect of Losing Lord Demon King Begins
Silas took Yuan Feiwu to the arsenal, where the guards were originally from Silas's army group. When they saw Silas' arrival, they saluted and moved away from both sides.

"How many times have I told you that even if the emperor and I come, you still have to check what should be asked!"

Seeing how well-behaved the guards were, Silas was furious.The state-owned French army has military regulations, and if you fail to perform your duties in the barracks, you are not called clever, but you have no military regulations!It's really embarrassing to be seen while flying with Yuan.

"Yes!" Several guards reacted quickly and quickly returned to their positions, "This is the forbidden area of ​​the military camp. What's the matter with Captain Silas's visit?"

"Captain Coleridge and I brought a... technician from the Tianlong Army to check the equipment."

Halfway through Silas's speech, he really couldn't continue. The captain of their family was actually just a transport soldier. He was very worthless for Yuan Feiwu, so he really wanted to go crazy and grab the leader of the Tianlong Army and beat him up.

He will make the guys in the Tianlong Army regret treating their captain like this!Even if Yuan Feiwu took the initiative to go to the grassroots, they shouldn't have the ability to know the pearl and look like a blind man!Keep your eyes open and take a good look at this handsome guy. If you use him well, why do you suffer so many defeats!

"Please show your ID!"

Silas and Coleridge handed over their military ID cards, and Yuan Feiwu also carried his soldier ID card. The information on it had not been changed in time, and he belonged to the Huotou Army.According to the legend, isn't a chef who doesn't want to be a coolie transporter a good guy? !Silas glanced at it and felt like crying, Captain, you really sneaked into the "basic level" to understand the basics!Especially the "basic" kind!

The guard glanced at the ID seriously, and said, "Come in, please!"

Entering the warehouse, Yuan Feiwu glanced around first.

There are indeed all the common standard equipment, and there are not many types.The saber is the most common, and the equipment is mainly light leather armor.

"I need to spend some time, you guys have to get busy." Yuan Feiwu picked up a saber casually, drew it out of its sheath, and carefully looked at the shape and sharpness of the blade.

As a commonly used weapon, the sword's forging level is already quite good, and if he spends time making adjustments to the sword's forging technology, it may be difficult to improve it much.If all the equipment is like this, it will be difficult to deal with, indicating that the army of the Northway Empire cannot get better results from the existing basis.

"Okay, I'll go out and say hello to the guards. Tell them directly if you have anything to do, and ask them to find me." Silas said, and hurried away.

With Yuan Feiwu's suggestion, he hurried to take a stroll around Xiangmai City to digest the knowledge.Moreover, it is appropriate to contact the First Legion for cooperation and arrange for the removal and replacement of defenses. These must be done immediately.

"Fei Wu, then I will retreat first. If there is anything to do, you can ask the guards to tell me, and I will come right away." Coleridge quickly said that he also has a lot of things to do.

"Wait, bring me a pen and paper. I'll write you a letter later and post it for me."

While talking, Yuan Feiwu looked at the second set of weapons and equipment, which turned out to be a cavalry suit.

His eyes lit up when he saw him.

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll bring it right away. Who do you want to send it to?" Coleridge asked while running to hurry, and rushed out of the warehouse while speaking.



The guards outside watched as Coleridge flung himself across the street with his face on the ground.

Just now he said with enthusiasm that he would die for Yuan Feiwu, and he thought that his status was already a very good help for Yuan Feiwu.As a result, the person I want to contact after casually looking at the arms is the prince. I suddenly feel that I am a little unqualified to stand beside Yuan Feiwu and fight side by side?The starting point for people to find helpers is quite high!
In the evening, the kitchen of the military area in Yoma City.

Because the newly recruited soldiers were slowly transferred to other places for training, the number of soldiers in the city was not as many as the previous two days, and the workload of the gang leaders finally dropped a lot.

It was time to prepare dinner, and Commander Linrich was very busy, trying his best to stir-fry the dishes in the hot pot.But his mind wasn't on the dishes at all, he was still worrying about the fact that the recruit had secretly cooked dark dishes for Captain Belun the night before yesterday.

After that day, the deputy head left with a harsh word and left.But after almost two days, no one was sent to ask him to be held accountable. Does it mean that this matter was just taken away?

While thinking about it absent-mindedly, Lin Rich suddenly heard the subordinate who was cutting vegetables outside shouting: "Good afternoon, Mr. Deputy Head!"

This is a secret code that any group in any part of the world has. As long as a higher-level leader comes down to make an inspection, the first person who sees it must say hello loudly to let those who have not seen it know.Regardless of whether there is a problem with what you are doing now, it is always a good thing if a leader comes to remind you.

Lin Rich's heart skipped a beat when he heard that, what was supposed to come would always come, but he didn't expect that the deputy head would come here in person again, it seemed that things were making a big fuss!
Not long after, the deputy head came into the kitchen, and after responding to the greetings of the gang leaders one by one, motioned Linrich to come out.He hastily gave up the pot in front of him to others, and rushed out with a big belly in his hands.

"What's the matter, deputy head?" Linrich wiped his hands on the apron and asked uneasily.

"Um... what happened last time, Captain Belun didn't blame you." The deputy head faltered a bit.

"That's great! Commander Belun really has a lot of adults, please tell the deputy commander to help us, and I will definitely not make the same mistake next time!"

Hearing what Lin Rich said, the deputy head felt even more uncomfortable.

What happened that night, the deputy head immediately went to wait in front of Bie Lun's room with breakfast the next morning, and immediately planned to explain it when Bie Lun got up.Unexpectedly, Belun laughed and interrupted the deputy head, saying that the food made by the gang leaders last night was very delicious, and the cooking skills of the gang leaders were quite good.

The deputy head looked confused, so does this mean praise?

But does that thing look like something you can eat!Captain Belun said it was delicious, so maybe his tongue is broken?

Maybe it was to comfort myself, and I don't want to pursue it if I give a step-up guy... The deputy head thinks the possibility is the highest.

I thought this matter would be left alone, but I didn't expect that Belun found him again this afternoon, saying that there would be an impromptu combat meeting tonight, and he specified that the mud bread crumbs from that night would be used as a midnight snack.This made the deputy head depressed. That day he scolded Lin Liqi and dropped harsh words, but Bie Lun didn't blame him. He felt that his subordinates would laugh at him behind his back for making a fuss, so he didn't think about how to deal with Lin Li Qi said.Now he still wants to return the food that he made that night. Doesn't this prove that Captain Belun was very satisfied with the food that night? On the contrary, he himself made trouble for nothing and made trouble for no reason and trained the gang leader!

Now the deputy leader's face is not very good, he just feels that he is being slapped in the face by piapiapia.Originally, he didn't have the face to come here in person, but thinking that he was the one who knew what happened that night, it would be better to come over and ask in person.I'm afraid Linrich misunderstood the meaning and made it into other foods, which would be even more self-defeating.

"Ahem, but don't be happy yet." After thinking about it, the deputy head changed his way of describing his purpose today, so that his face wouldn't be so swollen. "Head Belun said that he still wants to eat that thing tonight." This is to give you a chance, I hope you can seize the opportunity to do that well, and let Captain Belun see your progress."

"Huh?!" Linrich's facial features expanded rapidly, and his surprise almost burst out.

His current expression was exactly the same as the deputy head's feelings when he heard Bielun praise that lump that day.

Can that thing TM be eaten?Lin Rich kept asking himself in his mind, almost doubting his life.
"What's the matter, can't you complete the task assigned?" The deputy head frowned and shouted.

"Deputy head, I don't know how to do that!" Linrich had no choice but to tell the truth.


Don't rush to update, you don't know how harsh the environment the author is writing in, you don't know anything about power!
The laptop is broken again, this time it may be overhauled.Borrowed an old sister's bad computer to make do with code words, so everyone just make do with it.
(End of this chapter)

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